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An easy-to-follow guide to verifying your YouTube channel by phone or text
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Verifying your YouTube account grants you several benefits. When you get verified, you'll no longer have a 15-minute limit on video length. You'll also be able to link to external websites in annotations, go live, and create thumbnails for your videos. Verification must be done by phone, either by a text message or a voice call. Either way, you will receive a code to enter into the verification page. Verifying your YouTube account only takes only a couple of minutes and is easy to do. This wikiHow article teaches you how to verify your YouTube account using a computer, Android, iPhone, or iPad.

Things You Should Know

  • You can verify your YouTube account using a web browser on your computer or the mobile browser on your Android, iPhone, or iPad.
  • Go to https://www.youtube.com/verify and enter your phone number for a code.
  • Once you get the code in a text or a voice call, enter it into the verification page, and your account will be verified.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

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  1. Go to the https://www.youtube.com/verify in your web browser. You will be taken to a page to select your country and method of verification.
    • If you are not signed in to your YouTube account, you will be prompted to do so before proceeding.
    • You can also follow these steps using your browser on Android, iPhone, and iPad .
    • Verifying your account is different than getting a verification badge (checkmark). YouTube issues verification badges to official channels belonging to artists, companies, and public figures if they meet certain requirements. You can apply for a verification badge once your YouTube channel reaches 100,000 followers at https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/3046484 . [1]
  2. The next steps will change according to your selection, so make sure you select the right country.
  3. Both methods will provide you with a 6-digit verification code to enter on the page.
    • Some countries may be limited from receiving text messages from Google, in which case you will need to opt to verify using a voice call. [2]
  4. If you don't have a phone number to use, you can use a Google Voice phone number . [3]
  5. You will either receive a verification code by text message or automated phone call depending on the method you selected.
    • You should only have to wait a few seconds for either a text message or a phone call. If you do not receive the code within a reasonable time frame, you can request a new one.
    • Only 2 accounts may be verified per phone number per year. You will receive an error if you have reached this limit. [4]
  6. A message will display notifying you of the successful verification.
    • Once you verify your phone number, the associated YouTube channel is also verified!
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using New Features

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  1. Go to the features page in your web browser. You will be taken to a page that displays your account's various privileges. [5] Previously ineligible features will now be labeled "Enabled."
  2. Your rating status is displayed on this page under your username. After 3 infractions, your rating will lower and you may lose access to account benefits like uploading longer videos or live streaming.
    • A green status with a smiley face indicates a normal rating without infractions.
    • Checking your ratings is a good place to start if you are having problems taking advantage of new features.
  3. A video thumbnail is the preview image that displays on the video listing. You can now customize these during the upload process or add them to your existing uploads by going to YouTube Studio > Content , clicking the pencil icon, and choosing Upload thumbnail . [6]
  4. Now that you're verified, you'll be able to stream live on YouTube . To start live streaming, just click the video camera icon with a + symbol and select Go Live . [7]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    do you have to verify everyrime you use it
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    No, you only need to verify your account 1 time and then you'll be able to live stream and post 15-minute long videos.
  • Question
    How do I play over video in restricted mode?
    Community Answer
    You can either turn off restricted mode, or use unblocked YouTube. If none of these options are avaliable to you, use a MP4 converter.
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      • If you uploaded a video longer than 15 minutes before verifying your account, you'll be prompted to verify. Once verified, you will need to re-upload your video. [8]
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