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Definition, usage, examples, and similar phrases
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Terms like "vibe," "vibe with," and "vibing," are popping up all over the place, and we're here to explain what they mean. Read on for a comprehensive guide to these slang words and phrases, with examples and how to use them in conversations.

What does “vibe with” mean?

To “vibe with” someone means that you enjoy their company and feel comfortable in their presence. You’re happy when you’re around them, and your connection is natural and easy. For example, “I just met her, but I really vibe with her. It feels like we’ve known each other forever.”

Section 1 of 4:

“Vibe With” Meaning & Usage

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  1. Your connection feels natural and comfortable, and you feel very happy and at ease when you hang out. [1] Here are some examples of how to use the phrase in conversation:
    • “Thanks for setting me up on that date with your friend. We had a great connection, and I really vibe with her!”
    • “I made a new friend yesterday in line at the grocery store. He’s really cool, and I definitely vibe with him.”
    • “I was worried about starting my new job, but thankfully I really vibe with all my coworkers. Everyone is super nice.”
    • “I really vibe with our new professor. She made everyone feel really safe to speak up and ask questions in class.”
  2. If an object or location brings you a lot of joy or makes you feel safe, you “vibe with” it. For example, if you're trying out a new restaurant with your friends and you’re enjoying it, you could say, “I really vibe with this place! The energy and ambiance are great.” Here are some more examples:
    • “Wow, did you redo your bedroom? I totally vibe with the decor—it’s so relaxing!”
    • “I’m super picky about coffee shops, but I really vibe with the atmosphere in here. I think I may have found my new favorite place!”
    • “I was nervous to try out this new lipstick color because it’s pretty bold, but I actually vibe with it. I’m glad I branched out!”
    • “I really vibe with your outfit—you look amazing! Where did you get it?”
  3. If you don’t vibe with a person, place, or thing, this means that they make you feel unhappy or uncomfortable. For example, “I really didn’t vibe with the party last night. The energy was super off, so I left early.”
    • “I tried to give him a chance, but I didn’t vibe with him at all on our date last night. I’m gonna let him know I’m not interested.”
    • “I’ve tried to be friends with her, but we always end up getting into arguments. I just don’t think I vibe with her as a person.”
    • “I don’t really vibe with that bar. Every time I’ve gone there, the ambiance has been terrible.”
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Section 2 of 4:

Is it a good sign if your crush says they “vibe with” you?

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  1. It means that they like you a lot, and they feel comfortable and happy in your presence. [2] With this positive energy flowing between you two, there’s probably potential for your relationship to blossom into something more. Keep getting to know them and building your connection !
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What do “vibe” and "vibing" mean?

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  1. This can apply to places, objects, or people. [3] You can also say that someone or something has “good vibes” or “bad vibes” in general. [4]
    • “I went on a date yesterday, and the guy I met had such a cool vibe. I’m definitely gonna ask him out again.”
    • “The dinner party had a really weird vibe after the hosts got into a fight. Everyone was acting super awkward and uncomfortable the rest of the night.”
    • “I’ve only known my new roommate for a few weeks, but she has such good vibes. I feel super comfortable with her!”
    • “I get bad vibes from that guy. I think I’m going to tell my friend she should be careful about dating him.”
  2. If you’re “vibing” at a party, for example, you’re chilling out, enjoying yourself, and going with the flow in general. [5]
    • If you’re at a social gathering and someone asks if you’re having fun, you could say, “Yeah, totally! I'm vibing.”
    • Or, if you’re on a date and a friend texts you to ask how it’s going, you could say: “It’s going great! We’re vibing.”
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Section 4 of 4:

Similar Slang Phrases

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  1. “Catching a vibe” means picking up on the energies or emotions of a person or situation. [6] For example, “I caught the vibe that he wasn’t having a good day, so I gave him some space,” or “I met someone at the party last night, and I was definitely catching a flirtatious vibe. I might ask her out.”
    • “Catching a vibe” with someone can also mean meeting up with them in a romantic context. [7]
    • For example, if you matched with someone on a dating app, you could send a message that says, “Hey! Were you looking to catch a vibe tonight? We could meet up and grab some drinks or food if you’re free.”
  2. Saying “it’s a vibe” means you have a positive opinion of something. For example, if you really like what someone’s wearing, you could say, “I love your outfit. It’s such a vibe.”
    • “I was worried that this party would be lame, but it’s actually a vibe. I’m happy I came!”
    • “The string lights in your room create such a cozy atmosphere. It’s definitely a vibe.”
    • “It’s not the vibe”{endbold} On the flip side, saying something is “not the vibe” means you disapprove of it, or that it’s not cool or fun. For example, you could say, “I wanted to give this bar a chance, but no one’s dancing and people are acting really stuck-up. It’s not the vibe.”
    • “We were all exhausted after our twelve-hour flight, but she kept blasting really upbeat music on the way home from the airport. It was not the vibe.”
    • “I tried to enjoy the hike, but he just kept complaining the whole time about how hot the weather was. It was not the vibe.”
  3. If someone says the “vibes are off,” this means that a person or place has a weird energy. For example:
    • “I thought we were in a good place in our relationship, but now the vibes are off. He’s acting really weird and distant.”
    • “Do we have to stay at this party? I don’t know if it’s just me, but the energy in here is really weird and I feel like the vibes are off.”
  4. A “vibe check” is a popular social media slang phrase used to assess the energy of a person or situation. Passing a “vibe check” is a good thing—it means that there’s good, positive energy. You can also use this phrase to gauge someone’s mood or ask what they’re thinking, similar to “what’s up” or “how are you.” [8] Here are some examples:
    • “I heard you went on a first date last night! Did he pass the vibe check? Or will you be letting him down easily?”
    • “The party absolutely did not pass the vibe check. They didn’t have any snacks or drinks, and no one was socializing.”
    • “Okay, quick vibe check! Is everyone enjoying themselves, or should we head to a different bar?”
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