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Icy Hot is great at tackling muscle aches and pains, but what about when it hurts more than it helps? If you applied Icy Hot and it’s itching or burning, getting it off quickly is probably your top priority. In this article, we’ll tell you exactly how to wash Icy Hot off fast for instant relief. We’ll also share some safety information and general facts about Icy Hot to prevent irritation in the future.

Things You Should Know

  • Wash Icy Hot off quickly by using soap and warm water. If that doesn’t help, dip a cotton ball in olive oil and use it to neutralize the Icy Hot.
  • Icy Hot usually lasts for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Using too much Icy Hot can have adverse effects, so be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the package.
  • Limit applications to 3-4 times daily. Avoid putting Icy Hot on sunburned or irritated skin.
Section 1 of 4:

How to Wash Icy Hot off Quickly

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  1. Use warm, not hot, water, to quickly rinse off the Icy Hot. Add soap to fully remove the product and get it off your skin. [1]
    • Hot water opens up your pores, which can cause more pain and irritation. Stick to lukewarm water to remove Icy Hot quickly without any pain.
    • Some people have had success with dipping a cotton ball into olive oil and rubbing it over the affected area to neutralize the Icy Hot. While this isn’t an expert-backed method, rubbing olive oil onto your skin won’t make the pain worse, so it’s worth a try if soap and water doesn’t work.
    • Similarly, some people use petroleum jelly to neutralize the burning sensation of Icy Hot after they’ve washed it off. If you’re still feeling pain after washing off Icy Hot, put a thin layer of petroleum jelly onto your skin.
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Section 2 of 4:

How long does Icy Hot take to wear off?

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  1. Since you can reapply Icy Hot 3 to 4 times per day, the effects will only last a few hours at a time. If you’re wearing an Icy Hot patch, the effects will last for 8 to 12 hours. [2]
Section 3 of 4:

Is using too much Icy Hot dangerous?

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  1. While adding too much Icy Hot to your skin once or twice is fine, using a lot of Icy Hot for long periods of time can give you adverse effects. When you use too much Icy Hot, your body absorbs a lot more of the medicine inside than you need, which can lead to poisoning.
    • Since Icy Hot is a topical medication, swallowing it is very dangerous. If you or your child have swallowed Icy Hot, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
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Section 4 of 4:

How to Prevent Future Irritation

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  1. Always read the instructions on your Icy Hot, and follow the directions carefully. Spread a thin layer of Icy Hot on your skin, and rub it in until it’s fully absorbed. Don’t use Icy Hot more than 3 to 4 times per day. [3]
  2. If your skin is already red, rashy, or irritated, Icy Hot will only make it worse. Only use Icy Hot on clear skin that isn’t sunburned to avoid any pain. [4]
    • Try to avoid using Icy Hot after a hot shower, too. Since hot water opens up your pores, applying Icy Hot right afterwards can be too much for your skin, which can cause irritation.
  3. Other topical medications can have adverse effects when mixed with Icy Hot. If you’re using a topical medication on your skin, talk to your doctor before using Icy Hot. [5]
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      • In rare cases, Icy Hot can cause chemical burns. If your skin is red, blistered, or rashy for more than a day, make an appointment with your doctor.

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      Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about healing injuries, check out our in-depth interview with Jonathan Frank, MD .

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      • Kim M.

        Sep 14, 2023

        "I took a shower after using icy hot and didn't know why it hurt so bad! I'll never take a hot shower ..." more
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