What’s My Mindset?

Take this quiz to find out!

Have you ever wondered why you see the world the way you do? Well, Carol Dweck did. In the early 1970s, this American psychologist began to question the whys and hows behind the way people think and react in certain situations. With her research, she coined the terms fixed and growth mindsets and concluded that a person’s motivation stems from personal beliefs.

So, how motivated are you? Tell us which statements you agree and disagree with, and we’ll tell you if you have a fixed or growth mindset.

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Questions Overview

1. People can’t and won’t change.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
2. I’m either good at something or not.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
3. I can learn anything I want to learn.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
4. If a job sounds challenging, I’ll sign up for it right away.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
5. Intelligence is something you’re born with, and you can’t change that.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
6. I fear failure.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
7. The best athletes and artists were born talented.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
8. The harder you work at something, the better you’ll be at it.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
9. I don’t like trying new things. It’s stressful.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
10. Smart people don’t need to try hard.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
11. I like getting feedback about my performance, whether good or bad.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
12. I can’t change who I am, no matter how hard I try.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree

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If this sounds like you, you may find it hard to stay motivated. Since you know you can\u2019t change, what\u2019s the point of trying? This mindset keeps you grounded, but it may also hold you back. Try focusing on the positives<\/a> and the value of a journey rather than the end result. After all, some say the trip is more fun than the destination.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-a-Growth-Mindset"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Motivate-Yourself"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Develop a Growth Mindset","id":8412302,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-a-Growth-Mindset","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/b2\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-12.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-12.jpg","alt":"How to Develop a Growth Mindset"},{"title":"How to Find and Keep Your Motivation","id":23823,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Motivate-Yourself","image":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/55\/Motivate-Yourself-Step-16-Version-5.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Motivate-Yourself-Step-16-Version-5.jpg","alt":"How to Find and Keep Your Motivation"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":2,"text":"You have a growth mindset.","meaning":"You believe that everyone has the ability to change. Anyone can become a great painter, athlete, writer, or musician if they put their mind to it! In your eyes, nothing is impossible. As long as someone\u2019s dedicated and hard-working, they can accomplish anything.Use your positive attitude to motivate others<\/a>. Encourage your loved ones to try new things, take classes, and explore. Don\u2019t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. After all, there\u2019s always something new to learn.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Do-Something-New"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Learn-Something-New-Every-Day"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Do Something New","id":209688,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Do-Something-New","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/18\/Do-Something-New-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Do-Something-New-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Do Something New"},{"title":"How to Learn Something New Every Day","id":153777,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Learn-Something-New-Every-Day","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/2c\/Learn-Something-New-Every-Day-Step-16-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Learn-Something-New-Every-Day-Step-16-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Learn Something New Every Day"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":3,"text":"You lean toward a fixed mindset.","meaning":"You struggle with the idea that people can change. In your mind, people are born the way they are, and nothing can change that. Maybe you\u2019ve learned this from experience, or you\u2019re a glass-half-full type of person. Either way, you tend to think that some people have what it takes while others don\u2019t.Having a fixed mindset can make it harder for you to achieve long-term goals\u2014if you don\u2019t see success right away, what\u2019s the point? Build a more positive growth mindset<\/a> by replacing those negative thoughts. You can succeed, even if that success isn\u2019t linear or what you initially imagined.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Build-a-Positive-Thinking-Mindset"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Build-a-Positive-Attitude"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Build a Positive Thinking Mindset","id":621120,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Build-a-Positive-Thinking-Mindset","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/04\/Build-a-Positive-Thinking-Mindset-Step-21.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Build-a-Positive-Thinking-Mindset-Step-21.jpg","alt":"How to Build a Positive Thinking Mindset"},{"title":"How to Build a Positive Attitude","id":664576,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Build-a-Positive-Attitude","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/12\/Build-a-Positive-Attitude-Step-23.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Build-a-Positive-Attitude-Step-23.jpg","alt":"How to Build a Positive Attitude"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":4,"text":"You lean toward a growth mindset.","meaning":"You tend to think positively about any situation you\u2019re in. In your eyes, most things are an opportunity to grow. People can and will change as long as they\u2019re willing to. You agree that anyone can learn a new skill or talent, but sometimes, someone may not be motivated enough to continue learning.Use your positive outlook and glass-half-full attitude to encourage others<\/a> to follow their passions, even if they don\u2019t think they\u2019re capable. Anyone can become a pro at anything with the right motivation and guidance.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Learn-Something-New-Every-Day"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Do-Something-New"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Learn Something New Every Day","id":153777,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Learn-Something-New-Every-Day","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/2c\/Learn-Something-New-Every-Day-Step-16-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Learn-Something-New-Every-Day-Step-16-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Learn Something New Every Day"},{"title":"How to Do Something New","id":209688,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Do-Something-New","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/18\/Do-Something-New-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Do-Something-New-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Do Something New"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Maladaptive<\/picture>","alt":"Maladaptive Daydreaming Test"},{"title":"Imposter Syndrome Test","id":13520254,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Imposter-Syndrome-Test","image":"\"Imposter<\/picture>","alt":"Imposter Syndrome Test"},{"title":"Am I Toxic Quiz","id":13395060,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Relationships\/Am-I-Toxic-Quiz","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Toxic Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"My relationships with other people can really trip me up.","result":"We have some quizzes to help you unpack your relationship with others:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Am I Being Gaslighted Quiz","id":13381787,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Relationships\/Am-I-Being-Gaslighted-Quiz","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Being Gaslighted Quiz"},{"title":"Should We Break Up Quiz","id":13471421,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Relationships\/Should-We-Break-Up-Quiz","image":"\"Should<\/picture>","alt":"Should We Break Up Quiz"},{"title":"Is My Friend Toxic Quiz","id":13445321,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Relationships\/Is-My-Friend-Toxic-Quiz","image":"\"Is<\/picture>","alt":"Is My Friend Toxic Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

So, what is a mindset? Your mindset influences how you think, feel, and interact with the world around you. Essentially, your mindset determines whether or not you believe in yourself. In the early 1970s, American psychologist Carol Dweck started researching a theory on motivational tendencies. Her research suggests that 2 implicit theories of interest motivate an individual: fixed theory and growth theory. These theories or mindsets are what drive people toward or away from passions.

Those with a fixed mindset believe that talent and intelligence are something people are born with, not something that can be taught. To them, effort isn’t required to succeed and failure is inevitable. People either already have the ability to chase their dreams, or they don’t. Passions and interests are “fixed,” and you can’t change what you’re good and not good at.

On the other hand, those with a growth mindset believe that anything is possible with the right work ethic. Anyone can learn and succeed at anything, as long as they’re persistent and hard-working. People are constantly evolving and changing, and every success and failure is an opportunity to “grow.”

Dweck encourages people to work toward a growth mindset because everyone has the power to improve. Focus on the “yet” rather than the “now.” Failure is unavoidable, but if you view it as “I have not succeeded yet ” instead of “I’m a failure,” you’ll have a more positive and enriching outlook on life.

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