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School isn't always a safe place, even though it should be. It can be scary to meet people in the hallways who want to fight you! Of course, you want to come out of any fight ahead of the game, but keep in mind that no matter how you fight, you're likely to get injured as well as get in trouble with your school. If you can, avoid the fight or find other solutions to the confrontation.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Winning the Fight

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  1. You usually have warning when someone is about to start a fight. They may be throwing insults at you, acting aggressively, and getting in your space. These are all signs a fight may be coming. If you're prepared, you'll be more likely to win the fight or at least come out of it with less harm. [1]
    • If you notice these signs, start taking action, such as getting in a defensive position or calling for help.
  2. Don't put your fists up like you're ready to fight. Instead, put your hands in front of you with your palms together. Keep your elbows low and against your sides and spread your feet shoulder-width apart with your dominant foot slightly in front. In this position, you're ready to defend vital parts of your body. [2]
    • For instance, you can bring your hands up to block a blow to your face.
  3. Even though you don't want to throw the first punch, you do need to get a hit in early. That's because fights rarely last more than a few seconds, so if you can take them out early, you're more likely to win. If you see someone coming at you, try to deflect the blow and then do what it takes to slow the person down. [3]
    • Aim for the eyes, throat, groin, and knees when seriously defending yourself, as these can cause the most damage to your opponent.
    • Keep your fist straight; otherwise, your wrist may break when you deliver a hard punch.
    • Another option is claw at the person's face, as it will often shock them enough to slow down. [4]
  4. You're just trying to get the person to stop fighting you, so use what you can. Elbow them in the stomach if you need to or knee them in the leg or groin. Keep using your knees and elbows to attack the person so they stop attacking you.
    • Seize the chance if you and your opponent are twisted to the side. Punch them in the side of the head. You could also push their head down and swing them to the ground.

    Note: When you need to defend yourself in a fight like this, don't worry about formal fighting rules. Go for the jugular on the sides of their neck, pressure points, temples, the space between the eyes, kidneys, groin, and back of neck. [5] Don't be afraid to pull hair, bite, or use cheap shots.

  5. If you keep moving back, that shows a defensive position, and you want to go on the offensive. Keep going at them until they admit defeat or go down to the ground. [6]
  6. If they fall, seize the chance to keep them there. Sit on top of them if they want to keep fighting. Hold them down until they surrender, someone comes to help, or they're too weak to fight anymore.
    • Once a person goes down, stop hitting them. You could seriously injure them.
  7. For instance, whenever you have someone in a choking position, be especially careful not to choke them for too long. As oxygenated blood flow to the brain decreases, a person becomes unconscious, but permanent brain damage or death can also occur within minutes if blood flow stops. After all, you might get away with just a suspension if you just beat up your opponent a little bit, but if you kill him, you will end up in prison. [7]
    • If your opponent is not breathing after they become unconscious, preform chest compression and contact emergency services (police and medical) immediately.
  8. Understand that your focus should be to escape, not necessarily win the fight. The chances of beating a large group without help are low. Avoid showing your opponents that you're angry. When you fight, use your anger as energy against your enemies. [8]
    • Do not hesitate to call for help if the need arises. Although your reputation as a tough person may fall, bringing harm to your social status is better than losing your life.
  9. If your opponent goes down and looks like they won't get up soon, take off. Don't give them the opportunity to get up and punch you again. Send help back if they look pretty bad off but get out of there if you can. [9]
    • If you end up on the ground, defend yourself as much as possible. Block your opponent's punches with your hands. If their punches are weak enough for you to handle, attempt to hit them back.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Avoiding a Fight

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  1. If you or someone you know is being bullied, talk to someone you trust, such as a coach, teacher, parent, or guidance counselor. Tell them what is going on so you can get some help with the situation. Some schools even have programs set up specifically designed to deal with bullying.
    • Bullying is when someone is humiliated, made fun of, or abused over time by their peers. It's not just getting in an argument or even someone calling someone else bad names. It's not just a single incident, but an ongoing campaign against a person. [10]
  2. Getting into a fight can get you into serious trouble, even if you didn't start it. Many schools have a zero-tolerance policy for violence, and you could be expelled from school or worse. [11]
    • If they continue to come after you, turn to face them, but maintain your distance. Keep them at arm's length at all times, as if they get closer, they can tackle or punch you. [12]
    • In some areas, you can even be charged with a crime, particularly if you're 17 or 18, depending on the legal age you become an adult in your state.
  3. Don't glare at them or stare at the ground. Rather, hold their gaze and show them you have confidence. If you show aggression, you can egg them on. If you show vulnerability, they may want to start the fight even more. [13]

    Tip: Confidence and showing no fear will stop some people from fighting.

  4. Starting a fight can get you in even more trouble than just defending yourself. Once you throw that punch, you never know how things are going to turn out. You could be seriously injured, ending up with broken teeth or even a concussion, or you could injure someone else just as badly. No matter what happens, whether you win or lose, you're still going to lose because there will be consequences. [14]
    • Try to find another way than throwing a punch. Walk away or find some help.
  5. Some people will only fight you if there are no witnesses around, particularly if there are no teachers to see it. Yell as loud as you can to get people to come to your aid. If people arrive, you may not need to fight.
    • Try yelling, "Fire," "Help, me I'm dying!" or "Call 911." Even though it is illegal it will work and make it out.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Finding Alternatives to Fighting

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  1. Walking together with friends as often as possible can help deter bullies. They're less likely to attack if you're with others, as you're much stronger in a group. [15]
    • Plus, people with a large group of friends are less often the target of bullying.
  2. If someone says something rude or is trying to egg you on, your response may be to get into a fight. Getting angry is understandable, but you don't have to use that anger to give into violence. Take a few deep breaths and count to 10 in your head. That will help you calm down so you can think of something else to do. [16]
    • Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take deep breaths you can feel in your stomach.
    • If you need to, walk away for a few minutes to calm down.
  3. Think about what you can do in the situation you're in. You always have options when it comes to how you will react to a situation, so try to come up with a few scenarios. Think through the consequences of each one. [17]
    • For instance, if someone calls you a name you don't like, you could ignore them and walk away, start a fight, or call them a name back. Ignoring them may or may not get them to stop, but it definitely keeps you out of trouble. Starting a fight will likely get you in trouble and doesn't solve the issue. Calling them a name back may feel good in the moment, but it may also make the situation worse.
  4. Once you've thought through the consequences of your reactions, choose the best one for the situation. In most situations, it's best to pick the one that de-escalates the situation and keeps you out of trouble. [18]
    • For instance, in the above situation, it's probably best to ignore the person and walk away if you can.
  5. If someone is bothering you and won't stop, react in a calm manner. Whether it's something like poking or pinching you or making fun of you, they're trying to get a reaction out of you. If you fail to react emotionally, it takes the "fun" out of it. If you need to, you can reinforce what you say with some light action. [19]
    • For instance, if someone is repeatedly pinching you, you can say, "Stop doing that now" in a calm and authoritative voice. If they persist, try grabbing and holding their hands for a moment and repeating what you said.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I learn to punch faster?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Learning to punch faster is mostly a matter of attitude and practice. Stay relaxed and clear your mind as you practice, and try to focus on perfecting your technique so that you don’t waste any energy. Try practicing your jabs with weights in your hands so that you can build up both speed and power in your arms and shoulders.
  • Question
    What are the consequences for fighting in school?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    That depends a lot on your school and your role in the fight. In some cases you may get detention or suspension, but there have been cases where students were arrested for fighting in school. It’s best to avoid fighting if possible, and if you must fight, stick to doing it in self-defense.
  • Question
    Do you have to be strong to win a fight?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Not necessarily. Fighting well is more about technique than raw strength. For example, a small person can fairly easily knock a larger opponent down if they are able to throw them off balance. Consider taking martial arts or self-defense classes to learn techniques that can help you if a larger or stronger person attacks you.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Remember, don't fight if you don't have to. You will get in trouble, and this can impact your future. If you can, work things out with words, or tell a teacher about the situation.
      • Stand tall and strong, and don't react to any trash talk. This will intimidate your rival and show them that you're not backing down.
      • Try your best to stay as calm as possible. The more calm you are, the better you'll be able to handle the situation.
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      • If your opponent has a weapon such as a knife don't try to fight them unarmed, just run! You could get killed or terribly wounded if you fight someone that is armed.
      • If you are outnumbered immediately flee the scene, you could get seriously injured if you fight against a large group.
      • Don't throw the first punch no matter how tempting it is. Starting the fight will land you in more trouble, only fight when your opponent throws the first punch.
      • If your opponent is popular you will likely have to later face their friends.
      • Do not use potentially lethal weapons or tactics. You could end up killing your opponent, which can get you life in prison depending on your age and location.
      • You may get suspended, expelled or sent to jail for fighting at school.
      • Fighting increases your risk of getting seriously injured.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      While it’s always better to walk away from a fight so you don’t get in trouble, there are some things you can do to increase your chance of winning. During a fight, keep your fists in front of your face so you can block punches from your opponent and protect your face. You can also try to kick your opponent or knee them since they may be expecting you to only use your hands. Since hitting a pressure point can take out your opponent, aim for their groin or the area between their navel and groin. Then, when your opponent falls to the ground, pin them there until they surrender so they can’t hit you. You may feel like screaming or trash talking while fighting, but don’t do this since opening your mouth could make you vulnerable to getting knocked out. For more tips, including what to do if you’re outnumbered in a fight, keep reading!

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        Mar 26, 2017

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