It’s easy to laugh at horror movie characters when they trip or run the wrong way, but if you were in their shoes, would you have what it takes to survive?
Just answer these 10 quick questions, and we’ll tell you how long you’d survive on the big screen. Are you a certified “final girl?” Or more of a first-kill friend? Click “Start Quiz” to dive into your movie and find out!
Questions Overview
- An abandoned amusement park, where a series of unexplained deaths have occurred in the past.
- An empty hotel that’s deserted for the whole winter. Rumor has it, it’s cursed.
- A deserted mansion with a dark history. All the previous owners died mysteriously.
- An isolated cabin in the woods, with nobody else around for miles.
- I strip to my undies and jump into the nearest body of water. We're here to have fun!
- I wander around the place, explore, and try to find something interesting to do.
- I start planning out our weekend. There's so much to do, and only so little time.
- Not much. Shower, change, take a nap. I'm exhausted from the trip.
- Yes! Things were getting a little boring around here.
- Nah, I'm too busy finishing my book to mess around.
- Nope, but I do want to watch. I've always been curious...
- Okay, but only because it's what everybody else is doing. It gives me bad vibes, though.
- Go investigate, but not before grabbing a flashlight.
- I know it’s just my friend trying to scare me, so I yell: “Ha, ha. Very funny. Be quiet!!”
- Ignore it. It's probably just the wind or a raccoon or something. I’m going back to sleep.
- Get out of bed, stand very still, and say something like, "Hello?" or, "Who's there?"
- Obviously. It looks like a diary, and there’s definitely something juicy in there.
- I take a quick peek, just to get a read on the vibe. If it feels evil or something, I’ll put it back.
- I wake up my friends and ask them if we should open it. I don’t want to read it alone.
- Nope, nuh uh, not a chance. That sucker’s going back in the drawer, ASAP.
- I scream for help! Somebody will wake up and come save me.
- I tell my friend to stop fooling around. It’s obviously them, and this isn’t funny anymore.
- I pretend to be asleep. Maybe it’s just my imagination, or whatever it is will just go away…
- I throw something at it, then dash for the door. I’m not sticking around!
- A hammer! Deadly and practical.
- A gun. It's only got a few bullets, but I'm a good shot.
- Pepper spray. I don't need to kill anything, just hurt them enough to get away.
- A knife. Not the most effective, but classic and reliable.
- The nearby lake. I’m a great swimmer, and hopefully The Killer can't swim…right?
- The forest. I bet that if I make it far enough in, The Killer won’t be able to find me in all of these trees.
- The nearest road. I need to get a stranger’s attention, and fast.
- I hide somewhere nearby, like a closet, or maybe under the bed. The Killer will think I escaped and leave.
- The cops. We need law enforcement down here, ASAP.
- My family! Whatever happens next, they need to know where I am.
- The gas station clerk we met earlier. He's nearby, and looks like he can handle himself in a fight.
- A number I found scrawled in blood earlier. Whoever picks up might know how to help.
- I try to talk things out. Maybe we can make some sort of deal? Just don’t kill me!
- I run. The Killer and I are both tired at this point, but I think I have an edge.
- I stand my ground. If The Killer wants a fight, they’ll get a fight!
- I try to outsmart The Killer. Maybe I can lure them into a trap...
More Quizzes
Somebody<\/i> has to be the first to go, and the horror movie gods just decided it had to be you. If it's any consolation, you're the fan favorite, and your grisly murder was pretty iconic.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Watch a Horror Movie","id":234303,"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Watch a Horror Movie"},{"title":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie","id":46669,"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/ea\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg","alt":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":2,"text":"You fought bravely, but didn't make it!","meaning":"You were the second or third death. Far enough into the movie to know that you and your pals were being hunted, but not quite far enough to know The Killer's weakness. The big baddie caught you alone and unaware, and you were quick enough to dodge their first attack. You even found a weapon for yourself and managed to land a hit, but alas, it wasn't really a fair fight, and in the end, you got got. But the audience loved your personality and storyline, and you're definitely going to have a big role in the prequel!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Watch a Horror Movie","id":234303,"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Watch a Horror Movie"},{"title":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie","id":46669,"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/ea\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg","alt":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":3,"text":"You died at the last second!","meaning":"Just when it looked like you were about to get away, The Killer reached out from the darkness and dragged you back. It's a shame, since you mostly made all the right choices: you hatched a plan, stuck with the group, and didn't do anything foolish, like scream your head off while running straight toward danger. Still, according to the supernatural laws of horror movies, only one person can make it, and sadly it wasn't you. Rest assured that your untimely demise bought enough time for the final character to get away, though, and your last moments got loads of screams out of the audience, and even a few tears. They were rooting for you, and you'll be remembered!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Watch a Horror Movie","id":234303,"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Watch a Horror Movie"},{"title":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie","id":46669,"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/ea\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg","alt":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":4,"text":"You survived!","meaning":"In horror movie terms, you're the final girl\/guy\/person. You\u2019re the one who got away from The Killer\u2019s clutches! You watched your friends all die in fabulous, horrific ways, but you kept your wits about you and made enough snappy decisions to dodge The Killer long enough to have one final standoff. And anyone who's seen their fair share of horror movies knows that by that point in the movie, the hunted has become the hunter. You're a force to be reckoned with, and not one to just lie down and die. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (literally), but in the end you bested the big bad and lived to tell the tale. Honestly, we weren\u2019t sure anyone would make it through this quiz alive. Maybe you'll make a surprise appearance in the sequel!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Watch a Horror Movie","id":234303,"url":"https:\/\/\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Watch-a-Horror-Movie-Step-13-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Watch a Horror Movie"},{"title":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie","id":46669,"url":"https:\/\/\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","relUrl":"\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/ea\/Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Stop-%27Jumping%27-During-a-Horror-Movie-Step-11-Version-4.jpg","alt":"How to Stop 'Jumping' During a Horror Movie"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/><\/picture>","alt":"Which Hogwarts House Do I Belong In Quiz"},{"title":"What Lightsaber Color Am I Quiz","id":13870230,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Lightsaber-Color-Am-I","relUrl":"\/What-Lightsaber-Color-Am-I","image":"
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<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Evil Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>
Let’s Talk Horror Movies!
From slashers to creature features to paranormal pictures, horror movies are one of the most diverse and prolific genres around. Who doesn’t love watching an ax-wielding maniac terrify some unsuspecting campers?
What’s more, we all love spotting our favorite tropes, but anyone who’s seen enough horror movies knows that those tropes are way more than they seem. Sure, it seems like every horror movie has an obligatory jump scare (or seven), and that someone always has to wander off alone into the dark, only to get slashed by the boogeyman, but those things are present because we, as an audience, love to see them!
Horror aficionados know that the great directors flip the script and play with those tropes in new and exciting ways. Fans also know that it’s not always the cleverest, strongest, or fastest characters who make it out alive, and that’s part of the fun: staying on your toes and trying to use what you know about horror as a genre to guess what’s coming next.
So how much do you know about horror? Here are some key terms to fill you in and expand your cinematic vocabulary:
- Body horror: A horror genre focused on all the grotesque things that can happen to the human body (even if most of them are impossible).
- Body-snatchers: A kind of horror villain that steals and takes over people’s bodies.
- Catharsis: The feeling of relief and release the audience gets by watching their worst fears play out on the big screen.
- Cat scare: A moment that frightens the audience, but it turns out the danger was something harmless, like a cat (usually followed up by actual danger).
- Cosmic horror: A genre that borrows heavily from writer H.P. Lovecraft, and explores things the human mind can’t comprehend.
- Fake kill: A trope where a character seems to get killed, only for it to be revealed later that they’re still alive. Sometimes, they turn out to be the villain.
- Final girl: The last surviving character in a horror movie who often has a last, desperate, and satisfying standoff with the villain.
- Hookup kill: A trope where the two characters who make love almost always get killed.
- Jumping the shark: A general Hollywood term for when a franchise has gone too far past believability, and has outstayed its welcome.
- Jump scare: A sudden and in-your-face moment of fear, often preceded by a period of building tension.
- Mirror scare: A horror trope where the villain appears in the mirror behind the hero.
- Red herring: A “clue” that’s meant to mislead the audience into making incorrect conclusions, which can be subverted later, like who The Killer is (or isn’t).
- Slashers: A genre of horror where the villain is usually a human equipped with an iconic weapon which they use to hunt other characters.
- Splatter horror: A genre of horror that’s all about blood and gore—the more, the better.
Want to learn more?
For more information about horror movies and horror tropes, visit these helpful resources: