A complete guide to this lovely, heartfelt phrase
Is there someone in your life who you felt like you just instantly clicked with, even if it seemed like you had nothing in common at first? Calling someone the “yin to your yang” puts all of those feelings of closeness into words. While the concept of yin and yang is a philosophy that’s been around for centuries, this phrase has now come to be used affectionately between friends and partners. Keep reading, and we'll tell you everything you need to know.
Things You Should Know
- Saying “You’re the yin to my yang” to a romantic partner or friend means that you think you were made for each other and complement each other well.
- Being yin and yang might mean that you and another person have completely opposite personalities, but that just makes your bond stronger.
- The philosophy of yin and yang says that everything in the universe coexists with its exact opposite.
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