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A complete guide to this lovely, heartfelt phrase
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Is there someone in your life who you felt like you just instantly clicked with, even if it seemed like you had nothing in common at first? Calling someone the “yin to your yang” puts all of those feelings of closeness into words. While the concept of yin and yang is a philosophy that’s been around for centuries, this phrase has now come to be used affectionately between friends and partners. Keep reading, and we'll tell you everything you need to know.

Things You Should Know

  • Saying “You’re the yin to my yang” to a romantic partner or friend means that you think you were made for each other and complement each other well.
  • Being yin and yang might mean that you and another person have completely opposite personalities, but that just makes your bond stronger.
  • The philosophy of yin and yang says that everything in the universe coexists with its exact opposite.
Section 1 of 4:

“Yin to My Yang” Uses & Meanings

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  1. Essentially, it’s like saying you and this person are soulmates. Your personalities align well and you probably feel a deep connection with one another. Your partner (or friend) is likely someone who brings out the best in you, and your unique strengths work together to build each of you up to your fullest potential.
    • “You’re the yin to my yang. The universe basically made you just for me.”
    • “He’s the yin to my yang. He brings out the best in me.”
    • “He’s the yin to my yang. The down to my up. The crazy to my normal. The damaged pieces to all my broken parts.” - Ashley Jade, The Cruel Prince
    • “He was the yin to my yang, the frick to my frack, the melba toast to my Chex.” - Alice Clayton
  2. You and your partner (or friend) might be total opposites. They’re loud, you’re quiet. They like reality TV, you’d rather watch a good murder mystery. On the surface, it looks like the two of you have absolutely nothing in common, yet something just seems to have clicked and resulted in the best relationship or friendship, and you can’t imagine living without them.
    • “My friend and I are like yin and yang; totally different, but somehow it just works?”
    • “My best friend? She’s the yin to my yang. I can’t imagine my life without her.”
    • “He was the yin to my yang, the sparkly jumpsuit to my Elvis.” - Brooke Moss
    • “You're the yin to my yang, the ping to my pong, the normal to my crazy. Let's be us together.” - Oliver Platt, The Big C (S1E3)
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Section 2 of 4:

Yin & Yang Philosophy

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  1. Yin is described as the force that provides spirit to things, while yang gives form to every individual object. Yin is soft while yang is hard. They’re complete opposites, but that’s how they bring balance to the universe. [1]
    • Yin: represents feminine energy, black, darkness, north, water (transformation), passiveness, the moon, the earth, cold, old, even numbers, and valleys.
    • Yang: represents masculine energy, white, light, south, fire (creativity), activeness, the sun, heaven, warmth, odd numbers, and mountains.
    • Do you relate more to the "yin" or "yang" energy? If you feel drawn to one, and your close friend or partner reminds you of the other, that's a good sign that you two have achieved a yin and yang dynamic.
  2. This is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy, dating back all the way to the 3rd century BCE, or even earlier. The yin-yang symbol is a circle divided into a black section and a white section. These represent the idea of opposites existing in harmony—light and dark, masculine and feminine, good and evil, and so on. [2]
    • Each side of the yin and yang symbol has a small dot of the opposite color, symbolizing how no one side is superior to the other, and they need each other to be whole.
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Achieving Yin & Yang in Your Relationships

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  1. When it comes to relationships or friendships, it’s possible to lose yourself a bit when you try too hard to appease or satisfy the other person. But by doing this, you’re not being your true self. A healthy relationship means that each person can express their own thoughts and show their true colors without fear or judgment. So in order to create this harmony and make it last, don’t be afraid to just be yourself . [3]
    • You can't force a yin and yang dynamic by acting how you think you should act. For you to truly complement one another, you both need to be your authentic selves.
  2. The whole philosophy behind yin and yang says that things can be totally opposite of one another and still work beautifully together. When someone's different from you, it's easy to notice all the things that annoy you. But instead, you should focus on the way they teach you and care for you in unexpected (but needed) ways. [4]
    • Maybe your partner is disorganzied, while you need a strict plan. Instead of focusing on how frustrating it is when they lose their keys (again), appreciate the fact that their unpredictable nature makes you a more flexible, relaxed person overall.
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How to Respond

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  1. Find two things that complement one another and stick them together in an equally sappy compliment. This is your opportunity to get creative. Some examples to give you some inspiration include:
    • “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.”
    • “You’re the moon to my sun.”
    • “You’re the straw to my berry.”
    • “You’re the salt to my pepper.”
    • “You’re the root beer to my float.”
  2. When someone tells you that you’re the yin to their yang, they’re trying to tell you that you’re an irreplaceable part of their life and very special. If you’re texting them, throw in lots of lovely and happy emojis along with a message telling them how you share their sentiment.
    • “Awww I love you too! 💜🥰😍”
    • “That’s so sweet of you 😊❤️ Don’t know what I’d do without you!”
    • “😚and you’re the yang to my yin hehe 🖤🤍”
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