Template for a Research Synopsis
The outline may vary depending on the type of synopsis and the specific requirements, but the below template provides a basic structure that can be modified as needed.
I. Introduction
A. Background and Context: Provide background information on the topic and why it is important to study.
B. Purpose and Objectives: Clearly state the purpose and specific objectives of the research.
C. Research Questions: Present the research questions that guide the study.
D. Significance: Explain why the research is important and what it contributes to the field.
II. Literature Review
A. Overview of Previous Research: Summarize previous research on the topic, including key findings and gaps in knowledge.
B. Theoretical Framework: Provide the theoretical framework that informs the study.
C. Methodology of Previous Research: Discuss the methodology used in previous research, including strengths and limitations.
III. Methodology
A. Research Design: Describe the research design, including the type of study, data collection methods, and sample.
B. Data Analysis: Explain how the data will be analyzed, including the statistical methods to be used.
C. Ethical Considerations: Discuss any ethical considerations, such as informed consent, data privacy, and confidentiality.
IV. Expected Results
A. Hypotheses: Present the hypotheses that the study will test.
B. Predicted Outcomes: Provide a brief summary of what is expected to be discovered based on the hypotheses.
V. Conclusion
A. Summary: Summarize the main points of the research synopsis.
B. Implications: Discuss the implications of the study for future research and practice.
C. Conclusion: Conclude the synopsis by reiterating the purpose, objectives, and significance of the study.
VI. References: List all references cited in the research synopsis.