Sample Texts to Make a Guy Jealous
“There’s a new guy at work and he’s really cool! We like all the same bands.”
“I can’t hang out tonight -- I’m meeting up with some out-of-town friends.”
“My last boyfriend always knew what to say to make me feel better.”
“The party last night was so much fun! I can’t believe you missed it.”
“Last night was so much fun, but I’m paying for it today!”
“Just getting back from an awesome dinner with Del, I’ll text you in a bit!”
“Ron and I are going to check out that new club on 6th Street tonight. Stoked!”
“I would have been stranded, but thankfully Erik gave me a ride home from today.”
“I’m going out with my friends, but I’ll try to call you when I get home -- if it’s not too late.”
“I’m not sure what time we’ll get back…”
“Jared was being hilarious in biology class today -- I could not stop laughing.”
“Did you see that photo of Dan and I on Instagram? Isn’t he so awesome!?”
“What’d you say? I’m sorry, I can’t hear you on this phone. This party is so loud!”
“Will your friend Jeff be at the game, too? He’s so funny.”
“My friends are being too distracting right now -- I’ll call you when I get home.”
“I met _____ at the restaurant last night -- it was so crazy!”
“I went out with that guy a few times. It totally wasn’t a big deal though.”
“I can’t get over how cute the new baseball coach is -- have you seen him?”
“John is my new lab partner in chemistry. Now I have to hang out with him every day!”
“Ryan helped me study for algebra -- we were at the library until almost midnight.”
“James asked me out AGAIN today -- can you believe it? I turned him down, of course.”
“My ex called me last night -- he’s going through a lot right now.”