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wikiHow:COPPA Parental Permission Form
A Note from wikiHow's Founder
As a fellow parent, I'd like to offer a few words about having your child participate on wikiHow. As a wikiHow policy and to comply with the Child Online Privacy Protection Act ( COPPA ), we do not allow children under the age of 13 to create an account unless we have verifiable permission from their parents. Yet occasionally, children as young as 11 or 12 enjoy editing on wikiHow. In my experience, I've noticed that academically-gifted children often prefer wikiHow to other Internet sites. Our adult level of writing and editing challenges the gifted child in a way that schools may not. That said, wikiHow is not designed for children and like all Internet sites, children are at risk of exposing their personally identifiable information. If you decide to let your child participate here, I would recommend that you monitor their activities. Some good tips are available in How to Be a Safe and Smart Kid on wikiHow . Please consider creating your own account here and working with your child to build this how-to manual. wikiHow is one of the few activities online that can be enjoyed by people of any generation.
Jack HerrickFounder of wikiHow
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