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The flexible Gemini and the sensitive crab—could these two signs be a match made in heaven? It’s only natural that you’re looking to the stars for info on this potential duo, but you don’t actually have to look any further than this page. We’re here to answer all of your burning questions, as well as provide some handy compatibility tips. Keep reading to see if this match-up could be written in the stars.

Section 1 of 6:

Gemini and Cancer Relationships

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  1. A Gemini- Cancer relationship is totally doable if you’re willing to put in a little work. These astrological neighbors have wildly different communication and commitment styles—but that doesn’t mean that a relationship is out of the question! The key is finding a suitable compromise between the two of you. [1]
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Section 2 of 6:

Sexual Compatibility

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  1. In general, Geminis have a really chill, laid-back view toward sex, while Cancers view it as a sacred, emotional pillar in a relationship. These different philosophies aren't a deal-breaker, but it’s really important that both signs openly chat about what they hope to get out of their intimate moments. [2]
    • Compatibility Tip: Try to meet in the middle when it comes to sex. Emotionally-driven Cancer might set the tone for each love-making session, while free-spirited Gemini can set the pace.
Section 3 of 6:

Romantic Compatibility

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  1. On paper, these signs might not have a lot in common—but that can work in favor of a successful relationship! The nice contrast of the emotional Cancer with the pragmatic Gemini can strike a productive balance at times.
    • Compatibility Tip: If you're comfortable with it, Gemini, let Cancer take care of you and give you advice. The crab loves to emotionally support their partner.
  2. The zodiac’s resident crab (Cancer) desires a committed, emotionally secure relationship, while the headstrong twins of the zodiac (Gemini) prefer to do their own thing and go wherever the wind blows. These different priorities don’t have to make or break a relationship, as long as both signs are upfront about what they want. [3]
    • Compatibility Tip: Try to strike a balance in your daily schedule together. Gemini can recharge their social batteries by spending a few nights of the week out with friends and spend a few other nights getting some quality time with their Cancer.
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Section 4 of 6:

Friendship Compatibility

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  1. Both crabs and twins have a cultured, exploring spirit at heart, and can have a lot of fun spending time together. You both might enjoy discussing hot topics, diving into new music genres together, or even going ham at a local thrift store or garage sale.
    • Cancers and Geminis also tend to like things that aren’t mainstream, which is another great aspect they can bond over.
Section 5 of 6:

Communication Compatibility

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  1. For better or for worse, Geminis aren’t known for mincing their words, which may not always sit well with Cancer. Meanwhile, the laid-back Gemini might not always vibe with Cancer’s serious, more sensitive approach to conversations. [4]
    • Compatibility Tip: Both signs need to focus on vocalizing what they need from one another in a kind, respectful, and empathetic way. For example, Gemini might ask Cancer to be a little more light-hearted during everyday conversations, while Cancer could ask Gemini to take deep discussions a little more seriously.
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Section 6 of 6:

Final Thoughts

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  1. When it comes to a Gemini-Cancer relationship or friendship, compromise is the name of the game. These signs often fall on opposite ends of the romantic, sexual, and emotional spectrum. As long as both signs are willing to communicate and stay on the same page, their relationship can soar to new heights. [5]

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      • Keep in mind that these compatibility points only factor in a person’s Sun signs. Other elements of a person’s astrological profile, like their Moon and Rising signs, could easily shift this compatibility dynamic.
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