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As an Aries woman, it's easy to believe you were made for a Gemini man. His ideal partner is energetic (check), dynamic (check), and always on the go (check). But first, you've got to turn his head—and you've come to the right place! Here, we'll share with you all the best tips and tricks to attract that tantalizing Twin and make him yours.


Walk over and talk to him.

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  1. Gemini guys love to talk about anything under the sun. [1] Aries ladies have a reputation for being direct and now's the time to put that reputation into action. It's not usually difficult to snag a Gemini's attention—just walk over and get in his face.
    • He'll be instantly attracted to your positivity and enthusiasm. Even if you're relatively shy, just tell yourself that he wants to talk to you—because he does! There's nothing a Gemini likes more than stimulating conversation. [2]
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Give him plenty of flirty compliments.

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  1. This can get him in trouble when people try to read more into his flirting than is actually there. But if you're a typical Aries, you can totally understand that problem. Your direct approach works well with him—if you like him, let him know. Tell him all the little things you like about him and he'll definitely want to keep you around.
    • You might say, "I never knew you were so funny! Nobody makes me laugh like you do—I definitely need to spend more time with you."
    • He's proud of his mind, so he'll really like it if you compliment him on his intelligence, the way he solved a problem, or something particularly clever he said.

Show off your smarts.

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  1. As an Aries woman, you're known for your intelligence and broad knowledge. Your Twin will fall head over heels once he realizes he's met his intellectual match.
    • If you're a typical Aries, you love new things and tend to know a little about a lot of different subjects. Bump into him at a local café? You might share fascinating facts about the coffee roasting process.
    • Your knowledge might be random and off-the-wall, but you always have something interesting to add to any conversation, and that's what he'll love about you. [3]
    Expert Answer

    What is the ruling planet of Gemini?

    Jessica Lanyadoo

    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal.
    Answer from Jessica Lanyadoo :

    Mercury, the planet of communication, is the ruling planet of Gemini. It is a mutable sign and an air sign.

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Invite him to join you on an adventure.

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  1. Rams are usually interested in trying new things and exploring new places as well—and you can't find a better partner than the easy-going Twin. He'll happily follow you as you check off items on your bucket list. Want to go bungee-jumping? He'll offer to drive the two of you there.
    • You can still adventure even if you're not much of an adrenaline junkie. Invite him to go hiking or explore a nearby town with you.

Emphasize your independence.

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  1. Suggesting you need him would be the biggest turn-off, but as an Aries woman, you wouldn't even think about going there. You're one of the most independent signs in the zodiac, which makes you a near-perfect match for the free-flying Twin. [4]
    • Even if the two of you start dating, continue to go out with your friends and do all the things you did before. It helps if you have a pretty busy schedule and aren't available all the time.
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Entertain him with great jokes and humor.

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  1. If you can make him laugh, you'll win his heart. The essence of a good joke is surprise, and Geminis love the unexpected twist. This is a great match for your bright and bubbly sense of humor.

Engage him in a friendly debate.

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  1. With his Twin-like duality, he can usually see both sides of an issue. As an Aries woman, you have the reputation for being somewhat argumentative, so you'll probably enjoy this too. You might even think of a good argument as foreplay—if so, stir those passions now for some intensity later. [6]
    • Just be careful not to take anything he says during these debates personally. He'll say whatever's necessary to defend his stance and won't necessarily consider if it might be hurtful. If you're a typical Aries, though, you're probably the same way.
    • Stick to relatively superficial or upbeat topics—Gemini guys find emotionally heavy or depressing subjects difficult to handle. For the typically positive Aries, this should be easy.
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Constantly surprise him to keep him interested.

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  1. He likes to chase after the next new thing. If you can keep him guessing so that he never feels like he's got you figured out, he'll keep coming back for more. The typical Aries enjoys challenges and new situations, so this shouldn't be hard for you to pull off.
    • For example, you might invite him to watch Olympic curling with you but not tell him that you play. Later, you could surprise him with a lesson.
    • He's a curious guy by nature, but if you can hold a few key details back he'll stay intrigued and want to know more. [7] Always leave a little something unsaid so that you're a mystery he has to unravel slowly.

Embrace spontaneity when you go out together.

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  1. They like spontaneity. [8] The typical Aries is always on the go and with a Gemini guy, you've finally found someone who can keep up with you. [9] On date night, make loose plans to meet at a local café or restaurant, then you can go from there.
    • For example, you might check your phone to see what's going on within walking distance. Or just wander around a lively area with him and see what there is to do.
    • You could even text your friends for a spontaneous meetup. The more the merrier, as far as Gemini is concerned.
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Suggest a night of pub trivia.

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  1. A trivia challenge is perfect for a Gemini guy, who typically flits about from topic to topic, soaking up information as he goes. [10] It's great for you too, since Aries women love competition. The two of you will make a formidable team.
    • A Gemini guy typically loves when something's spontaneous, so it's best to bring this up on the fly. You might've planned it ahead of time, but you don't need to let him know that. Just mention that there's a trivia night at a local pub about half an hour before it starts and he'll be game.

Plan a scavenger hunt for a date he'll never forget.

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  1. Rams tend to be leaders, so this will be fun for you too—just imagine the excitement of watching him unravel your clues to follow the path you've laid out for him. If you've set up your hunt so that you're the prize waiting for him at the end, have him send you texts periodically so you can follow his progress.
    • You can get friends and acquaintances involved as well! You both have the reputation for being pretty social, so you'll likely have a lot of people to choose from. It might take a little more planning, but it'll make him feel really loved.
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Join the Discussion...

Aries here. I've been chatting with a Gemini recently and think it's going well. I've heard that these signs do pretty well when they're together, but I want to be sure before I get too committed. What should I know, are we compatible?
Aries and Gemini are really compatible because they're both extroverted and super personable. You both enjoy getting to know people and trying new things together, so you'll have a great time sharing those experiences and growing in your relationship. Aries and Gemini also have a really strong physical connection, so you'll develop a really strong bond.

One thing to watch out for is how you communicate with each other. Gemini tend to be open right from the get-go, but Aries may take a little while to come out of their shell. Just make sure you have a lot of patience for each other and make compromises when you have disagreements to keep the relationship going strong.
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Gemini are the types of people who gush and constantly talk about you with other people they know. They'll dissect text messages, relive conversations, and talk about little things you do.

Aries have a natural courageousness to talk about themselves, and won't hold back their feelings. Even when an Aries picks a fight, it's usually because they care a lot.

Learn How to Attract a Gemini Man with this Expert Series

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What are the qualities of a Gemini?
    Jessica Lanyadoo
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal.
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Expert Answer
    Geminis like spontaneity. They are curious and like to talk about a variety of topics.
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      1. https://www.zodiacguides.com/how-to-flirt-with-a-gemini-man/
      2. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      3. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      4. https://www.astrology.com/love/compatibility/aries-gemini.html
      5. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      6. https://cafeastrology.com/articles/arieswomanlove.html
      7. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      8. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      9. https://www.horoscope.com/love/compatibility/aries-gemini

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