Adam Paris
Audio & Visual Installation Expert
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Co-authored Articles (18)
Easy Ways to Fix Audio Lag & Sound Delay on Any TV
Are you experiencing annoying audio-sync problems on your TV? It can be really off-putting when you see a person speaking on your television, but the audio doesn't match their lips. Luckily, there is a few simple ways ...
4 Easy Ways to Properly Measure Your TV Screen
Measure your TV screen diagonally to determine its true size Do you want to find the exact size of your TV screen? Measuring a TV screen, whether it's a flat screen or older CRT, is simple and only takes a few seconds. K...
How to
Change the Input on an LG TV Without a Remote
You've lost your LG TV remote, or maybe its battery is finished. If you need to change the input on your television, there's an easy way to do so without using a remote. In this article, we'll show you how to change the ...
How to Reset a TV to Factory Settings
Get your TV back to its original condition with these handy steps If you sell or dispose of a smart TV without resetting it, the next person to turn it on might be able to access your streaming service accounts like Netf...
How to
Measure Speaker Impedance
Speaker impedance is a measure of a speaker's resistance to an alternating current. The lower the impedance, the more current the speakers will draw from the amplifier. If impedance is too high for your amplifier, the vo...
How to
Measure Speaker Wattage
Since speakers don’t produce power (that’s an amplifier’s job), speaker wattage refers to the power limit that a speaker can handle before it breaks or overheats. This means that an amplifier’s wattage must fall ...
A Step-by-Step Guide to Connect a TV to a Stereo System
Easily hook up your TV to your stereo or surround sound receiver Do you want to connect your television to your stereo or surround sound system? Modern televisions are becoming larger and thinner with incredible pictur...
How to
Connect a Vizio Soundbar to a TV
A quick and easy guide to connect your Vizio soundbar for optimal sound on your TVThis wikiHow teaches you how to set up a Vizio sound bar, and connect it to a TV set. You can use a variety of cables including a digital ...
How to Measure a TV: Simple Measurement Techniques
Find out if your TV will fit As technology continues to improve, TVs continue to get bigger and better. If you’ve recently upgraded to a sleek new model, you may be wondering how best to measure it for display. Perhaps...
How to
Reboot a Cable Box
There are many reasons you may need to reboot your TV’s cable box, such as programs not loading properly, videos freezing, or screens going blank. When you reset the box, first try navigating to the Settings menu and l...
Simple Steps to Turn On a New Comcast Cable Box
Use your Xfinity Cable Box immediately with this beginner's guideDid you purchase a new cable box from Comcast and need to activate it? The newer X1 box can be set up without you having to contact Comcast at all! You can...
13 Ways to Stop TV Sound Vibration & Buzzing Speakers
Are your TV speakers causing excess vibration or buzzing noise? This can be annoying and sound terrible. There are many reasons this may be happening as well as a few things you can do to stop this. This wikiHow artic...
How to
Hook up a Crossover
A crossover is an audio signal processing unit that separates a single stereo audio signal into two, three, or sometimes even four frequency ranges. At a minimum, a crossover ensures that the high-frequency signal (i.e....
How to Easily Connect Sonos Speakers to Your Devices
Easy ways to set up a Sonos speaker + troubleshooting tipsSonos speakers are popular because they're easy to use, work over Wi-Fi, and provide great sound quality. However, adding a new speaker to the system can be conf...
How to
Hide Home Theater Speakers
Standalone speakers are great if you value sound quality, but they aren’t particularly beautiful—especially if you value a minimalistic style when it comes to interior design. Luckily, there are plenty of great ways ...
How to Bridge Subwoofers for Your Home or Car Stereo
The term "bridging sub-woofers" is a bit misleading. The phrase actually refers to wiring the sub-woofers up to a bridged amplifier to produce fuller, deeper bass. This generally leads to a superior sonic experience comi...
How to
Install Speakers
Tips and tricks for installing new speakers in your car or homeGood speakers are essential for any audio-lover, but purchasing a good set of speakers is only the beginning. In order to get the best possible sound, you'll...
How to Fix Sound Coming from Your TV and Soundbar
Simple solutions to get the perfect audio mix for your home theaterIf you still hear noise from your TV speakers after plugging in a soundbar, turning them off is a simple fix. With some newer TVs, you may even turn the ...