Gene Linetsky, MS
Startup Founder & Engineering Director
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Co-authored Articles (4)
How to Make Software: Learning the Basics & Creating Your First Prototype
Plus, how to find work in the software development fieldBeing a software developer is a lucrative career plan. Those are people with some serious marketable skills. But what exactly are they doing? Since you probably can...
How to
Become a Programmer
Becoming a programmer is a cumulative process that builds up your skills day after day and year after year, and programming can be fun and rewarding (mentally, spiritually and financially). This guide does not promise to...
How to
Call a Meeting to Order
When you're chairing a meeting, calling the meeting to order is an expectation. Some people find this task intimidating, especially when they are new to it. Speaking in front of a group can be difficult, but it gets easi...
How to
Be Happy at Work
Many people spend over half of their waking days in the workplace. Though you may look at work as something that you need to get through in order to enjoy the rest of your life, if you make a goal of improving your happi...