Naiquan Midyett

Naiquan Midyett is a cosplayer and social media influencer based in New York City. Best known for his cosplay of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Naiquan draws inspiration from comics, anime, and more. Other characters he has cosplayed include Static Shock, Black Panther, War Machine, and the Grinch. Naiquan shares his cosplay on his social media channels where he is known as @cosplaynay and has a combined 50k followers across Instagram and YouTube.

Professional Achievements

  • Featured on major social platforms, including Cosplay Central, Marvel and Pixar’s official social media accounts, and Newsweek
  • Went viral with millions of views for his notable Frozone meme, “Nobody even said thank you.”
  • Gained notoriety during the Black Lives Matter movement by dressing as Spider-Man and climbing the Manhattan Bridge in a gesture of symbolic activism

Favorite Piece of Advice

A bad day doesn’t equal a bad life.

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Co-authored Articles (13)