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A Leo man has one of the most outgoing and charismatic signs of the zodiac, so it probably seems like he gets along with everyone. But what zodiac sign is the best match for a Leo guy? We'll show you what zodiac signs will cause sparks to fly and which signs need a few tips. For a complete breakdown of compatibility with a Leo man, read on!

Things You Should Know

  • Leo men are drawn to astrological signs that have bold and creative personalities. Fire signs are great matches.
  • To improve your compatibility with a Leo man, let him see your individuality, confidence, and charisma.
  • A Leo man in love will make you feel like the most special person. In return, he expects to feel like the center of your universe.
Section 1 of 4:

What zodiac signs should a Leo guy date?

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  1. Sparks definitely fly between these two fire signs! Aries is just as passionate as a Leo man, so they feel drawn together. Leo is a fixed sign , which means he can be stubborn—just like Aries, the ram. Fortunately, both signs appreciate their similarities and they love each other's company, so this match is one of the best . [1]
    • The Leo man does a great job of giving Aries much-needed attention, while Aries returns his affection. Both signs have great respect for the other.
  2. A Leo-Sagittarius couple might be one of the most powerful relationships of the zodiac. Since both are fire signs, they bring passion and energy to every interaction. Sagittarius loves that their Leo guy is so light-hearted and easy to be around, while the Leo man loves being surprised by Sagittarius's impulses—weekend getaway? Why, yes! [2]
    • These two probably come off as a power couple—Leo is exciting and dynamic. Sagittarius is the adventurer.
  3. These two have one of the most fun and fulfilling relationships. Although Gemini is an air sign, which is known for ideas, they keep their Leo man stimulated . Leo is great about getting Gemini to act on their ideas and do things together. This is truly a relationship of balance.
    • Gemini never needs to compete with their Leo guy's demand for attention. Instead, Gemini loves having someone to talk to and bounce ideas off.
  4. Libra is another air sign that just understands a Leo man . This couple loves being in a relationship. Libra is attracted to the Leo guy's outgoing nature and attractiveness, while he appreciates Libra's incredible people skills. A Leo guy just can't help trying to get Libra's complete attention.
    • While Libra's not the complete life of the party like the Leo man, they might have to check their charming personality or they'll make their Leo man jealous.
  5. These astrological opposites can't help but be attracted to each other ! The Leo man is captivated by the air sign's mysterious personality and deep thoughts, while Aquarius can't stop watching his energetic drive and bold interactions with others. This relationship works because their differences give them so much to explore.
    • This fire and air couple can be a fantastic match as long as they keep communication open and Aquarius gives Leo the attention he craves.
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Section 2 of 4:

What signs are least compatible with a Leo man?

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  1. A Leo-Leo relationship has a lot of potential—after all, these two understand what makes the other tick. While this can be a really good thing, it also means they can get a little bored with each other. Plus, each Leo needs so much attention from the other, that they may not be able to satisfy their partner. [3]
    • To make a Leo-Leo match succeed, both partners have to be very giving and loving without trying to be the center of attention. As long as they give their time and plenty of compliments , the relationship can work.
  2. Virgo is a grounded earth sign, so they're incredibly practical, and a Leo man might not appreciate how serious or reserved they are. With that being said, both signs are great at taking care of themselves and like taking care of their looks—Virgo is fastidious when it comes to appearance and self-care, which may interest Leo. Still, keep in mind that Leo needs a lot of reassurance from his Virgo partner for the relationship to work.
    • To improve compatibility , the Virgo partner should celebrate Leo's successes and admirable traits instead of pointing out things he needs to work on.
  3. A Leo man and Pisces have relationship potential. Pisces is a water sign, so they're in touch with their emotions—a great trait if they can share their feelings with their Leo guy. However, he might get frustrated if his Pisces partner is unpredictable or too sensitive at times.
    • Pisces tends to avoid conflict, which can be challenging for the relationship if Leo always takes the lead and doesn't consider Pisces' feelings.
  4. As a water sign, Cancer is deeply in touch with their emotions and they need to get complete emotional support from their Leo man. Since Leo needs so much attention and reassurance, Cancer might not feel cared for.
    • A Leo-Cancer relationship has some great potential if the two put emotional openness first and Cancer lets their Leo guy take the lead in the relationship.
  5. A Leo-Capricorn relationship has some challenges. The Leo man might find Capricorn too serious and focused on practical matters. They also have different personality styles—while Leo is warm and outgoing, Capricorn can be introverted and reserved. To make this relationship work, both partners need to appreciate their loyalty and commitment.
    • If they learn to value their differences, Capricorn will enjoy relaxing and letting go. The Leo man can learn a thing or two about organization and routine.
  6. These two have completely different outlooks on life, which can make a relationship difficult. A Leo man has a hard time relating to his Taurus partner's laid-back and stable personality. He just can't understand why Taurus would rather stay home than go out and socialize!
    • If these two hit it off initially, they can keep the fire alive by really trying to understand their differences. Taurus might make attempts to be outgoing, while Leo can compromise on a night in once in a while.
  7. A Leo man with a Scorpio partner can be explosive! Since they're both fixed signs, they tend to be set in their ways. This is a bit of a problem since Scorpio likes to be in charge and Leo wants to be worshipped. These two can also struggle with feelings of jealousy.
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Section 3 of 4:

What’s a Leo guy like in love?

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  1. A Leo guy's charismatic personality was probably one of the first things you noticed about him. When he's in love, he wants to have fun with you more than anyone else. He'll start paying more attention to you, he'll become extra flirty, and he'll make time to be with just you.
    • When a Leo man is in love , he'll single you out of the group and want to do fun, spontaneous things together—go-karts, laser tag, or a trip to the planetarium for instance.
  2. He loves being around you and wants to know that you love his company. It's no exaggeration to say that a Leo guy needs to feel like he's the center of your universe—remember, he's ruled by the sun. This means making time for him and giving him your full attention. Fortunately, he's so entertaining to be around that this shouldn't be hard to do! [4]
    • Give your Leo man a lot of reassurance that you care for him—ask him about his day, laugh at his jokes, and take an active interest in his life.
  3. Leos are so charming and outgoing that it's easy to assume they're always confident. However, that's not necessarily the case. Leos can put on a bold, self-assured attitude, but if he's in love with you, he'll let his guard down so you can see how vulnerable he is.
    • Your Leo guy is probably one of the most romantic people you've ever met; if he loves you, he trusts you not to hurt him.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 935 wikiHow readers what they would do if their Leo crush opened up and got vulnerable with them. 86% agreed that the best way to win his heart is by showing empathy, understanding, and kindness (like with a thoughtful compliment, for example!) [Take Poll]
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Section 4 of 4:

How to Keep a Leo Man Interested

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  1. To make your Leo man want you even more, flaunt your best qualities—play up your style, have witty conversations with him, and let him see you pursue your passions. Show him you're interested in him by asking him personal questions, complimenting him, and learning about his dreams.
    • A Leo's love language is definitely based on physical touch! Reach for his hand, rest your arm on his back, or make time for cuddling and kissing.

Join the Discussion...

I've gone on a few dates with a Leo m(23) and I really like him! But I have heard some not great things about dating Leos (especially Leo men) so I'm feeling wary lol. So anyone who has gone out with a Leo or who is a Leo themself, what should I know? Positive v. negative personality traits? How do I keep him interested/keep the magic alive if we keep dating?
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Leo is a very friendly and generous sign and they are the most affectionate sign in the Zodiac. If they are interested in you, they will constantly compliment you, buy you things, and show off and brag. They have little tells when they like you. They are a natural flirt, they will twirl their hair, flex, puff out their chest, check their posture, or have a sexy walk or strut. They are friendly, generous, love to touch, and are not shy about public displays of affection.

To keep your Leo man interested, do things with him and participate in his favorite activities. If he likes football, go to the game or bring snacks on game day to show that you're interested in the same things he is! Laugh at his jokes (even the dumb ones) to make him feel like he is the big man on campus. He'll always love compliments on how handsome, strong, and clever he is as well.
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Yes, Leos can have a terrific temper when they feel their ego is wounded.

If you're looking at compatibility, Leos are best with another fire sign. I think Leo needs someone who would understand the magnificence of Leo, like an Aries or a Sagittarius. I would say Aries are very strong and they can deal with the Leo temperament. Aries is Cardinal fire, so a Leo would find that very uplifting.

Sagittarius is also a very good match, but they are a mutable sign while Leo is a fixed sign. Mutable signs like Sagittarius or Gemini can sometimes annoy fixed signs because they're all over the place. Mutable signs may find the fixed sign are a bit uptight, stiff, or controlling. However, because Sag and Leo are both fire signs, they tend to make a good match.

Aquarius is the opposite of Leo, and It can go either way with a Leo and Aquarius couple. A Leo can sometimes act full of themselves and Aquarians can be a bit spurious about that.

Learn How to Attract a Leo Man with this Expert Series

Leo men are adventurous, fun-loving, and spontaneous. You will need to be able to go with the flow to attract this fire sign, so we've put together this expert series to help you attract the Leo of your dreams.

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