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Bidding on items on eBay can be an exhilarating experience. Watching as the timer counts down to ensure that you have the winning bid is exciting and rewarding. But you can get burned on eBay if you aren’t careful and observant. Read on after the jump to learn how to buy safely and successfully on eBay.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Finding the Right Item

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  1. You’ll need an account to bid on items and track your purchases. Creating an account is free, and only requires a name and email address. In order to buy, you’ll need to enter contact information.
  2. Search for the item or type of item you are looking for in the Search bar. If there are a lot of returns, try refining your search using the Advanced Search tool.
    • If you don’t know exactly what kind of item you want, you can browse eBay listings by category to see all of the items listed.
  3. When you find the item that interests you, read the listing completely. Does it tell you everything that you need to know? Is it clear, detailed, and easy to understand? Does the listing tell you if the item is new or used? If these things are not clear, or you have questions, e-mail the seller and ask for clarification.
    • What the seller tells you becomes part of the sale deal and provides a reason for return if the seller misleads you. It is better to be aware of everything than to throw away money in the hope the item will live up to your expectations.
  4. Check product listings and other web sources to ensure that what is described in the eBay listing is what you are looking for. Many products have similar models with different features, so it pays to be well-informed about the product you are looking at.
  5. If photos are provided, look closely at them. Are there any features that stand out? If you can enlarge the photos, do so. There is also no harm in e-mailing the seller for extra photos if desired, along with any questions you have about the images.
    • Pay extra attention to the condition of the item in the photos. Are they only showing the picture of the box? You should be able to see the condition of the item in detail.
  6. This is a trap for many buyers. The item seems like a great price -- until the shipping and handling costs are factored in. If they are not displayed, e-mail for the costs to your part of the world. Also be aware that some sellers will not ship to some locations.
  7. Overall feedback and comments are a good reflection of the seller's good faith, successful previous sales and even speed of shipping. Anything above 95% is usually an indication that the seller is good - some negative feedback is to be expected in the world of sales and may simply be a reflection of a difficult customer or someone who had expectations that were unrealistic.
    • Check how many transactions the seller has performed. While it may not be wrong to do business with someone with only a few transactions (they may be new!), you are more likely to receive good service from sellers that have performed a large number of sales. A seller with a lot of sales will usually process your order faster and work to ensure that you are satisfied.
  8. PayPal is one of the most common payment methods on eBay, as payments can be processed immediately. If you don’t have a PayPal account, it is recommended that you set one up before you begin bidding to make the process smoother.
    • Don’t purchase from sellers who only accept cash. Avoid these sellers.
  9. This will give you the average prices paid for the item in the past which lets you make a comparison and gives you a notion whether the "Buy It Now" price or the auction listing prices are fair or not. If you are bidding, as opposed to buying immediately, it gives you an indication of how much you should be willing to bid.
    • You can perform a Completed Listings search by clicking the "Advanced" link next to the search bar. Check the "Completed listings" box in the "Search including" section. Enter in your search keywords and then click the Search button.
    • Listings in red will be completed listings.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Bidding on the Item

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  1. The “Buy it Now” option allows you to purchase the item for a set price instead of having to go through the bidding process. For rarer items, using the “Buy it Now” option may actually save you money if a bidding war starts.
    • Be sure to check the average price for the item you are purchasing. If you use the “Buy it Now” option, you may end up paying more than it’s worth.
  2. Your bid will automatically increase by the minimum bidding interval until you reach the maximum amount you entered. This will allow you to set a maximum that you’re comfortable with without having to constantly monitor the auction.
    • Placing any bid binds you to the auction. By placing the bid, you are agreeing to pay the amount that the auction closes at.
    • You cannot retract bids, so be sure that you are sure that you want the item. Bids can only be retracted if there was an error in entering a bid to begin with, not if you change your mind on an item.
  3. As the auction progresses, you will be notified if your maximum amount has been outbid. If you can and want to, you can increase the amount of your bid by returning to the listing and entering in a new amount.
  4. If you win the item, you will be notified. Once the auction ends, you are obligated to get in touch with the seller and work out payment and shipping details. [1]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Completing the Transaction

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  1. Once the auction is complete and you have declared the winner, you and the seller need to get in touch. This communication will allow you to choose your payment method and confirm your shipping address and the shipping and handling fees. The seller will ship the item once they receive confirmation that payment has been made.
  2. If the seller does not receive payment within two days of the auction ending, they can open a case against you through eBay. You can avoid this by quickly paying for your item as soon as the auction is completed.
    • Paying quickly will often result in the seller leaving good feedback for you, which will make future sellers more likely to quickly work with you.
  3. The entire eBay system revolves around buyers and sellers leaving feedback for each other after the completion of a transaction. Leaving feedback for sellers after a transaction is considered good etiquette. Use the feedback to let other buyers know if the seller is reliable. Feedback options include:
    • Positive: You are satisfied with the transaction and would likely buy from that seller again.
    • Neutral: You may have some issues with the sale process but not enough to leave a negative.
    • Negative: Something about the sale disappointed or upset you. Before leaving negative feedback, always try to contact the seller and seek resolution. Most sellers will try to remedy any errors that they have caused because they value their feedback status. Many now offer refunds and in some cases, you may be able to reach a compromise that makes both sides happy. If you cannot reach a resolution, eBay can also intervene for you. After trying a reasonable amount to resolve the issue and you still have no happy outcome, leave a factual message as to why you found the transaction to be negative. Avoid abuse or inflammatory statements; these reflect badly on you and may cause future sellers to block you.
  4. If you have troubles with receiving the item from the seller, receiving an item in a different condition than was advertised, or have any other issues, contact the eBay Resolution Center. You can use this online tool to file a complaint, and potentially receive a refund from eBay for the purchase you made.
    • Always try to resolve your issue with the seller directly before using the Resolution Center. Most good sellers will attempt to make things right without having to escalate to eBay customer service.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Do you recommend buying a used phone on eBay?
    Brehima Traore
    Tech Expert
    Brehima Traore is an Electronic Repair Expert specializing in sharing information about smartphones. Online, Brehima is known as Electronic Repair Solution (ERS Bit), and has a follower base of over 61,000 YouTube subscribers and over 150,000 followers on Instagram. As Ersbit, Brehima creates electronics repair content, offering repair tutorials, product reviews, and stress testing of devices. His most popular videos highlight phone camera and screen replacement tips. His channels offer recommendations and tips on how to save money by doing DIY repairs and other device upgrades. Brehima’s aim is to educate his audience by covering all aspects of repairing phones, so that they can save money and fix their devices, themselves.
    Tech Expert
    Expert Answer
    If it will be used as a phone, the best place to get a used phone is eBay. The price is going to be lower than what you will pay generally and, also, it is going to be less than what you're going to pay if you were to buy the same phone used from any of the manufacturers. With eBay, the issue is going to be trusting the seller. You will have to talk with the seller by message and ask him any questions that you have and he will have to give you a satisfactory response for you to proceed in buying that phone. Also, the best thing that you can do is to ask for additional pictures of the areas where the phone is generally going to have damage.
  • Question
    It's mentioned that some of the shippings are unable to travel in certain locations, but can we still get the purchased item?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes certain items cannot be shipped to specific locations. It may be due to local laws or the seller's preference. Always contact the seller prior to making a purchase to see if the item can be shipped to you.
  • Question
    Why does eBay require two addresses, primary and secondary, for shipping?
    Community Answer
    If you live in an apartment building, the secondary address line provides a space for you to state what your apartment number is.
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      • Be honest and respectful in your transactions. If you know the costs of shipping and handling in advance, you are accepting them, so don't start arguing the toss after the sale. If you don't know them, then you only have yourself to blame for not finding out if you are charged a high amount for shipping and handling.
      • Be aware also that whenever an item says "AS-IS", especially electronics, it is probably broken and needs repairs
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      • Make sure you know what you're buying. Make sure it isn't a fake copy of the item. Lego fakes are often sold on eBay. Same goes with other, rare collector’s items like coins or stamps.
      • Do not bid or buy now unless you are sure you want the item. Do not overbid or get "buyer’s remorse" once you have placed your bid. Be considerate, honest and patient and treat each transaction as you would expect to be treated.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To buy on eBay, start by registering for an eBay account online. Then, locate an item you're interested in buying, and click on the "Buy it Now" option if you want to purchase it for a set price without going through the bidding process. If you'd prefer to bid on the item, click on "Place bid," and enter in the maximum amount you're willing to pay. Keep in mind that you can't take back a bid once you submit it, but you'll only have to pay if you win the auction. To learn how to avoid scams on eBay, keep reading!

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