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Paytm is a way to exchange money for goods and services at the touch of a button. Customer care representatives are available most of the week to assist you when something goes wrong with the service. For immediate assistance, call the customer service hotline. You can also reach out through email or social media. Paytm has separate offices in India and Canada, so contact the proper customer care team to ensure you get the help you need.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Calling Paytm

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  1. Calling the main service line gets you in touch with the customer care team no matter what reason you have for calling. This line works for both individual customers and companies using the Paytm app. Use this number if you have questions about the service or desire immediate help.
    • The main customer line for Paytm in India is available all day every day. Reach it by dialing 0120-3888-388.
    • If you’re a merchant using Paytm, call 0120-3366-3377 to reach the help desk. [1]
    • As of September 2018, the service line in Canada is available Monday through Friday between 10 AM and 6 PM EST. Dial 1-888-878-7761.
  2. The customer care team in India has multiple numbers you can call. These numbers support various services covered by Paytm, such as banking, event tickets, and travel plans. Select the number you need, then make use of it to reach the correct customer support department more quickly. You can find the numbers at https://paytm.com/offer/customer-care-number/ . [2]
    • For example, banking, wallet, and general payment issues are covered by 0120-4456-456.
    • Call 011-3377-6677 to contact customer care regarding issues with the Paytm mall.
    • Use 95553-95553 to speak to customer care about bus and train tickets.
    • If you’re using Paytm in Canada, call the main customer support number for help with any issue.
  3. The customer care staff member who answers your call will ask for the ID number right away. You can find it by logging into your account on the Paytm website or on the phone app. Use the square button or tabs near the top of the screen to access a list of transactions you have made through Paytm. [3]
    • If your reason for calling customer care involves a purchase, bill payment, or another transaction, find the ID number first. It will help customer care solve the problem.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Opening an Email Ticket

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  1. Sending an email allows you to contact Paytm at your leisure or in times when the call center happens to be closed. On the app, navigate to the profile section, then press the “contact us” button. To send an email over the computer, go to https://paytm.com/care/ticket . [4]
    • You can contact Paytm Canada’s customer support by emailing care@paytm.ca.
    • If you use Paytm’s Canadian service, you can also submit an email complaint directly through the form at https://paytm.com/care/ .
  2. with your phone number and password. You will need to do this if you attempt to contact customer care through the app or website. Access your account by typing in the same phone number or email address linked to your Paytm account. If you don’t have an account, click the “sign up” button on the menu to create one. [5]
    • On the website, you will also see a QR code on the pop up menu. If you use your phone to scan it, you will be logged in automatically.
  3. You will see a selection of categories near the top of your screen. These are general reasons for contacting support, such as “Orders on Paytm” and “Insurance.” When you select a category, you may see additional categories like “report unauthorized payment activity.” [6]
    • If you’re unsure about how to categorize your reason for contacting customer care, choose the options that best fit your complaint.
  4. Type an explanation of your reason for contacting customer support. Finish the contact form by describing your question, comment, or complaint. Include as much detail as possible. Type in any relevant personal information, such as your name, email address, and transaction ID to help customer care address your email promptly. [7]
    • Always include information like your email address and transaction ID if applicable. You will see spaces to type in this information. Sometimes, the form requires you to include these details before you can submit it successfully.
  5. Go back to Paytm’s ticket page and your email inbox. Expect to see a response from customer care within a day. If they are unable to answer your question or complaint right away, you can send another message to continue consulting with them. [8]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Chatting with Paytm Canada

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  1. The support chat option is only available for Paytm’s service in Canada. It is available Monday through Friday between 10 AM to 6 PM, which is the standard hours for the customer care office. You can access the chat on the official Paytm app or through the website.
    • The chat support system allows you a quick way to contact customer care. It is often faster than calling or sending an email.
  2. Depending on which page you are on, you will see a blue button labeled “Support,” “Leave a message” or “How can we help you?” Click on the button to access the support chat. You will have an opportunity to describe your reason for contacting customer care as well as provide any information relevant to your complaint.
    • If you attempt to use the chat outside of customer care’s operating hours, you will see a prompt to leave a message. This is similar to sending an email to customer care. Wait until the next day to receive a response.
  3. Help customer care by providing as much information as possible. Your name and email address are important if you want a response, but you can also provide your phone number. Take time to detail your reason for contacting support in the “message” box.
    • You will need to type your question, comment, or complaint in the message box, or else you will not be able to submit the form.
  4. If you access the form during office hours, you will be entered in a queue. Wait for customer care to respond to your message. Otherwise, expect to receive a response via email. Check your email the next day for a response from customer care.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Connecting Through Social Media

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  1. Visit the official Facebook page to post your request and receive help. You can leave a comment on the Paytm page’s posts, or you can send a message directly to Paytm through the Facebook Messenger. Give the page operator at least a couple of hours to respond and, to avoid spamming the page, wait at least a day before reposting your issue. [9]
  2. Paytm has a few different Twitter accounts, so to get faster service, make sure you communicate with the official customer care account. To speak to customer service, press the message button on the left side of the screen. This allows you to send a private message that no one else but customer care can see. [10]
  3. The Instagram account is the toughest way to get noticed by customer care. Click on the latest post, type out the reason you need to reach customer care, then ask for them to contact you. Many people comment on these posts, so you may not be able to get a quick response this way. [11]
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      • Calling or contacting customer support directly is the fastest way to resolve a problem. Using email or social media can take some time, so be patient if you use these methods.
      • Avoid spamming social media pages with requests or complaints. Post messages at a reasonable rate, such as once a day, and be respectful of the staff and other customers.
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