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Learn what bat dreams reveal about your waking life
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Bats are secretive, flying mammals that are often associated with darkness, evil, and the supernatural in popular culture. In your dreams, these mysterious creatures of the night can hold powerful meanings for your waking life, whether they’re a sign to prepare for challenges ahead or to follow your intuition. Read on to learn about the spiritual meanings of bats in your dreams, how to interpret different dream scenarios, and what different cultures and religions think about bats!

Things You Should Know

  • Bats are believed to represent intuition. Dreaming about a bat can mean you need to trust your gut and follow your instincts when making important decisions.
  • Having a dream about a fearsome, aggressive bat can symbolize anxieties and worries you’re dealing with in your real life.
  • Dreaming about a bat flying can represent transformation. They can symbolize your desire to make a change or be a sign that changes are ahead.
Section 1 of 4:

Spiritual Meanings of Bats in Dreams

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  1. Bats are often seen as symbols of intuition and insight due to their ability to locate prey using sound, which is called echolocation. If you’re weighing a tough decision in your personal or professional life, a dream about a bat might be a sign to listen to your inner voice and have confidence in your instincts. [1]
  2. Throughout history, bats have been fearfully associated with darkness, disease, and the supernatural. If your dream about bats is unpleasant or you’re scared of the bats, they might symbolize stress and anxiety you’re feeling in your waking life. For example, you might be worried about finishing a project at work or dealing with a fight with a friend.
    • A fitful dream about bats can also mean danger is coming into your life. This might mean someone is out to betray you or challenges in your professional life are ahead.
  3. As the only known flying mammal, bats are free to soar to new destinations and change their lives. Seeing them fly in your dreams can represent your own desire to transform your life and start anew. You might feel the itch to switch careers, move to a new city, or simply change up your routine.
    • Dreaming of a bat flying can also indicate that changes are ahead. It can be a sign to learn to accept change and say yes to all the exciting opportunities that come your way.
  4. Bats are nocturnal creatures who prefer hunting and flying during the night and resting during the day. Their association with the night can represent your subconscious and feelings you’re holding back. Dreaming about seeing a bat at night can be a sign that your repressed thoughts are coming to light and you need to deal with them. [2]
    • For example, deep down you might feel upset at work because you’re not making as much as you deserve. So, it can be a sign to ask for a promotion.
    • Or, you might repress the unhappiness you feel in your friendship. So, take this dream as a sign to express your feelings and work on patching up the relationship.
  5. Because bats rely on sound to fly and forage for food, their eyesight isn’t the greatest. Having a dream about a bat fumbling around can represent doubts and confusion you feel in real life. For instance, you might feel unsure about committing to your partner and deepening your connection or staying at your current job.
    • Interpret this dream as a sign to reflect on your needs and find out more information about the issue you’re dealing with so you can get clarity about the situation and make the decision that’s best for you.
  6. To many people, bats symbolize feminine energy: they form close social bonds, rely on their intuition, and are active when the moon rises at night. [3] They also typically sleep in caves, which can represent the womb, pregnancy, and nurturing behaviors. So, dreaming of a graceful bat can be a sign to embrace your feminine energy, regardless of your gender identity.
    • For instance, nurture your creativity and start a new hobby like painting or woodworking. Or, take time each day to walk around in nature.
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Bat Dream Scenarios and Interpretations

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  1. Dreaming about an aggressive bat biting and scratching you can indicate that issues in your life are overwhelming you and wearing you down. You might feel out of control and vulnerable, whether you’re taking on new responsibilities at your job or working on communication issues in your relationship. [4]
    • Interpret this dream as a sign to prioritize self-care so you feel less stressed and have more energy to tackle the problems in your life.
    • When you’re feeling overwhelmed, practice deep breathing to calm yourself down. Inhale slowly for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7, and then exhale for 8 seconds. [5]
  2. Seeing a bat hanging upside down in your dream might be your subconscious’ way of telling you to approach a problem in your life a different way. Your typical way of solving the issue , whether it’s related to work or your relationship, might be getting you nowhere, so this is a sign to tackle it by thinking outside of the box . [6]
    • For example, if you’re dealing with budget issues at your job, take a step back and consider all of the factors affecting the issue. Then, brainstorm different ways to address each problem and get outside advice for your coworkers.
  3. Dreaming about running away from an angry, flying bat can indicate that problems are starting to pop up at work and in your personal life. For instance, you might enter a rough patch with your partner or find yourself burdened with the tasks nobody wants to take on at work.
    • If you’re already dealing with challenges in your life, getting chased by a bat in your dreams might mean you’re avoiding the issue.
    • So, take this as a sign to face the challenge by breaking your problem into small steps that are easier for you to solve and making a plan to tackle them.
  4. A dream about a bat flying through your home or sleeping in your room can mean you’re struggling with something internal and personal. This might be conflicting feelings about a goal you want to reach, a decision you have to make, or emotions you’re uncomfortable expressing. [7]
    • For example, you might feel at war with your desire to travel and your family’s expectations to stay at home and work.
    • To resolve your conflicting emotions, embrace your feelings and reflect on what’s important to you. Then, stand up for yourself and remind yourself that your wants and needs are important.
  5. A dream about defeating an aggressive bat can feel scary, but this is regarded as a positive sign that you have the ability to face obstacles in your life. The blood, sweat, and tears you put into your career or relationship are paying off and good things are right around the corner.
    • For example, navigating a busy and overwhelming period at work might secure you a raise. Or, working through a conflict with a friend might deepen your bond and lead to a more fulfilling relationship.
  6. In the world of dreams, black is commonly associated with negativity, death, and turmoil. So, seeing an all-black bat in your dream is generally regarded as a bad omen. This might be a sign to expect trouble on the horizon, whether that’s a period of instability in your life, an irritating coworker, or miscommunication in your relationships.
    • While a black bat might mean problems are arising in your future, look at them as a way to help you grow. Facing challenges head-on is a way for you to gain life experience and confidence in your ability to solve your own problems.
  7. The color white is often related to new beginnings, purity, and clarity. So, dreaming about a white bat might mean something in your life is ending, leaving the door open for change and new experiences. While you might feel sad to let something or someone go, this can be a positive omen that better things are in store for you. [8]
    • For instance, you might have to relocate for work and move away from your family. But, this change might help you grow your career and lead you to the love of your life.
  8. Holding or petting a newborn bat that has their whole life in front of them can symbolize parts of you that you’ve yet to discover. This might be a sign that you aren’t tapping into your full potential; there are strengths and abilities inside you that you need to uncover.
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Cultural & Religious Meanings of Bats in Dreams

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  1. In Isaiah 2:20, people are instructed to “throw away to the moles and to the bats their idols.” This associates bats with uncleanliness and worshiping false gods, both of which aren’t positive in the Bible as they signify mistrust in God. [9]
  2. Bats are a common motif in Chinese art, spreading their wings in flight on clothing, pottery, paintings, and other crafts. They are regarded as auspicious animals that bring you prosperity and blessings. In fact, the word for bat in Chinese (蝠 or fú) sounds like the word for good fortune (福 or fú)! [10]
  3. According to both Aztec and Mayan mythology, bats are believed to be animals of the underworld. Many Mexican tribes believed that bats were spiritual messengers who traveled between the land of the living and the dead. [11]
    • Some tribes’ gods, like the Mayan’s Camazotz and the Bakairi’s Evaki, take the form of the bat.
    • Bats aren’t very common in Native American folklore. In some stories, they are associated with death and disease, while in others they’re seen as lucky.
  4. Bats are associated with some Tamil and Hindu gods, such as Muni. Many worshippers revere bats as protectors and guardians who watch over their lands and communities. Bats are also associated with Laxmi, the goddess of wealth, so they are believed to bring you prosperity and abundance. [12]
  5. When bats show up in Greek myths, they’re typically flitting around the ceilings of the underworld. They are typically associated with the gods Hades and Persephone, who rule the land of the dead. [13]
  6. The bats’ tendency to sleep in caves and only come out at night made them seem like dark, evil creatures to early Europeans. They believed that just seeing a bat could make you sick, bring bad luck, or even lead to death. When they learned about bats in South America that drank blood, they dreamed up stories that led to the creation of vampires. [14]
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Section 4 of 4:

Are bats good or bad omens in a dream?

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  1. Many people and cultures view bats as symbols of prosperity, wealth, and blessings. However, others see them as creatures of darkness and death. When you interpret your dreams , pay attention to how you felt, who you were with, and what you were doing to determine whether the bat is a good or bad sign.
    • If you were happy to see the bat or felt comfortable in its presence, it’s likely a good omen. If it was threatening, it might be a sign that challenges lie ahead.

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