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Any easy guide to accessing PowerSchool as a student or parent
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PowerSchool is a student information system that allows parents and students to access and review assignments, grades, attendance, and more from a secure network. Before parents and students can log into PowerSchool, they must obtain login credentials from their school’s administration staff.

Logging Into PowerSchool

If you’re a student, go to your school’s PowerSchool website. Click “Student Access” and enter your username and password. If you’re a parent, go to the PowerSchool website, click “Parent Access,” and enter your username and password. Then, enter your student’s information.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Logging In as a Student

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  1. Every school district has its own designated PowerSchool URL, or webpage.
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  3. The Username and Password fields will display on-screen.
  4. In most cases, the Username will be your Student ID number. You will now be logged into PowerSchool.
    • If you don’t know your PowerSchool login credentials, consult with a teacher or school staff member. All PowerSchool student login credentials are created by school staff at the beginning of every school year.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Logging In as a Parent

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  1. Every school district has its own designated PowerSchool URL, and each child has his or her own personal login credentials.
  2. The Username and Password fields will display on-screen.
  3. You must provide your first name, last name, email address, and choose your own username and password for the PowerSchool website.
  4. This information must be supplied to you by either your children or school staff member. In most cases, the Access ID will be your child’s unique student ID number.
  5. Your PowerSchool parent account will now be created.
  6. You will now be logged into PowerSchool, and can access grades, attendance, school bulletins, teacher comments, calendars, and more from the main dashboard.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I get my access password?
    Community Answer
    You need to go to your school's office to get the access code. You will probably be asked for identification.
  • Question
    What do I use for the password?
    Community Answer
    Something which is hard to guess but easy to remember for you, and something no one else could know.
  • Question
    Is the username of powerschool supposed to be your birthday or lunch number?
    Community Answer
    Your username should contain your name and some kind of other letters. If your name was Ben, you could call yourself Ben0123. Or any numbers. Putting your birthday in your name allows people to know personal information about you.
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      • Try entering your children’s names exactly as they are registered in the school system if PowerSchool cannot find your children in the system. For example, if you registered your child with their first, middle, and last names, enter all three names into the “Name” field when creating a PowerSchool account. [1]
      • If your children attended the same school the previous year, try signing into PowerSchool using the same login credentials as before. In many cases, schools will not change or update PowerSchool login credentials for returning students.
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