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Printing Brochures with Microsoft Word

  1. Open your brochure in Microsoft Word.
  2. Navigate to File > Print .
  3. Enable double-sided printing (exact option location depends on printer and computer).
  4. Click the Orientation drop-down and select Landscape .
  5. Click Print to print your brochures.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Microsoft Word

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  1. Double-click the Word document that serves as your brochure template.
    • If the brochure is in PDF format rather than Word format, try using Preview for a Mac or Adobe Acrobat for a Windows computer.
  2. It's in either the upper-left corner of the window (Windows) or the upper-left corner of the screen (Mac). A menu will appear.
  3. This option is in the menu. Doing so prompts a Print menu.
  4. Click the "Printer" drop-down box, then click a printer in the resulting drop-down menu.
  5. Click the "Print One-Sided" box, then click Print Double Sided (or a similarly titled option).
    • On a Mac, click the Copies & Pages drop-down box, click Layout , click the "Two-Sided" box, and click Long-Edge Binding .
    • You may need to click Manually Print on Both Sides instead if your printer doesn't support double-sided printing.
  6. Click the "Orientation" drop-down box, then click Landscape Orientation .
  7. It's at the bottom of the page. Your brochure should print on both sides.
    • If you chose the Manually Print on Both Sides option, you'll need to remove and reinsert the paper once one side has printed.
    • If your printer doesn't support double-sided printing, you can print only the first page from your brochure, remove the paper, reinsert the paper printed-side-up and front cover-side-in, and then print only the second page.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Preview

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  1. If your brochure is saved as a PDF on a Mac, Preview is most likely the default program with which the brochure will open, so just double-click the brochure.
    • If the brochure doesn't open in Preview, click the brochure file, then click File , select Open With , and click Preview in the resulting menu.
  2. It's in the upper-left side of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. This option is near the bottom of the drop-down menu. Doing so opens the "Print" window.
  4. Click the "Printer" drop-down box at the top of the window, then click the printer that you want to use.
  5. It resembles a sideways silhouette.
  6. Click the drop-down box that's below the "Orientation" section, click Layout , click the "Two-Sided" box, and click Long-Edge Binding .
  7. It's at the bottom of the window. Your brochure should print on both sides.
    • If your printer doesn't support double-sided printing, you can print only the first page from your brochure, remove the paper, reinsert the paper printed-side-up and front cover-side-in, and then print only the second page.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Adobe Acrobat

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  1. If Adobe Acrobat is your computer's default document reader, simply double-click the brochure; otherwise, do the following:
    • Windows - Right-click the brochure, select Open with , and click Adobe Acrobat in the menu.
    • Mac - Click the PDF, click File , select Open With , and click Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat in the menu.
  2. It's either in the top-left corner of the Acrobat window (Windows) or in the top-left corner of the screen (Mac). A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. You'll find this option in the drop-down menu. This will prompt the "Print" window to open.
  4. Click the "Printer" drop-down box at the top of the window, then click a printer in the drop-down menu.
  5. It's near the top of the Acrobat Print page.
  6. This will prompt the printer to print the first page in the brochure (e.g., one side of the brochure) but not the second page.
  7. It's on the left side of the page. Doing so orients your brochure sideways so that the whole piece of paper is used.
  8. This option is at the bottom of the page. The brochure should now print.
  9. Place the printed paper face-up with the left-most part of the brochure going into the printer first. Now that one side of the brochure printed, it's time to print the other side.
    • If the paper printed face-up, place the printed paper face-down here instead.
  10. Click File , click Print , and make sure that your settings are the same.
  11. This will ignore the first page (which you already printed) and print only the second page of the brochure.
  12. If your brochure is properly printed on both sides, you can repeat this process with multiple brochures.
    • If the brochure doesn't print properly, try inserting the paper in different directions until the second page of the brochure prints properly.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Why is the other side of the brochure upside down?
    Paul Sargent
    Community Answer
    Check that the print settings are set correctly, i.e., print on two sides - flip on short edge or long edge. Check the current setting and choose the other option.
  • Question
    Can I use Photoshop? How do I print it?
    Paul Sargent
    Community Answer
    Technically yes, but Photoshop isn't the best choice for it. If you have the Adobe collection, use Indesign or Illustrator. Indesign is the most ideal.
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      • Consider using photo paper or something similar when printing brochures, as standard printer paper is relatively flimsy.
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      • Printers differ from one another, as do their settings. Printing double-sided on one printer might work for your brochure while another printer might mess up the job.

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