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Q&A for How to Avoid Getting Shot by a Police Officer
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QuestionHow do I fight a traffic ticket?Saul Jaeger is a Police Officer and Captain of the Mountain View, California Police Department (MVPD). Saul has over 17 years of experience as a patrol officer, field training officer, traffic officer, detective, hostage negotiator, and as the traffic unit’s sergeant and Public Information Officer for the MVPD. At the MVPD, in addition to commanding the Field Operations Division, Saul has also led the Communications Center (dispatch) and the Crisis Negotiation Team. He earned an MS in Emergency Services Management from the California State University, Long Beach in 2008 and a BS in Administration of Justice from the University of Phoenix in 2006. He also earned a Corporate Innovation LEAD Certificate from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business in 2018.Fight it in court, since it won't help you to argue with the police officer out on the street. At that hearing, the officer will have to prove what you did, and you'll have an ability to also talk about it. Make sure that you sign the ticket the police officer gives you as well. It's not admission of guilt—it's just your way of promising to appear in court.
QuestionIf I pass by a police officer, will I sound guilty if I say a quick hello and a compliment?Community AnswerA quick hello is no reason for an officer to get alarmed. However, if you struggle with talking naturally or can't think of a relevant compliment, take a pass on saying anything.
QuestionWhat should I do if I get pulled over by the police while I'm with someone who is autistic?Community AnswerJust tell the autistic person to stay calm and quiet. If they start to get upset, politely explain to the police officer that they are autistic.
QuestionMy mouth gets very dry when I am nervous, making it difficult to speak. Should I ask the officer if I can reach for my water bottle? How can do it?DaEpicKoalaCommunity AnswerExplain the situation, and if he gives you permission, do it exactly as you would for your ID.
QuestionWhat if I am terrified and shaking due to nerves?Community AnswerMost police officers will understand. Just take deep breaths and do what they tell you to do.
QuestionWhat should I do while the officer is deciding how to approach me in close proximity?Community AnswerStay calm, careful, and quiet. Don't move at all, and don't reach into your pockets. Think of it this way: if you were on the other side, and you saw someone reaching into their pockets while you approached them, would you really feel safe?
QuestionCan police shoot me if I fail to comply?Community AnswerNo. They can only shoot if they feel threatened. They would probably force you into cuffs right away. As long as you make no aggressive movements, they can't shoot you. Keep in mind, however, that police officers are human and you don't want to put yourself in a position where they even THINK they feel threatened.
QuestionIf an undercover agent comes to my door and knocks, then bangs on the door without identifying themselves, do I have to open the door?Epic TienCommunity AnswerAuthorities must announce their presence and state their purpose when they come to your house. If they do not, most likely they are an impersonator.
QuestionHow do I make it clear that I refuse to be handcuffed behind the back?Community AnswerYou don’t. Refusing to comply for a reason other than a physical disability or injury could and probably will get you into more trouble than you’re already in. If you do have any physical condition, be sure to clearly mention that.
QuestionWhy is it necessary to get on the ground?Community AnswerThat would allow the officer control over the situation and protection for yourself to avoid dangerous situations where officers may feel threatened. When you are on the ground, you're not in a favorable position to attack the officer.
QuestionIf an officer has the right to shoot me if I walk toward him with a gun or if he's in fear of his life, does this mean I can also legally shoot the officer if he acts the same way or if I feel threatened?Community AnswerYou cannot assault a police officer, no matter what. Physically harming a police officer will not be considered self-defense. Also, if he sees you with a gun, there is a much greater chance that you will be shot.
QuestionIf a cop comes out of nowhere and starts beating me with a baton for no reason, do I have a right to defend myself?Community AnswerAs crazy as that scenario would be, defending yourself would still qualify as assaulting a police officer, so defending yourself could result in you getting arrested. However, you could always fight your charges, especially if there's any proof that you were attacked unprovoked.
QuestionIf stress makes it more difficult for me to respond verbally, but I can't make motions because that could be interpreted as aggressive, are there phrases I should practice saying aside from those mentioned here?( i.e., besides "How can I help you officer?" and "Am I being detained")?Community AnswerLet the officer know that you are having trouble speaking to him/her. They interact with all sorts of people and will more than likely be somewhat sympathetic towards you if you are legitimately unable to remain calm. Some actions like nodding, shrugging, and only speaking when spoken to are another safe bet. However, I would recommend you take a deep breath and stay calm. Rehearse saying "Can I help you, officer?" until it comes naturally. Then ask if you are being detained. If you have someone with you, they can speak for you, but they will have to know their role ahead of time.
QuestionWhat should I do if I am black?Community AnswerSlowly do everything they ask. Do not talk unless they ask you a question. Remain calm and be respectful.
QuestionWhat do I do if I am a protester or I am being civilly disobedient intentionally?Community AnswerCitizens have the right to peacefully protest. So long as you are not disrupting the public order, you are not breaking the law. Remember that "civil disobedience" means exactly that -- you are disobeying in a civil way. That means being respectful and remaining calm. Do not shout at the officer or make any crude or threatening gestures. Even if you are passionate about what you are protesting, civil disobedience does not mean you are free to break the law.
QuestionWhat should I do if I am white?Community AnswerMost of this advice is not race-specific, just follow instructions as they are given to you and be polite and honest with the police officer.
QuestionWhat happens if you do not have your ID with you?Jack BergeronCommunity AnswerTell the cop, "I accidentally left my ID at home. May I please go get it?" Then do whatever the officer instructs. He or she may want to follow you home to get your ID.
QuestionHow do I not get shot by a cop if I'm a black teenager?Community AnswerDo not do anything that could possibly make a cop want to shoot you. If a cop says "Stop" then just STOP. Cops are kind of like dogs - they will chase anything that runs away from them. If you are doing nothing wrong, you do not have anything to worry about, and if you have done something wrong, just be cool, don't act tough, let them do their job. When I was arrested (white 39-year-old woman) I kept my mouth shut, answered their questions, and offered them nothing. Just stay calm, keep your hands still and visible, be as polite as you would be to a pastor or an old person, and you should be fine.
QuestionWhat should you do if someone runs at you with a knife?Community AnswerRun away as fast and far as you possibly can.
QuestionWhat do I do if given contradicting directions?Community AnswerAcknowledge the contradiction, and carefully comply with the most recent direction you were given.
QuestionWhat if the officer just starts shooting at you?Community AnswerIt isn't likely for a police officer to just shoot at you without provocation. If he does, you are dealing with a lunatic and there is not much you can do. Increase your chances of staying safe by following the exact orders of the police officer to prevent any dangerous encounters.
QuestionHow do I win in a fight against a police officer? Will ambushing them unexpectedly help so they have less time to react and realize whats happening?Community AnswerNo, do not fight with the police. It will likely get you shot or killed. A police officer is expecting to be ambushed every time he approaches a vehicle. He will be ready for it and you will likely end up on the losing end.
QuestionWhat should I do if an officer becomes aggressive when I act slowly or explain my actions (like "I'm going to reach into my wallet for my ID")?Community AnswerStop doing whatever you were doing. If you were reaching into your pocket(s), then slowly move your hand(s) away from the pocket(s), but keep them where the officer can see them. Ask them clearly what they would like you to do, and follow their instructions exactly without question.
QuestionIs it okay if I say, "Hello, officer. We appreciate all that you and other officers around the nation do to keep public order"?Community AnswerSure, although it might come off as forced depending on the circumstances.
QuestionIs it justified to attack a police officer who tries to arrest me without a reason?AnthonyrocksCommunity AnswerCertainly not. That's assault. You will need to take it up with the courts if you think you're getting arrested for no reason.
QuestionWhat do you mean by "end up on the losing end" if ambushing a police officer?Butterfly7398Community AnswerIt means you will get arrested or shot. It is not a good idea to fight against a police officer.
QuestionWhy do black people seem to always be involved with the police?Community AnswerBlack people are systematically targeted by the police in situations where white people often wouldn't be, leading to more interactions with the police overall. Since areas with high crime rates also often have higher populations of black citizens, that can also cause more interactions between black people and the police.
QuestionWhat should I do if I have Tourette's or hiccups?Community AnswerCalmly explain the situation to the officer and cooperate with their orders. Raise your hands above your head if you have trouble keeping them still. If you get arrested, do not resist. When they take you into the station/jail, tell them about any and all medical conditions.
QuestionWhat should I do if an officer asks me for identification, but getting it would require me to reach into my pocket or retrieve it from my car?Community AnswerWhile keeping your hands in view, explain to the officer that you need to retrieve your ID from either your pocket or your car. Listen to his or her instructions on exactly how to do so, and move slowly.
QuestionWhat does it mean to end up on "the losing end" of a fight with a police officer?Community AnswerGenerally, this would mean that you are either arrested or shot.
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