Q&A for How to Consecrate Yourself

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    I am trusting God for my marriage, my family, and the order of things as it relates to family even though I am not married yet. What do I need to pray, please help!
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    It feels cliché to say "God has a plan," but it's the truth. These things that you so desperately want--there's a possibility they're not in God's plan, or not yet. Try your best to go with the flow: continue to live your life well, being kind to others, following your passions, and praying to God for guidance and comfort. Guaranteed, even if you don't get the life you envisioned having, He'll give you a good and meaningful one--maybe even one you like better.
  • Question
    I believe I am punished by God in this lifetime even before I was born. Am I wrong to think this? How come then while still in my mother's womb do I recall this? Is it wrong to believe this?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    God doesn't want you to feel punished. It's not wrong to believe this, but rest assured that He wants you to feel happy and strong. Ask Him for help overcoming your despair, and turn to trusted friends, family, and perhaps a spiritual advisor or therapist for guidance.
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    How can I turn unwilling souls?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    The best way to persuade others to turn to your religion is by being a good example. By being selfless and kind the way Christ modeled for us, you may convince friends and loved ones to convert as well.
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    Should I be baptized again?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Baptism is a wonderful way to consecrate yourself to the Lord. If you feel a desire to be baptized again to reaffirm your faith in God, do so! But make sure it's what you really want, and that you're not getting baptized due to anxiety or pressure to "prove" your faith.
  • Question
    How do a person's time, finances and talents relate to consecration?
    Community Answer
    Time: Whatever we do, we must remember that the Holy Spirit lives in us; we need to stay in fellowship with Him always. Finances: If God owns our lives then He owns everything in our possession, including our hard-earned money. Talents: As stated above, all we have belongs to God; therefore we must glorify Him with whatever has been bestowed on us. We are stewards of all we have been given, and faithfulness is required in stewardship.
  • Question
    What type of prayer topic can one pray?
    Community Answer
    You can pray about anything, whether it's something that worries you or things you are thankful for or anything else.
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    How do we meditate on the Word of God? What can we do while we fast?
    Community Answer
    We pray and seek directions from God. We read His word and then meditate on it. We ask ourselves what God is saying to us in each particular verse or passage of scripture
  • Question
    What are the benefits of consecrating one's life to God?
    Community Answer
    It builds your faith in God; it causes you to be able to hear His voice to order your steps daily; it strengthens your love. Walk with God to be more forgiving and understanding.
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    In what ways can consecration be preserved?
    Community Answer
    You can preserve consecration by building your relationship with the Lord and focusing on fellowship, intimacy, repentance, prayer, and praise towards him.
  • Question
    How can consecration be preserved?
    Community Answer
    Consecration can be preserved by believing and trusting that God has the best intentions for you in your life and following Him as a guide.
  • Question
    In what way can the consecration be preserved?
    Community Answer
    By meditating on the word of God. Josh 1:8 2: "Through faith, faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God, do not neglect the gathering of the saints."
  • Question
    How can the word of GOD make a person to be consecrated?
    Community Answer
    When you study scripture and truly meditate on it as it says in the Word, The Lord begins to teach you his Word, and you'll be able to discern what are the things of God and what aren't in your life. Romans 12:2 He transforms your thinking, but it takes a healthy life of consuming God's (learning who He is) word AND prayer (Constant communication).
  • Question
    Which scriptures are related to consecration?
    Community Answer
    If you're talking about the consecration of all believers, Christians are called to give their lives to God in Romans 12:1. This kind of consecration has to do with more than just a preparation to some special ministry, but it is the devoting of your whole life to God--work, family, interests, all of it!
  • Question
    How do I deal with an addiction or anything else that is making me lose focus on God?
    Community Answer
    First of all, pray that God will help you with the problem. Focus on scripture and God-honoring things. Open your heart, and let God make the change. You cannot do it without Him.
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    Will consecrating myself get me into heaven?
    Community Answer
    Faith In Christ alone will get you into heaven. You must believe that Christ paid our sin debt on the cross and that He is God. Christ was the perfect sacrifice. We cannot earn favor. He freely gives it because He loves us.
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    Can I consecrate my child?
    Community Answer
    No. Consecration is based on an individual's own decision. However, you can (and should) baptize your child, teach him/her about God, and pray for him/her to grow spiritually.
  • Question
    Can I eat food while consecrating myself?
    Community Answer
    No, you must be fully focused on God and His word. When you are eating, your thoughts are on the taste of the food, and when you are consecrating yourself, you must mediate on His word and what He is saying to you.
  • Question
    Should all Christians consecrate themselves to Christ and why or why not?
    Community Answer
    Yes, all Christians should consecrate themselves to God and be determined to dedicate their lives - every aspect of them - to God, for His glory. Whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we are to seek to bring glory to God (1 Cor. 10:31). When we come to know Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, we are dedicating (consecrating) our lives to Him. We must continue to do so anew each day to keep our walk with Him fresh, to be obedient to Him, and submit to His will and authority in our lives, to be who He created us to be, relying on His Holy Spirit to transform us and help us to be more like Jesus every day. He does not force this on us. We must choose to consecrate ourselves to Him.
  • Question
    What characterizes consecration as a cross-cultural reality?
    Community Answer
    Consecration is not merely a part of a culture, society or denomination. It is the application of faith. You can 'want' to do good and purposeful deed without actually doing them. Consecrating yourself happens when someone feels like doing that out of choice. They work like God. Consecration is spiritual.
  • Question
    Can you consecrate without fasting?
    Community Answer
    Yes, absolutely. Fasting is voluntary so you gain strength over weakness. If you can continue your walk in faith despite failing and falling short, take up your task and not feel like giving up, you need not fast.
  • Question
    While fasting, what ways do you learn consecration?
    Community Answer
    Fasting helps you see that you have kept away a meal or so for spiritual reasons. Consecrating yourself also helps to keep away pleasures of the world, allowing you to follow a spiritual journey that requires faith, strength, happiness, etc. Fasting helps you to be blessed by God as you've given up something and it helps build your sense of self through your effort.
  • Question
    I was in an arranged marriage based upon lies until my ex-husband decided to end it. I was accepted back into the life of my soulmate of 44 years but we don't feel the need to live together or marry. Sinful or not?
    Community Answer
    If your marriage is officially over and you are in relationship with someone because of love, it may not be sinful. However, if you feel wrong being with him without marriage or living together, make an effort to be pure in your thoughts.
  • Question
    Can a lesbian be consecrated?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Anyone is welcome to talk to God, and open their heart to Him. Nothing about you determines His love for you.
  • Question
    I would rather pray silently in my bed in the early morning. Is that okay?
    Galaxy Queen
    Community Answer
    It's fine to pray silently in your heart in the morning because you would not be disturbing anybody and focusing on God.
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    What are some things I can do daily to draw closer to God?
    Community Answer
    Your mind might be divided between God and worldly pleasures. Impatience proves to be a tool of temptations. Aim to lessen your impatience. Pray for God to guide you in the way you can understand. Offer a thank you every day for all that you've received that day. Praise and thankfulness pleases God.
  • Question
    How can someone open his heart for God to come in?
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    Imagine opening your mind to a new school or a new job. Opening yourself for God to come in means to allow God in so you accept God despite many temptations and responsibilities. It happens when you make up your mind. Just agreeing to it and feeling happy about it and not doubtful is the first step to it. Welcoming God means making time for thinking about God, praying, and accepting that God can be in you.
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    What can I do at work or a busy day while fasting and consecrating?
    Community Answer
    Be steadfast about the integrity of your fasting and consecration. Often during fasting while you are absolutely busy with work is when God shows you a door or offers help. So, keep your mind on God. Always know that being away from negativity and sin during this time is helpful. Work as usual and don't appear sad or weak. Ask why you feel such things if you do and answer yourself with wisdom from the Bible. This will make your effort fruitful.
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    What Bible verses to use as prayer point for conversation?
    Community Answer
    Refer to Elijah, who talks about the still, small voice of God. God talks in a still, small voice. Read about this by looking online, such as by typing, "Still, small voice verse" and you will find plenty of references.
  • Question
    Why do I have negative thoughts and ideas when I pray alone in my room? It scares me.
    Community Answer
    Negative thoughts can stem from fears that have come from an event, experience or person. You can address your fears while praying. God knows how you feel. Ask yourself in your mind what and why things trouble you, then make a prayer about it. Other than that, keep the lights on, open the windows or doors whenever you pray and assure yourself that you won't lose faith in God.
  • Question
    How does a clinical depressiion fit in with the will of God? Is it part of sanctification after sinning? I have a difficult time concentrating.
    Community Answer
    Our mental health problems can be challenging. You can relate it to stress before and after exams. How you fare in your exams and what it makes you feel like is mostly down to your actions, preparation, and confidence. You must strive to be healthy with good habits related to eating, physical exercise, mental activities and faith. If you are depressed after sinning, repent with repentance in mind, leaving the fear of depression away. He will touch you in way and at times you can't predict.
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