Q&A for How to Eat a Burger

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    The article doesn't say if I actually need to eat the burger. Is it necessary to ingest the burger in order to absorb the nutrients?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you have to eat the burger.
  • Question
    Do I need to cut a burger into fours?
    Community Answer
    No, cutting the burger into smaller portions is optional based on your own preference. Some people might find it easier to handle smaller portions at a time, while others don't mind handling the entire burger.
  • Question
    Are burger and taco meat the same thing? I am concerned about eating something that I am allergic to, which happens to be taco meat.
    Community Answer
    "Taco meat" is a vague term, and it could encompass beef, pork and other meats; it may also be something in taco seasoning that you're allergic to, such as MSG. Burgers are typically made from beef, although turkey and vegan options are available.
  • Question
    What if I don't like burgers?
    Top Answerer
    Don't eat them. Not every food we eat is something we'll like, so if you've discovered you don't like the taste of burgers, you shouldn't make yourself eat them. Find other foods you like and enjoy eating those instead.
  • Question
    Do I have to add condiments on the burger?
    Top Answerer
    No, you don't have to add condiments on your burger if you don't want to. It's recommended since it adds more flavor to the burger, but you are welcome to eat it as a plain burger, too.
  • Question
    Is it best to eat them slow or quick?
    Community Answer
    It is best to eat them slowly. If you eat too fast, you miss the flavor and risk gagging on it. Also, burgers taste better when you can actually taste it!
  • Question
    Where do I get a burger?
    Community Answer
    Order one at a restaurant, buy premade burgers in a store, or Make a Hamburger from scratch.
  • Question
    Can I eat a burger with a fork?
    Community Answer
    Sure! The best way would be to use a knife and cut the burger in half first, then use the fork to take bites out of it. You could also take the burger apart, piece by piece, and use the fork to eat the pieces separately. You could use a fork for example if you just applied nail polish that hasn't had time to dry yet.
  • Question
    What if I'm allergic to lettuce? In all of the photos above, I see lettuce on the burger.
    Community Answer
    If you don't like lettuce, simply take the lettuce out of the burger. You could also order a burger without lettuce.
  • Question
    What if my cat wants the burger?
    Community Answer
    Then feed it to him. There's nothing in a burger that's toxic to cats.
  • Question
    Is it bad if the burger falls on my foot?
    Community Answer
    No. If the burger is hot, it may burn you a little, but otherwise, no, it won't be dangerous but it will make a mess.
  • Question
    How much ketchup is ideal for a burger that weighs a pound?
    Community Answer
    You can apply as much as you'd like. The usual way would be to apply the sauce in the middle of the burger.
  • Question
    How old should you be to eat a burger?
    Community Answer
    There is no age limit, but very little kids might need some help with it.
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