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Q&A for How to Grow Almonds
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QuestionHow do I transplant a year old tree?Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.Before you transplant, have the new hole for the tree prepared. Carefully dig around the tree and loosen the soil to avoid damaging roots in the process. Do not fertilize when transplanting, simply backfill with the soil you removed when digging the hole.
QuestionAre the offspring of nuts from a sweet cultivar variety always that "safe" eating variety or can they revert to the wild type?Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.As long as they are not cross-pollinated with the bitter type, they will be safe.
QuestionCan California almond trees be farmed in India? What are the best weather conditions for the trees?Community AnswerThe best conditions are in India, because it is a tropical country and has a lot of rainfall and a long summer, which is perfect for almonds. But no, California almond trees cannot be farmed in India because of the difference in temperatures.
QuestionHow tall do the trees get? Are they short enough to grow in a greenhouse?Community AnswerAlmond trees can get as tall as 33ft high, meaning they will only fit in large greenhouses. In general they are between 13-33 feet tall.
QuestionWill a tree blossom before it bears fruit, or is blossoming a sign that it is now old enough to bear fruit?Community AnswerIt will bloom for a couple of years before nuts begin to grow. The number of flowers compared to the number of nuts that set and grow is quite high.
QuestionCan I grow almonds in Montenegro? Do they tolerate temperatures down to -5 C?Community AnswerAlmonds are known for being grown best in Mediterranean climates from between 15-30 Celsius, however certain varieties may be able to tolerate colder climates, ask about the varieties at a local nursery.
QuestionWill almond trees grow in the tropics, like in Africa?Community AnswerYes.Terminalia catappa is a large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family, Combretaceae grows mainly in tropical regions, like Asia, Africa, and Australia.
QuestionWhere can I get an almond plant?Community AnswerAlmond plants are sold at most major retailers with an outdoor section, like Wal-Mart or Home Depot. They are also sold online at common online retailers such as Amazon and e-Bay.
QuestionHow much water does it take to make an almond?Community AnswerIt takes 1.1 gallon to make an almond. This is because the almond is quite small and can barely fit anything into itself.
QuestionThere are snails on my almond trees. How can I get rid of them?Community AnswerYou can use essential oils, such as peppermint and TerraShield to get rid of them. Fill half of a spray bottle with water and put 6 drops of essential oils. Spray it on the trees.
QuestionHow can I tell the difference between sweet trees and bitter trees in the wild?Community AnswerBy tasting. After eating the dry fruit of the tree, you should be able to tell.
QuestionI have several almond seedlings that are now about 50 centimeters long. But they have just gone straight up on one long trunk. Can I 'prune' these seedlings by cutting the top off to encourage other branches?Wolfgirlwild111Community AnswerAbsolutely. One of the best known tips on how to multiply the trunks or branches is exactly that. Cut off the top of the trunk, and more branches will form from that.
QuestionCan one grow an almond tree from unsalted seed nuts bought in supermarkets?Community AnswerI think you need to buy the green fruit almonds. The supermarket ones are usually roasted .
QuestionWill my almond tree start blooming flowers in the spring or fall now that it has finally started producing nuts?Community AnswerThe blooming time varies depending on location, but it is usually in winter, not spring - sometime in January or February.
QuestionDo almond trees need to be thinned?Sally BrushwoodCommunity AnswerThe article above says to plant them at 20 foot intervals. That will be a sufficient distance between mature trees.
QuestionHow do I get rid of the sticky residue around the edges of my almonds?Sally BrushwoodCommunity AnswerSticky residue could be due to the honeydew that aphids produce when they are feeding on the leaves. Try diluted washing up liquid in a flower spray to dislodge these from your leaves.
QuestionCan I plant almond sprouts in coir for a few days if potting soil is not available?Sally BrushwoodCommunity AnswerThe best potting mix for almonds that have just reached root emergence is 33% coir, 33% potting compost, and 33% vermiculite or perlite for good drainage.
QuestionHow do I know the best almond trees to grow in my area?Sally BrushwoodCommunity AnswerThe article above suggests you need several varieties of sweet almonds in order to help with maximum pollination (by bees). This introduces a bigger gene pool into your area and will produce a larger crop.
QuestionAre southern, west coast South American regions able to support almond farms?Sally BrushwoodCommunity AnswerTraditionally the main growing regions for almonds are California, Spain, and Turkey. Have a go. The climate is changing to hotter conditions. You may be lucky.
QuestionHow closely can they be spaced for double planting?Community AnswerIt depends on the tree size. Large size needs about 6 meters, and less is needed for small trees.
QuestionWhat are almonds? Are they all edible?Community AnswerAlmonds are a variety of the nut family. The kernels of almonds are edible (usually sweet almonds, as bitter almonds can be toxic to humans).
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