Q&A for How to Introduce Yourself in French

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    How do I introduce myself in a formal way in French?
    Community Answer
    You would say "Je m'appelle..." then your name.
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    How so I say "Sri Lanka" in French"
    Community Answer
    It's the same in French as it is in English, "Sri Lanka."
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    How do I do the introduction if I am making a presentation to a group?
    Community Answer
    Just like a normal presentation. "Bonjour, je m'appelle (your name)", and then any other information that your group needs to know about you.
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    How can I ask "what is your favorite song?"
    Community Answer
    You would say "Quelle est ta chanson préférée?"
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    How do I address a teacher in French?
    Community Answer
    If the teacher is male, you would call him "Monsieur." If the teacher is female, you would call her "Madame" or "Mademoiselle."
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    How do I say, "What is the name of your school?"
    Community Answer
    You would say, "Comment s'appelle ton école?"
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    What school are you attending? How to answer it in French?
    ths 130028
    Community Answer
    You can say: Je vais a l'école "School Name". Or: J’étudie a "School Name".
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    How will I say that I am still a student in the PhD?
    Community Answer
    Je suis étudiant(e) en le/la _____. The blank is to insert the country you study in. You add the extra ‘e’ in the word ‘student’ if you are a girl. You can look up countries names in French online and it will tell you if the country is masculine or feminine. Nouns have to have an article before them in French.
  • Question
    How do you introduce yourself in French in front of your teacher and classmates?
    Community Answer
    Je m'appelle + your name = I am/My name is ____. J'ai ____ ans = I am ____ years old. J'aime _____ = I like ______.
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