Q&A for How to Make a Raspberry Pi Web Server

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    My Pi said PHP5 is no longer available. Should I update to 7.0?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should.
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    How do I create a shortcut from the user's home folder to a specific folder? And when asked to log in with filezilla, what do I put in the "host" field?
    Community Answer
    As the host, you would put the IP (internet protocol) address of the Raspberry Pi. As for the shortcut, type into the terminal: cd ln -s [LOCATION OF FOLDER] ~/[NAME OF SHORTCUT].
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    Can you give an example of doing step 9?
    Community Answer
    After you've followed all the steps in the article go to a command line. In example - using Windows 10 - Press the Windows Key. Type "FTP". Type "open xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" (Put your ip from the IFCONFIG you ran above, part 4, step 1). If all is OK you'll get: Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2) (or something close). 200 Always in UTF8 mode. User (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:(non)): enter your login default is "pi". You should get: 331 Please specify the password. Password: enter your password, default is "raspberry". If the login and password are correct you will get: 230 Login successful ftp> type ls -- you'll see a directory list.
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    What do I do if I'm trying to make a Raspberry Pi web server and I get the error "php5 has no installation candidate?"
    Community Answer
    PHP5 is fairly outdated. PHP7 is the newest version as of July 2019. Try installing PHP with the following line: "sudo apt install php php-mbstring".
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    I cannot create the file in Windows Explorer as, according to my PC, it needs to be formatted before it can be modified. Can I do this in the Pi?
    Community Answer
    If you are using any OS above Raspberry Pi, you are ok. On the pi in the terminal, type sudo raspi-config then interfacing settings, then enable ssh.
  • Question
    Is there any way I can do this without using a separate device?
    Community Answer
    You can hook up a monitor to your Pi with HDMI. This will allow you to see the desktop of the computer.
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    How would one set it up with a URL?
    Community Answer
    There are many domain sellers, a quick online search brings up lots of them. You'll need to buy the domain, which can be costly for very in-demand names, but you can get many of them for just a couple of dollars. Then, you'll want to configure the DNS for your domain. Add an "A name" record, with the name ".". Point both of them to your IP, then it should work! You may need to wait up to an hour for it to take effect due to caching.
  • Question
    Php5 no longer exists and mysql no longer exists.
    Community Answer
    Instead of php 5, you can use the latest version of php and it will work the same. MySQL is still a thing and very widely used.
  • Question
    How do I change the IP/web address on Raspberry Pi so the website can be accessible by anyone?
    Community Answer
    To make requests to your router on port 80 and 443 (standard web ports), you'll need to set up port forwarding in your router, check the manual for your specific router. Now, your website will be publicly available on your router's IP. To get a custom web address (e.g., google.com), first buy a domain (there are many, many providers of them). Then, configure DNS to point the domain to your router, and the domain will act as an alias for the IP.
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