Q&A for How to Raise a Muslim Child

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    What if I don't want to be Muslim? I'm 11 years old.
    Top Answerer
    There is no pressure on you to be a Muslim, Islam teaches that there is no compulsion of religion. Your parents, however, do have a right to bring you up in an Islamic environment and teach you in accordance to Islamic values. If you choose not to believe in that, then there is no obligation for you; indeed, at the end of the day, Allah guides whom He wills (2:272). Of course, remember that Allah only enters believers to Paradise and enters disbelievers into Hellfire (which contains other, more horrific punishments in addition to the agonizing fire), both for eternity.
  • Question
    What if one parent wanted to raise the child as a Muslim, but the other didn't?
    Community Answer
    Then there is urgent need for the two parents to have good conversations about this. This is a major life decision, and it is important that the parents work it out. Counseling would be helpful.
  • Question
    My daughter is half-Palestinian, and I’d like for her to learn about Islam. I started reading the Quran, and I’d like to learn more to so that I can guide her. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    The best way for you and your daughter to learn more about Islam is to attend classes at your local mosque. Most mosques offer evening and weekend single gender classes for children to learn the basics of Islam and meet other children who are similarly motivated to learn in a safe environment.
  • Question
    How do Muslims raise their children? Could you explain it to me in a shorter version?
    Ayisha A. Gill
    Community Answer
    Good Muslims teach their children all qualities of basic human ethics. There are also some qualities specifically attached to Muslim children, like they may pray regularly. Muslim children are usually taught to obey several rules of Muslim Shariah.
  • Question
    Should children respect their mothers and what is the role of the father?
    Top Answerer
    Children should respect both of their parents according to Islamic tradition. The role of the father is to provide for and protect the family, to encourage the children to study their religion, fulfill their religious obligations and to live their lives in the obedience of Allah.
  • Question
    How do I teach my children about sincerity to Allah and their parents?
    Top Answerer
    Tell your children at a young age that Allah loves them and that they must love Him too, and the best way they can do this is to worship and obey Him. When they are older, around seven to ten, teach them some of the Surahs from the Qur'an that speak about the Afterlife, so that they can start to appreciate the consequences of disobeying Allah. Teach them that one of Allah's commands is for children to respect and look after their parents.
  • Question
    Why can’t Muslim children listen to music?
    Top Answerer
    Music is considered harmful in Islam. It is associated with temptation towards sinful behavior and is also seen as a distraction from worthwhile activities like studying the Qur'an or praying.
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    If it is a religion of choice then why is it taught at such a young age?
    Top Answerer
    No-one can be forced to convert to Islam, but if a child is born to Muslim parents, then they are obliged under Islamic law to raise the child as Muslim. As the child grows up, they learn that the Qur'an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) are the sources of guidance as to how to live our lives and how God wishes to be worshiped. Young childrens' brains can naturally take in much more information at a young age, which is why we start them young with their Qur'an studies.
  • Question
    If one parent is a Muslim and the other is a Christian, how do you raise your child?
    Top Answerer
    In this situation, it can be inferred that the Muslim parent must be the father and mother is Christian, since a Muslim woman is not permitted to marry a Christian husband under Islamic law, whereas the opposite is permitted. In this situation, the law is that the child must be raised as a Muslim and the mother should be also be educated about Islam and encouraged by the husband to convert.
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    What if the child has too many temptations in school, but cannot be moved school?
    Top Answerer
    The child should be educated from a young age about the rules of Islam and warned about the temptations that they may encounter later in life. If they have been taught good manners and self-discipline from a young age then they will be better placed to avoid such temptations. For example, non-essential interaction with the opposite gender is forbidden in Islam, so if boys have been taught by their parents from an early age not to chit-chat with girls, then they will find it easier to concentrate at school and avoid being led to sin.
  • Question
    What should I do if my Muslim child does not respect Allah?
    Top Answerer
    It rather depends what stage of their religious education they are at. If he or she has been brought up as a Muslim, taught to pray and has studied Qur'an, then they need to be reminded of why we are so dependent upon Allah, why He loves us and why we must love and obey Him too. They may also be reminded of the consequences set out in the Qur'an for those who do not believe in Allah and those who disobey Him.
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