Q&A for How to Reply to One Word Texts from Girls

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    I like this girl but she doesn't like me back and bullies me. Should I try these tips on her?
    Community Answer
    No. If she bullies you, then she does not respect who you are. You should not waste your time on someone who has no regard for you.
  • Question
    What topics should I start a conversation with?
    Community Answer
    If it's a new text relationship, start with things you have in common, such as family pets, friends or school life. If it's not brand new, dig deeper. Ask about past experiences she's had at places, or if she's been to a place - and if she has, ask her about it. Bring up more personal things the longer the relationship goes on.
  • Question
    How do I have a text conversation with a girl without getting confused?
    Community Answer
    If you feel confused, just ask her what she meant by what she said. This approach will eliminate confusion.
  • Question
    I have a crush who was always really good to me but since I asked her out her behavior changed. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Assuming she said yes, your crush is probably a little shy and now that you guys are going out she's not sure how to act around you. Keep engaging her and she'll probably get more comfortable with you.
  • Question
    How do I come across as a funny guy?
    Community Answer
    Make fun of yourself good-naturedly, make up ridiculous stories, tell corny jokes, make puns.
  • Question
    What should I do if my female best friend suddenly only replies with one word?
    Community Answer
    Easy! If it is your best friend, then you can use the jokes shown earlier! Your friend could be bored of you, busy, or just unsure of what to say next, so a joke or something funny would be good to continue.
  • Question
    I like a girl, but we do not see each other very much. How can we have a relationship?
    Community Answer
    You can use Skype or any other means of communication for her to know that you want to have a lasting relationship. Try to surprise her whenever you see each other and find time for you to have quality time together.
  • Question
    I talk to a girl who has a boyfriend already, but I like her. She texts me daily; what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Find someone else. Don't steal another guy's girl. There's plenty of other fish in the sea.
  • Question
    How do I leave someone when replying to one word texts?
    Community Answer
    Just say you are busy. Say you have to do something and that you will text the person later.
  • Question
    If someone consistently replies with short messages, does that mean that they don't like me or don't want to talk to me?
    Community Answer
    Probably, or they could be busy. If you know them well enough, you can interpret this situation more accurately. If you are actually concerned, ask them calmly. "Hey, I've noticed you seem a bit short with me. Have I done something wrong, or do you just not want to talk right now?"
  • Question
    What do I do if I accidentally let it slip that I like a girl?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about it. She'll tell you if she likes you back, or let you down gently if she doesn't.
  • Question
    I like a girl, and I've been told she's shy. I text her, and she gives me short responses. How can I get her to like me?
    Community Answer
    Just tell her about your secrets and your problems and anything that happens to you. Be friendly and show her that you care about her.
  • Question
    What do you do if she does not reply at all?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes they need a break, so call her. If she still doesn't answer talk to her in person.
  • Question
    What can I do to make my text conversations with a girl I like more interesting?
    Community Answer
    Tell her something flirty that will make her curious, such as, "I had the weirdest dream about you last night."
  • Question
    If I just started texting a girl who I was told likes me and who I like back, but she sends short messages, what would that mean?
    Community Answer
    It could be that whoever gave you the information was lying or misheard something. Or if it's from a trusted source, it could be that she's a little hesitant to throw herself out there not knowing if the feelings are reciprocated. Of course, she could also just be busy when you're texting her. Try saying something flirtatious (but not dirty!) and see how she responds, or better yet, try talking to her in person or on the phone and see how she reacts to you. It's a little easier to read the signs in person.
  • Question
    It's a little bit complicated in my case. Sometimes she send me answers in paragraphs, sometime in a bunch of short replies and the other times only one word. What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    She might just be busy when she's sending you one word responses. If you get one of these, just say something like, "Are you busy? We can talk later." That may clear things up for you.
  • Question
    What should I do if the girl I'm dating is acting shy, but I know she's not shy?
    Community Answer
    Ask her how she’s feeling and if she’s okay. If she says she’s okay, don’t pry and leave her alone for a bit. If something is wrong, listen to her if she wants to talk about it, and try to be supportive.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my girlfriend doesn't respond to my texts for a long time?
    Community Answer
    Your girlfriend probably wants some space. Try texting her a few days later to see. If she responds, then you're in the clear. If she doesn't, try meeting up with her to see what's wrong.
  • Question
    How do I respond to a girl that said "honestly same" via text? Should I even respond?
    Community Answer
    Say, 'We have something in common then', or something along those lines. Just say what's on your mind, if you don't know how to respond, tell her.
  • Question
    How do you tell someone you like them without actually saying it? How do you act when you're hanging out in person and the conversation starts to get dry?
    Community Answer
    Ask them out even if they say no, you can still get the practice! If the conversation gets dry, ask them about their childhood, like "what was your favorite food as a child?".
  • Question
    A girl I like will text me some days and other days will ignore me. What should I do to keep her interest?
    Community Answer
    If she is actively ignoring you, then just being patient. Send good morning and goodnight texts to let her know that you are still interested in her. If it continues, bring it up and ask her why she is ignoring you. More often than not it is simply because she is busy, or because she doesn't text much.
  • Question
    I like this girl but don't know her that well. How do I change this?
    MR - 06HN - Ross Drive PS (1419)
    Community Answer
    Try to text her every day. When it's night, say goodnight and when it's morning say good morning. Ask her questions and compliment her. Also, tell her about yourself.
  • Question
    How do I answer to ''how have you been" from my girlfriend?
    Community Answer
    Just be straight, tell her how you've been, whether it's good, or bad. She's with you for a reason and if she can't understand or enthuse about the way your feeling... then why put time into being with her?
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