Q&A for How to Tell if Your Fish Is Having Babies

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    How can I tell if my platy is pregnant? Do I need different equipment if she is?
    Community Answer
    The platy should have a roundish belly and a gravid spot near its anal fin. Get another small tank or breeder box for her to stay in to deliver the babies.
  • Question
    If the fish stays in one position for hours at a time, is this a sign of pregnancy?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes, yes, if they're livebearers, but it could also be a sign of illness.
  • Question
    Once the baby fish have gotten big, can I put them with the adults?
    Community Answer
    As long as they are big enough to not be eaten, then yes. At the place I work as a professional expert we recommend waiting 2-4 weeks after they are born.
  • Question
    What do I buy if my fish is pregnant?
    Community Answer
    A breeding mesh, most species of fish tend to eat their young. Most pet stores sell them.
  • Question
    How many babies can fish have?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on the species, but for a usual goldfish, it can be up to 45-50 babies.
  • Question
    Do I need to have liquid food for the babies? Or can I feed them normal adult fish food?
    Community Answer
    You can feed them adult fish food as long as you crumble them into smaller pieces first.
  • Question
    Does a big stomach indicate pregnancy?
    Community Answer
    It could. However, if there is another one of that fish's species with a large stomach, they could be bloated from being fed too much!
  • Question
    What if I don't have another tank?
    Community Answer
    Birthing separators can be placed in the same tank, and are available at your local pet store.
  • Question
    Can I put the pregnant fish in a glass jar?
    Community Answer
    No, you should give it a separate tank so it will have space to move.
  • Question
    Does a brown spot on a fish's belly indicate pregnancy?
    Community Answer
    If the spot just before the anus is dark, and you notice your fish getting fatter, then yes. This only works for some species though. You can ask your local pet shop for more information.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my fish has laid eggs?
    Community Answer
    You can tell if you're fish has laid eggs if you see clear circles in your tank.
  • Question
    My fish is getting fat. Does this indicate pregnancy?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes. It can also indicate constipation or a bloated stomach from overfeeding. If your fish continues to get fatter and fatter and never lays eggs or gives birth it may be constipated. Try feeding half of a pea (shelled) to help things move along.
  • Question
    Is it a sign of pregnancy if my fish is becoming less active and there is inflammation on its ventral side?
    Top Answerer
    No, inflammation is a sign of sickness.
  • Question
    How will I take care of the babies?
    Community Answer
    Read this: https://www.wikihow.com/Take-Care-of-Molly-Fry
  • Question
    Can I put fish in a big container?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but without a filter you have to keep a close eye on the water quality. The container must be 8 gallons or more.
  • Question
    Do fishes have miscarriages? If so, do I put the dead fish in the bin?
    Community Answer
    Yes, fish can have miscarriages. You should dispose of the dead fish as you would dispose of an adult one.
  • Question
    Will the goldfish eat the eggs?
    Community Answer
    Most goldfish in captivity eat their eggs.
  • Question
    If my fish is laying down - does it mean that it is pregnant?
    Community Answer
    Probably not. Pregnancy does not have much to do with the fish laying down. Your fish is probably sick or tired.
  • Question
    Can I feed baby fish with the same food as of adults by grinding the food up?
    Onkar Jha
    Community Answer
    You should buy liquid food as the baby fishes doesn't have a big mouth like adult fishes.
  • Question
    Should I separate a male and female guppy if the male is biting the female?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should separate them.
  • Question
    Do I need to put the fish in a separate tank?
    Community Answer
    It is more reasonable to do so, especially when your fish tank consists of more than one type of species. Otherwise, other fish may eat the babies. If you only have two fish in your tank (one male and one female), then it is also a good idea to buy a mesh separator, which you can find at Petsmart or other pet supply stores, to separate your baby fish from their parents for safety reasons.
  • Question
    How do I know if my fish is a girl?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways to tell its gender. It mainly depends on your type of fish. Males usually have fancier/pointier tails and more color. Females usually have rounder fan-like fins. You can find gender comparison videos on YouTube.
  • Question
    How do I know if my clown fish or betta fish is a girl or boy?
    Community Answer
    Males of both of these species are larger and more colorful, with bigger fins.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my fish is dead?
    Community Answer
    Your fish might be dead if it's upside down, and doesn't move when you try to touch it (use a net, not your hands.)
  • Question
    I have a female Betta Fish, and I feed her at least 3 pellets a day, and her belly seems a bit large. She also makes these little bubbles at the top of her tank, so could that be her making a nest?
    Raya Bastian
    Community Answer
    3 pellets for 1 betta fish is way too much! You should be feeding her 3 pellets every 4 or 5 days. It is likely the big belly is either bloating, or too much food. Try fasting her for 2 days, and if the swelling goes down she is not pregnant. If it does not, then she most likely is.
  • Question
    I have three mosquitofish and there's one that is very small. Will the others bully or eat him?
    Hayden Hartsock
    Community Answer
    Maybe. If you think they might attack, you probably might want to buy a tank divider or another tank.
  • Question
    What do I do when the fish has babies
    Raya Bastian
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of fish. If your type eats their fry, get a breeder net to separate the adults from the fry. If the do not eat fry, just put lots of foliage around your tank so they feel safer.
  • Question
    How do I tell if my fish are gonna breed?
    Community Answer
    Males often chase females and nip their bellies.
  • Question
    My friend says her minnow fish is pregnant. How can she tell? Also, another girl in my class said she saw her male fish chasing her female fish. Were they mating?
    Community Answer
    She can tell because it will develop a dark spot. A fish chasing another fish is normal in some species, but it could be a sign of aggression. Tell her to keep an eye on them, and if she notices any fin tears or other injuries to the fish, she should separate them.
  • Question
    Will my fish eat its young?
    Community Answer
    Yes, depending on the species, most fish will eat their offspring.
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