Q&A for How to Tell if Your Fish Is Sick

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    How do you acclimate fish from one tank to another?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    Leave the fish in its bag at first. Submerge the plastic bag in the tank and let it sit for 30 minutes. At that point, add about 1/4 cup of tank water to the fish's bag. Add more water after 15 minutes. Do this for 1 hour. Then, scoop the fish up in a net and transfer the fish to a tank.
  • Question
    How long can a fish tank go without a water change?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    Change 1/4 of your fish tank water every other week. This will help dilute and remove excess nitrates and other potentially harmful substances.
  • Question
    What do I do if my fish has an infection?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    I would recommend doing a water change, then adding some aquarium salt. Aquarium salt is safe for fish and it may help treat the infection.
  • Question
    My fish is gasping for air, and his tail seems to be falling off. What's wrong?
    Top Answerer
    Do you have a pump/filter? Please provide more description (what kind of fish, more symptoms, pictures) but the tail falling off is NOT a good sign! Do more research ASAP or seek help at a pet store.
  • Question
    My bottom feeder is sucking everything. Is this bad?
    Community Answer
    No. That's what they do.
  • Question
    My brother's fish is swimming about happily, but mainly staying around the filter. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    If the fish is staying around the filter, it probably means he is not getting enough oxygen. Try getting a new filter.
  • Question
    My fish is not doing anything and I don't know why. Is he just staring into thin air?
    Community Answer
    I mean, as long as he isn't showing signs of distress or infection, it doesn't sound like a problem to me. He's a fish; he's not overly complicated.
  • Question
    My fish eats the food and then spits it and again eats it. Is this bad?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. The food is probably too big for your fish. You can try cutting or mashing the food into smaller pieces, or changing the food type.
  • Question
    Is brown algae in an aquarium bad?
    Community Answer
    Brown algae is caused by poor lighting and poor water chemistry. Make sure your tank is clean and test the water for ammonia and nitrites. So yes, it's bad.
  • Question
    My goldfish doesn't swim around much, mostly hides behind the pump just under the surface. It doesn't eat much. He's an only fish in a 1.5 gal tank.
    Community Answer
    Yeah, it's tank is wayyyyyyyyy too small. No fish can comfortably thrive in a tank that small. The answer is simple, purchase a 10-15 gallon tank and rehome him. He'll be so much happier and guaranteed to live longer. He'll also need a filter, btw.
  • Question
    My bottom feeder is going around sucking everything. Is this bad?
    Community Answer
    No, that's what bottom feeders do.
  • Question
    My molly is staying close to the heater and swimming oddly, like it takes a lot of effort to swim. He has a small rip on his tail fin. What might be wrong?
    Community Answer
    Make sure there's nothing in the tank that could hurt him. If there isn't anything sharp, treat it with very clean water (partial water changes every other day), and try raising the temperature a little bit. If the rip doesn't heal, purchase a medication such as Melafix or aquarium salt. Clean water and time should do the trick.
  • Question
    What kind of water plants can I add to my aquarium?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    Amazon Sword, Java Moss, and Java Fern are popular beginner plants. Anubias, Wisteria, Hairgrass, and Marimo Moss Balls are nice plants too. If you have lucky bamboo, you can snap off a branch and plant that in your aquarium.
  • Question
    What do I do if my fish's mouth isn't opening?
    Community Answer
    Fish mouths don't usually open, so there's nothing to worry about. You can always consult with your pet store experts if the fish isn't eating.
  • Question
    What do I need to do if my fish has a cut?
    Community Answer
    Use a stress coat conditioner in the tank and remove any decoration in the tank that may worsen the cut, for example, hard plastic plants. The fish should heal nicely on their own.
  • Question
    How do I dispose of a fish if it's dead?
    Community Answer
    You should flush it down the toilet, put in a bag and into the trash, or bury the fish in your backyard. The fish could be carrying a disease, so if you choose to bury it, do it at least two feet under in case animals dig the body up. Do not place it in a pond or any other body of water because it could affect the environment nearby.
  • Question
    My goldfish has red streaks on its tail. I have treated it with various products, however, its tail seems frayed. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If it isn't in a big enough tank, it won't get much better. Make sure your tank is at least 10 gallons, filtered and heated. Make sure the water is very, very clean, which means water changes every couple days.
  • Question
    My guppy is floating on the surface of the water. His tail has a tiny hole. What's happening?
    Top Answerer
    Maybe he has been nipping his tail, or some other fish did it. He may be sick or bored.
  • Question
    I have a fin-tail goldfish and a comet goldfish, and both are usually swimming around the surface gasping for air. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    It probably means your tank is holding too little oxygen, or there are problems with the tank size and quality. Give your aquarium a cleaning and partial water change, test your water quality with a test kit from a pet shop, and look into putting an airstone or other manner or aeration in your tank.
  • Question
    I just got my betta fish about 8 hours ago, but he’s staying by my filter, going under rocks and getting stuck, swimming upside down and is extremely inactive. Can you please explain?
    Community Answer
    Inactivity and hiding are signs of stress. He's in a new place, and he needs time to adjust. This is normal for some bettas, but new temperatures are especially hard. Hanging out by filter and under rocks means the filter could be too strong. It could also just be more stress hiding, but if the filter's too strong, that's an issue. Upside-down swimming could be stress, temperature change and filter issues, but this might mean he is sick. Turn off the filter and leave him alone for a day or so to adjust. Give him some food, too. If he is still acting weird or not eating, he might be sick.
  • Question
    I have a beautiful little guppy makes Ragnar who has started to be quite lethargic, sits at the bottom of the tank. Looks a bit bloated as well and won’t eat. What’s wrong with him?
    Community Answer
    This could be dropsy or swim bladder. Or, a digestive problem. To start, feed him a shelled pea which has fiber and will help things pass through.
  • Question
    My little corydora is laying at the bottom of the tank breathing slowly, not moving at all! Tried to feed him, he barely eats it. I am worried because my other corydora and 5 guppies are wiggling fine.
    Community Answer
    Start by checking your water parameters. Ammonia and nitrite should be at 0, and nitrates should be below 10 ppm. If any of these are off, they could have ammonia/nitrite/nitrate poisoning and you should do a large water change to help with that.
  • Question
    I’ve rescued koi carp from a dirty pond. 2 have ich and fin rot. I’ve isolated them, what else do I need to do? 1 is on the edge.
    Community Answer
    Stable clean water will help a lot. Test the water and make changes accordingly, but take things slow. Once water parameters are in control, do water changes often, but with matching parameters. If this isn't helping look into medication. Dose slowly.
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