Q&A for How to Tell if a Goldfish Is Pregnant

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    Do goldfish need cold or hot water?
    Community Answer
    Goldfish should be placed in cool or cold water, but never in hot water.
  • Question
    What do the eggs look like?
    Community Answer
    The eggs are small in size at about 1 mm. They are also clear.
  • Question
    What if my goldfish is urgently looking for a place to lay, but there are no plants or sponges? I put in a large seashell, which she ignored. What else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try putting in plants if she won't accept a seashell. Also, remove the seashell, because seashells dramatically change the water chemistry, and can easily kill your fish.
  • Question
    My fish keeps chasing my other one around. Will she get pregnant?
    Community Answer
    Goldfish don't get pregnant that way; all fertilization happens outside. The female will spray her eggs and the male will spray sperm on them to fertilize them. The eggs will simply attach to any surface they land on.
  • Question
    What if the fish is lying on its side and then starts to move when I come near and goes up to the surface?
    Community Answer
    If your fish is on its side, it sound like a swim bladder issue. At this stage, it is unlikely there is anything you can do to help if your fish is floating. Try changing the water and reducing the water level see if this helps a bit.
  • Question
    One of my fish is starting to look fatter than usual, also another one died the day before I noticed this. Does this mean she's pregnant?
    Community Answer
    Goldfish don't get pregnant, as they are egg bearers. However they will increase in size when ready to lay. If your goldfish are getting fat and then dying, this is more likely a case of dropsy rather than pregnancy.
  • Question
    Will males eat the eggs? I'm really not sure.
    Community Answer
    Yes, sometimes males will eat the eggs.
  • Question
    Why would the male eat the female's eggs?
    Community Answer
    This could be because of stress, or the fish senses the eggs could be unfertilized after a while.
  • Question
    How many eggs do goldfish usually lay at once?
    Community Answer
    A goldfish can lay up to 1,000 eggs at once, but the exact number will depend on a variety of factors.
  • Question
    What can I do with the baby fish?
    Community Answer
    If you don't want them, leave them with the parents; they will eat them. If you do, get a new tank setup with a sponge filter, and start hatching brine shrimp. Give the baby goldfish the brine shrimp until they are big enough to accept regular baby goldfish food.
  • Question
    Can I put two pregnant goldfish in the same tank?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't recommend it because the first set of babies to be born might get eaten by the other pregnant fish.
  • Question
    How long does a goldfish stay pregnant?
    Community Answer
    A goldfish is never "pregnant" like a guppy or livebearer. A goldfish may become gravid when she is carrying eggs. If she breeds, she will release the eggs and the male will fertilize them.
  • Question
    What do I do if my goldfish is about to lay eggs but I don't have any plants in the aquarium?
    Community Answer
    If you're hoping for the eggs to survive, remove the female and male right after she lays her eggs so that neither of the fish will eat them.
  • Question
    If a female fish was fat when it was purchased, could it be pregnant if it was around a male often?
    Community Answer
    Goldfish can't get pregnant. They lay eggs in plants or in surfaces which then get fertilized by the male. She could have eggs inside, but without the male, there will never be fry. If she has eggs ready to be fertilized, she may reabsorb them if there is no male.
  • Question
    How much should I feed a baby goldfish?
    Community Answer
    You should feed them a small amount, three times a day. The experts at the pet store will be able to provide you with a good brand of food for a baby goldfish, and there should be specific instructions on there.
  • Question
    How to make my goldfish get interested in breeding?
    Community Answer
    Feed the fish brine shrimp and make the water a little warmer because they breed in the spring. Also lay down a breeding mat so the female has something to lay the eggs on.
  • Question
    I have a pond, and my fish Fred is hanging around nose down, and when I walk in the area he takes off, but belly up at first. What could be wrong?
    Community Answer
    It might be swimbladder disease. I would feed Fred cooked peas and keep an eye on him to see if that helps.
  • Question
    Will my goldfish die after mating or laying eggs?
    Community Answer
    Goldfish don't die after spawning like salmon do. Provided your goldfish are healthy, they'll go on living after spawning.
  • Question
    How do I know if my goldfish is pregnant?
    Community Answer
    Other goldfish in the tank might be chasing her or she may be a little chubbier than usual.
  • Question
    How old does a goldfish need to be before it starts to breed?
    Community Answer
    Goldfish become ready to breed at 1 - 2 years of age, though waiting until your goldfish is 3 years old before breeding will ensure more favorable results.
  • Question
    Why does my pregnant goldfish stay at the bottom of the fish tank?
    Community Answer
    Your goldfish may be nesting, or it could mean there is a problem with the quality of the water in your tank. Try changing out a bit of the water or cleaning the tank and see if that helps. I also recommend getting a few plants or a breeding mat if you don’t have either of those already.
  • Question
    If my fish has one side of it swollen and it's lying down at the bottom of the bowl, is it pregnant?
    Alextenderm Dopun dun
    Community Answer
    It’s not pregnant. Pregnancy is when the whole tummy is round. Your fish is probably sick and if it is needs medical attention.
  • Question
    How do I know when my goldfish has hatched eggs and what should I do when that happens?
    Alextenderm Dopun dun
    Community Answer
    You will start seeing floating moving tiny specs. It takes around 5-7 days for them to hatch. If they hatch do not put them in the main tank because the male or female or other fishes might eat them unless you have too many do so. Instead, keep them in a separate tank. When they are grown up like the other fish, add some of them as your main tank filter might stop working because there are too many fish. Start off with adding 2-3 fish each week.
  • Question
    If my pregnant fish are stressed, will they stay still?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a goldfish will stay still when under stress during spawning and sometimes on a daily basis.
  • Question
    How do I breed goldfish?
    Community Answer
    Consult Breed Goldfish .
  • Question
    If my female goldfish fights with the male and the male chases her––is she pregnant?
    Community Answer
    It it is quite possible as this happens when a goldfish is pregnant. The male will swim towards the female––it is also called spawn chasing.
  • Question
    What will baby goldfish do after hatching from their eggs?
    Community Answer
    They will absorb their egg sacks. You shouldn't feed them until 2-3 days. Baby brine shrimp is a good food for young goldfish.
  • Question
    I was placing my fantail back in her clean tank when suddenly she started releasing eggs. Will this harm my fish?
    Community Answer
    No it will not harm her; just don't go near her and don't touch the eggs.
  • Question
    How long will a goldfish female carry eggs?
    Community Answer
    When viewed from above, you can usually notice fuller bellies on the females, and slender midsections of the males. Also, the female pectoral fins (located just behind the gills) are shorter and rounder than those on males. Additionally, goldfish will generally not lay eggs until they are at least one year old.
  • Question
    What is the most expensive goldfish? What goldfish are the best breeding partners?
    Community Answer
    An oranda can be the most expensive but there are more fancy goldfish that are very expensive, so do your research and see which one you think is the most expensive.
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