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Divine meanings of 131 in spirituality, money, and more
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You just moved into unit number 131 in a new apartment, you got a call from a phone number that had 131 in it, and your order number was 131 when you went out to lunch. Why is this specific number showing up so much? As it turns out, this may be your guardian angels’ way of communicating an important message to you. Keep reading to learn all about what the angel number 131 can mean for your love life, career, finances, spirituality, and more. We’ll also tell you what you need to do when you see this number and why it’s popping up so much in your life.

Things You Should Know

  • Angel number 131 is a symbol of new beginnings and opportunities, and your angels are telling you to have confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  • If you’re in a relationship, 131 urges you to prioritize good communication. If you’re single, be patient and keep an open mind about the new people you meet.
  • 131 predicts success in your career so long as you’re willing to take advantage of opportunities to grow your skills.
Section 1 of 10:

What does angel number 131 mean?

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  1. If you’re seeing 131 pop up in your everyday life, take it as a positive sign. By sending you this number, your angels are trying to tell you that new opportunities and positive changes are coming your way. Whether it’s in your professional or personal life, expect opportunities for growth and change to come. If you’ve been in a rut recently, your angels are telling you to keep your chin up and look forward to the future. [1]
    • Change and the unknown can definitely be scary, but your angels are encouraging you to stay positive rather than worry about what could go wrong.
    • Prepare yourself for these changes by keeping an open mind and embracing change as an opportunity to learn new things.
  2. 131 is urging you to trust your skills and have confidence in yourself . You have so many unique talents and strengths, and your angels are trying to draw your attention to them by sending you 131. They’re telling you to believe in yourself and your abilities as you strive to reach your goals. While the journey may seem daunting at first, your angels want you to know that anything is possible so long as you have confidence in yourself. [2]
    • Take some time to identify your strengths . Write down a list of things you think you do well, and ask friends and family what they think your unique strengths are.
    • Help increase your self-confidence by using positive affirmations . Tell yourself things like, “I am strong,” “I can do anything I put my mind to,” and “I believe in myself.”
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Angel Number 131 for Spirituality

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  1. Whatever challenges or tough times you may be facing, take heart in knowing that your angels will always be there to guide and protect you. They want you to know that you’re an incredibly capable and strong person, and they’ll be there to give you the support and encouragement you need if things get tough. [3]
    • If you believe in a higher divine force, 131 is a sign that they’re on your side and will watch over you wherever you go.
    • This is also the divine’s way of telling you to follow your intuition . They want you to know that they’ll be there to protect you, so there’s no need to worry too much about taking risks and trying new things.
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Angel Number 131 in Numerology

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  1. This is a number of power, filled with motivation and determination. If your angel number includes the number 1, it’s a sign that you’re likely a natural leader and unafraid of forging your own path for the sake of chasing your dreams. It’s a sign of new opportunities and a chance to grow and develop in countless ways. [4]
    • Since 1 appears twice in the number 131, its powers and messages carry twice as much importance and strength.
  2. If your angel number includes the number 3, it’s a sign that you likely embrace creative thinking and innovation. You might also have a very optimistic outlook on life, and you’re able to see the wonder and beauty n the world around you. It also means that you’re likely good at expressing yourself and communicating your thoughts and feelings to others. [5]
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Angel Number 131 for Love & Relationships

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  1. If you’re currently involved in a romantic relationship, 131 predicts the start of a new chapter in your journey with your partner. New opportunities to strengthen your bond with your partner will present themselves soon. In particular, your angels are urging you to focus on strengthening communication within your relationship. With honest and open communication, you and your partner set the foundation for a trusting and respectful relationship. [6]
    • Good communication is all about speaking up and being honest. When something’s bothering you, tell your partner instead of simply pushing it under the rug to deal with later.
    • Don’t be afraid to open up to your partner. To help build trust and a stronger emotional bond, confide in them when something’s on your mind, and don’t hesitate to talk about things like your dreams and the things that worry you.
    • Be sure to also listen well when your partner opens up to you. Give them your full attention and keep an open mind about what they have to say.
  2. Your angels want you to know that your special someone is out there and that you may be meeting them sooner rather than later. The key is to keep an open mind when meeting new people and be patient. Listen to your heart if you feel a connection with someone, and don’t be afraid to take a chance if you feel like there’s potential for a solid match. [7]
    • Your angels are encouraging you to put yourself out there and seek out opportunities to meet new people . Talk to new people at your work or school, join fun clubs and organizations to make new friends, or have your friends introduce you to people they know to see if you click with anyone special.
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Angel Number 131 for Twin Flames

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  1. If you’re seeing 131, your angels are trying to tell you that your and your twin flame’s energies have aligned and a meeting is in your near future. Whether you’re meeting your twin flame for the very first time or reuniting after a period of separation, trust that your angels will guide you to each other. [8]
  2. It’s natural for twin flames to sometimes drift apart and grow a bit distant. However, don’t give up if you and your twin flame are currently going through a separation. 131 is a sign to stay positive and optimistic about your relationship. If you and your twin flame both believe that you can make things work, it’s likely that you’ll both put in the effort to strengthen your bond and find harmony in your relationship. [9]
    • Keep an open mind and be accepting of your and your twin flame’s differences. While you may share a similar energy, there may still be a lot of differences in your personalities, preferences, and strengths. Rather than reject these differences, learn more about them and explore how you can play to one another’s strengths.
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Angel Number 131 for Career & Money

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  1. This particular angel number is here to tell you that things are looking up for you in terms of your professional career. You’ll be able to achieve success so long as you’re willing to take advantage of opportunities to advance and try new things. 131 may also be a sign telling you that now’s a good time to explore new careers if you’re not happy with where you’re currently at. [10]
    • For example, network with professionals within your field, attend extra trainings to add to your credentials, or apply for promotions you think you may qualify for.
  2. 131 predicts good things when it comes to money and financial security. So long as you continue to work hard and make smart financial decisions, you’ll be rewarded with a steady income. Of course, your angels won’t simply be dropping off a bag of money on your front doorstep. Instead, they encourage you to be strategic in your financial planning and savings. [11]
    • Help yourself by making specific and actionable goals when it comes to your finances. For example, say something like, “I’ll put 10% of my biweekly paycheck toward savings and set a limit for how much I spend on personal pleasures like eating out and shopping.”
    • 131 is also a sign to consider new, creative ways to make money. For example, start a side hustle such as opening an Etsy store or doing freelance work .
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Angel Number 131 for Manifesting

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  1. 131 indicates it’s a good time to manifest your desires . Your angels are sending you 131 as a way to tell you that whatever it is you’re trying to manifest will soon become your reality. You’re on the right path, and your hard work and dedication will soon pay off. Just have confidence in yourself and put all of your energy into running toward your dreams. [12]
    • Stay optimistic and think positively about your manifesting efforts. If you truly believe that something good will happen, you’ll likely work even harder to make sure that it does.
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Angel Number 131 for Health

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  1. 131 is a number symbolizing harmony, peace, and balance, and this applies to your health as well as things like your relationships and career. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself and giving equal attention to your physical and mental health. In addition to that, avoid letting yourself get too absorbed in your work by maintaining a work-life balance . [13]
    • For your physical health, make sure to eat healthy, get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and exercise throughout the week to fight off stress and stay fit.
    • For your mental health, make time to meet with friends, pursue hobbies you enjoy, and do relaxing activities, such as going for a walk or reading a good book.
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Angel Number 131 Biblical Meaning

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  1. In Psalm 131 of the Bible, David writes, “My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore” (New International Version). Rather than seeking self-importance, 131 is a sign to believe in God’s intentions and strive for a life spent serving Him. [14]
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What to Do When You See 131

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  1. Approaching things with a positive attitude is what will ultimately help you bring about the great changes and opportunities 131 predicts. Talk to yourself in a positive way and change your mindset to view challenges as learning opportunities. When equipped with a positive attitude, you’ll likely find that you feel much more energetic and motivated. [15]
    • One way to maintain a positive attitude is to practice gratitude every single day. Take time to list out the things you’re grateful for every day, such as your friends, family, job, house, or pets.
    • Another idea is to start a gratitude journal and write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for each day.
  2. 131 is also a number symbolizing connections and communication. There’s nothing saying that you have to go through hardships and challenges all alone. Whenever you’re feeling down, don’t hesitate to reach out to your friends, family, partner, or anyone else you trust. They’ll be there to give you the love, support, and encouragement you need. [16]
    • 131 may also be a sign telling you to help others who are going through rough times of their own. Help people in your community by volunteering , be there to give advice to your friends, or just do random acts of kindness for strangers to help make their day a little better.
  3. By sending you 131, your angels want you to know that they’ll stay by your side and protect you. They’re telling you that they’ll always be there to listen to your prayers, so don’t hesitate to contact them when you’re in need of some encouragement. [17]
    • For example, say a simple prayer like, “Thank you for watching after me all this time. I could really use your positive energy and support now during this challenging time.”
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