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See what the universe has in store for you with lucky number 72
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If you’ve been spotting the number 72 everywhere you look lately, it may not just be a coincidence. 72 is an angel number (a numeric message sent by your guardian angels) that means you’re in the right place in life and you’ll find success soon, even if things don’t seem super cheery right now. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what angel number 72 might mean for your love life, career, spirituality, and more. Plus, we spoke with psychic medium Mari Cartagenova to see what 72 means in numerology and how to get in touch with your guardian angels for more life guidance.

72 Angel Number Meaning

Angel number 72 means you’re on the right track toward finding your life purpose and achieving your goals. It symbolizes abundance, connection to your inner wisdom, and aligning your actions with your true passions to create the life you want. Stay focused and keep striving as your effort will be rewarded soon.

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Angel Number 72 Meanings & Symbolism

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  1. Your guardian angels (or the higher power you believe in) are letting you know that they acknowledge your hard work and that all of your effort to better yourself and your circumstances will pay off soon. [1] Think of 72 as a symbol for progress, faith, and patience; your goals are aligned with your higher purpose in life, and the universe will reward you at the time it will benefit you the most.
    • Stay focused and keep working toward your goals. The angels reward action and creativity, so continue doing what you can to succeed and move forward each day.
    • There’s no exact timeline for when you’ll achieve your goals, so trust in the universe’s divine timing. Your dreams will come true exactly when they’re meant to.
  2. Whether you’ve been single for a while or you're fresh from a breakup, 72 is a sign that you’re in the right place and a truly fulfilling, loving connection is in store. Trust in the universe’s timing and try not to jump into relationships or settle for someone just to be partnered. Take your time when you make romantic decisions and really get to know people before committing or walking away. [2]
    • Consider your biggest goals and how a romantic partner fits in with them. Maybe you were meant to break up with your ex because they weren’t supportive, or maybe you’ve been single for a while because you need someone who can push you to succeed. In any case, trust that you’re on the right track.
    • Stay open-minded about potential matches. Even if you don’t feel that instant “spark,” you may still come to love and be loved by someone you wouldn’t normally consider your type.
  3. If you’re partnered, angel number 72 is affirmation that your relationship will thrive and a new period of growth is coming. Don’t take this progress for granted, though; communicate with your partner openly and honestly about what you want, need, and expect to build the relationships you want. This is the time to level up your relationship, so open up to take advantage of it! [3]
    • Discuss what the next phase of your ideal relationship looks like. Do you plan to get married? Do you want to move in together or have a family one day?
    • Once you’re on the same page, know that 72 means your goals will come to fruition at the perfect time. If you both want to get married, for example, there’s no need to rush it. Just continue supporting one another and when the time is right, you’ll feel it.
  4. Angel number 72 is a good sign for twin flames. It’s known as the “angel of joint ventures” because it symbolizes that both you and your twin flame are improving yourselves and seeking each other. [4] You’re on the right path toward building a deep connection with your twin flame: you’ll soon meet each other if you haven’t met yet, or if you’re currently separated, 72 is a sign your twin flame reunion is coming .
    • Stay positive, patient, and optimistic that a strong twin flame relationship is coming. Self-doubt or second guessing yourself or your intuition will slow down the process and make it harder to find and connect with each other.
    • Twin flames are two halves of the same soul. They can be romantic or platonic partners who push each other to grow, usually by separating, undergoing some personal or spiritual evolution, and then reuniting.
    • Not sure if you’ve found your twin flame yet? Take our “Have I Met My Twin Flame?” quiz to find out!
  5. 72 is a great sign for your career. It symbolizes abundance and success at work and empowers you to make decisions in your professional life that will serve your goals. Be proactive and look for opportunities to grow, like taking on new projects, learning a new skill, or collaborating with new people in your field. If you’ve been feeling stuck or unmotivated, 72’s message can be the inspiration you need to find that “spark” again. [5]
    • Trust yourself and your abilities when it comes to trying new things, and don’t let “conventional” wisdom hold you back from taking risks that benefit your professional goals. Try that new marketing strategy you’ve been pondering—the payoff could propel you forward!
    • However, if you truly feel that your job isn’t aligned with who you’re meant to be, take 72 as a sign to take a different risk and pursue your dream job .
    • 72 resonates with abundance, so your success at work is likely to come with a financial boost too (like a raise or bonus). However, remember that a fulfilling career that meets your needs is the goal (and not just to make as much money as possible).
  6. Angel number 72 symbolizes abundance for your well-being (physical, mental, and emotional). It’s a reminder to practice gratitude for the good health and wellness you have now, even if there are improvements you can make going forward (like scheduling more self-care time or adding more exercise to your schedule). [6] If you’re going through a health challenge now, 72 may be a sign that you’ll find some relief soon.
    • Maintain a healthy work-life balance to lower your stress and make time to tend to your health and wellness. Its’ OK to pour some of your energy back into yourself!
    • Recognize that abundance comes from within. You may feel “less than” if you compare your physical fitness or mental health to people you see online, so remind yourself that you have a body and mind that allow you to experience life, and if there are changes or improvements to make, you have the power to make them.
  7. Angel number 72 is a sign to look inward for clarity on your beliefs and to find your purpose in life . Often, we’re called on to be some sort of leader or improve the world around us in some way for others. Listen to your intuition —your energetic connection to the universe and your guardian angels—for guidance, direction, and wisdom regarding what brings you joy and fulfillment. [7]
    • For example, maybe you love working with kids and have a natural gift for creative writing. Your gut may be telling you that a career in teaching English or language arts is your purpose or passion.
    • Try meditating , journaling, going for walks in nature, or slow exercise like yoga to clear your mind and reflect on what would make your life more fulfilling. If you’re religious, joining a congregation or other group can provide guidance, too.
  8. The phrase “seventy and two” appears 5 times throughout the King James Bible (3 times in the book of Nehemiah and twice in the book of Ezra). [8] Some interpret this as a symbol of the human lifespan, suggesting a life of 70 years, plus 2 years for finding your true purpose. Since 7 represents a connection to higher wisdom and 2 represents partnerships, 72 can also be interpreted as a symbol of achieving enlightenment by entering a relationship with God.
  9. While manifesting your goals , angel number 72 is a reminder to tend to both your outer success and your inner peace. You’ve been working hard to get what you want and you’re close to your dream life, but will it be worth it if you’ve damaged your relationships or your emotional well-being? 72 is a reminder to balance your materialistic and spiritual needs and focus on both to truly enjoy the blessings that are coming your way. [9]
    • For example, if you’ve been working lots of overtime for a promotion but have spent way less time with your partner as a result, your success may not feel as satisfying or joyous as you thought it would.
    • Be super clear on why you’re manifesting what you are to stay motivated and tend to your spiritual side. For example, if you’re manifesting a new car so that you can visit far away family more often, then your spiritual needs will feel more met than if you were only doing it to show off to your friends.
  10. If you see 72 in a dream, it may represent some aspect of your life that feels out of your control or that you wish you had power over (as 72 symbolizes being on the right path, your subconscious may be alerting you to something that needs your attention to stay on track). For example, if the number 72 in your dream was connected to a specific person, it could be a sign to reflect on how that person influences your waking energy and whether they support your goals.
    • Ask yourself what emotions you felt when you encountered 72 in your dream, or any other details that could help you interpret its meaning .
    • For example, if you saw a house address that said 72 and felt warmth or excitement, it may be a sign that your goal of owning a home could be coming down the pipe.
    • Or, say you saw that same house and felt fear. It could mean you’re not quite ready for that yet or that there’s an unresolved issue to work through first.
    • Don’t feel defeated if the dream feels negative, though. Even positive change can feel scary or overwhelming at first, so trust that your angels will guide you through it!
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Angel Number 72 in Numerology

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  1. In numerology, the vibrations of individual digits combine to form nuanced messages and symbolism in multi-digit numbers. In the case of 72, the energies of numbers 7, 2, and 9 come together to let you know that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be in life and an important success is coming your way: [10]
    • According to Cartagenova, number 7 “is really about luck, magic, and a connection to the universe and the spiritual magic of the world and new things.” It’s a sign that good things are coming your way and that you’re in tune with the universe’s plans for you.
    • Cartagenova adds that number 2 “is about pursuing your dreams, [looking] inward, and connecting to your family and home.” 2 also represents balance and partnerships, meaning that your relationships can help you achieve your goals.
    • Number 9 also has an influence since 7+2=9. Cartagenova says “Numerology is always reducing the number down…to a single digit unless it turns out to be an 11, 22, or 33 because those are the Master Numbers.” She adds that “9 is endings, transformation, and then starting over at a new beginning.” A positive new era is in your future!
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Why are you seeing angel number 72?

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  1. We all have low points where we’re not sure what to do, and your guardian angels want you to know you’re not alone or without guidance. [11] If you’re questioning whether you’re doing the right things with your life, 72 may appear as a sign that you’re on the right track and that things will work out.
    • However, you may need to do some personal work to find clarity. Angel numbers rarely tell you what to do, but they provide clues to how to figure out what to do.
    • You may need to reevaluate your goals and intentions. For example, do you want that promotion because it will improve your life, or because you feel like it’s what everyone expects of you? If you’re doing it for you, you’ll feel motivated and optimistic, making you more likely to succeed.
    • However, if you’re not doing what you truly want to or believe in, 72 may be a hint to really think about where you want to go in life and how you can use your past and current experiences to get you there.
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What to Do When You See Angel Number 72

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  1. Think of 72 as a greenlight to start chasing the life you really want. All of your experiences have led you to the present, so take what you’ve learned about yourself and use it to go after what’s really important to you. For example, if you’ve always felt a calling to be an actor or inventor but have never tried out of a fear of failure, now is the time to get out of your comfort zone , try something new, and give it your best shot.
    • If you’re not sure about what your passions are, reflect on the overlap between a problem you want to solve and your natural skills and interests. If you want to improve youth mental health and are musically gifted, for example, you could help young people learn to express themselves or cope with music and performing.
  2. According to Cartagenova, “Everybody has guardian angels, whether they are actual angels that have never been in the human body or loved ones that have passed.” However, they won’t help you directly unless you ask because they don’t want to intervene with your free will. To get in touch, Cartagenova says “Meditation is a really good way…Go within and say ‘Hey, my guardian angels, I'd really love to connect with you. Can you show me a sign? Can you connect with me in some way?’”
    • She continues, “Ask for a sign. Say, ‘Angels, in the next two weeks, show me a rainbow or show me something so I know that you're there.’ You can ask for something specific or you can keep it more open ended. And once you ask for it, it's important just to let it go because the harder you look, the harder it is to find something.”
    • You never know how the angels will respond. Cartagenova adds, “In that meditation, some people just get a color. Sometimes they'll get an image. It’s amazing what will show up. The more you do it, the easier it is for you to see your angels.”
    • Once you feel a connection, simply ask your angels for help. Focus on your wish and why you want it; if it’s aligned with your true purpose, the angels will guide you on your way.
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