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Skype is a peer to peer Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) software that can be used to make video calls, phone calls or for text chatting. The software allows users to make inexpensive calls to cell phones and landlines worldwide using a service called SkypeOut, and requires users to have a computer with the Skype software installed, a microphone and a headset. Users who wish to make video calls will need either a webcam with a microphone or a webcam and a microphone. To make SkypeOut calls, you must also purchase a Skype subscription or Skype Credit. Skype to Skype calls, however, are free. The Skype software keeps track of whether you're making a free or a paid call, and deducts money from your balance when necessary to make a paid call. Follow these procedures to activate your SkypeOut account.

This article has been marked as historical.

This feature was renamed Skype To Go and subsequently discontinued. (Posted 2025-02-14).

  1. You'll need to register with a username and a secure password. During signup, you will be prompted to download and install the software on your computer.
  2. A system restart may be required, depending on your individual computer. Skype also provides users with a brief video tutorial that walks you through how to use the basic functions of the software.
  3. Evaluate the amount of Skype credit you think you may need for your monthly plan, and decide if you'll purchase credits à la carte or as a subscription. This will largely depend on your personal calling needs. For example, if you are located in the United States, calls to Mexico and Canada are included in a basic subscription package, while overseas calls must be purchased as an add on. When you're deciding how to activate SkypeOut in a manner that works for you, these financial calculations are important. Skype provides users with a list of international calling rates, which will help you decide if you need a subscription plan or à la carte credits.
  4. You can pay with a credit or debit card or your PayPal account. The Skype software will let you know when your credit balance is running low, so that you can add more money to your account as necessary to continue making calls. If you prefer, you can also set the software up so that it adds money to your account automatically when your balance drops below a certain amount.
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    I have 800 minutes subscribed but it's not working. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try and contact the company to see if they can help. Their phone number or email will be in the customer support or help section, usually in a dropdown menu.
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      • Skype's software can also be installed on a variety of smart phones, allowing you to make inexpensive international calls on the go.
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