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Quick Guide to Google Calendar Birthdays

Open Google Calendar and find the Main Menu. Make sure the "Birthdays" check box is checked. Birthdays are automatically synced from your contacts, so edit the person's birthday in your contacts to alter it on the calendar.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Adding Your Contacts

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  1. Go to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r?pli=1 and log in if prompted. You can use a web browser as well as the app to follow these steps.
    • You can also open the Google Calendar app on your or phone or tablet.
  2. If you already see your calendar options on the left side of the page, skip this step.
    • You'll need to tap this if you're using the mobile app.
  3. " If you're using the mobile app, tap Birthdays instead.
    • Now any of the birthdays listed in your contacts will appear on your calendar. If you need to add a birthday to your contacts, open the Contacts app (the Google app), and add their birthday. [1]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Adding Birthdays Manually

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  1. Go to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r?pli=1 and log in if prompted. You can use a web browser as well as the app to follow these steps.
    • You can also open the Google Calendar app on your or phone or tablet.
  2. You'll find this either in the top left corner of your web browser along with the word "Create" or in the lower right corner of your phone or tablet screen.
    • You can also tap the date on which you want to add the event. If the birthday you want to add is on May 23, you can tap May 23 to get the "Add Event" window.
  3. If you're using the web browser, "Event" is the default setting.
  4. You'll see this at the bottom of the "Add Event" window and it will load the event creation in a new window.
    • You don't need to do this on the mobile app because the options you need are already available.
  5. You'll want to name the birthday so you can easily recognize it.
  6. " This will change the event to one that lasts all day instead of a set time. If you want to set a specific time, you can do that instead.
  7. You'll get a drop-down menu.
  8. This makes the event pop up every year on the same date. [2]
  9. You can add a location, people, and change the color of the event.
    • You can use the "Notification" area to change the timing of the notifications you get about the event.
  10. You'll see this in the upper right corner of your web browser and screen.
    • You'll see the tag for the event you just created appear yearly on your Google Calendar.
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      Article Summary X

      1. Go to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r?pli=1 and log in if prompted.
      2. Click or tap the three-line menu if the side panel isn't visible.
      3. Click or tap to check the box next to "Contacts" or "Birthdays" under "My calendars."

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