Everyone’s a little weird…but are you actually weird? We’re not just talking quirky; we mean like, truly weird.
Let’s find out! Give your honest answers to these far-out questions, and we’ll tell you exactly how weird you are.
Questions Overview
- Shorts and T-shirt. It's not that cold.
- Pants and long-sleeve should be fine.
- Definitely a jacket, at least.
- Boots, a coat, a scarf, gloves.
- No. Actually, I'm usually the one being cringe.
- Yes. It's hurts so bad.
- Sorta. Depends on what they're doing.
- Nah. It doesn't bother me.
- Totally! When I look good, I gotta play it up a little.
- Sometimes, when the mood strikes.
- Nah, that's not my style.
- I talk to them like people. They're very smart, you know.
- I do a little baby voice. Cuz they're little babies.
- Umm, I don't talk to animals.
- I have no thoughts about Stuart Little. I’m not even sure I know who that is
- I wish I had his car.
- I feel bad for the kids at the orphanage when he was adopted. Like, imagine a mouse being chosen over you.
- This is art. It's so cool. I love it.
- I'm not really sure what I'm looking at, honestly.
- I don't like this. It makes me feel... weird.
- Sure, I don't see why not.
- If I had to. But it would be uncomfortable for both of us.
- I'd rather die.
- All the time. I'm like my own best friend.
- Sometimes, like when I'm really thinking through a problem.
- Never. Who does that?
- Yeah, a stranger.
- Yeah, a friend or family member.
- Nah, not to my face.
- I don't remember.
- Yes! Objects have feelings too, you know.
- Sometimes it's relatable. Not usually, though.
- No? They're just things. Stuff. They don't "feel."
- Okay. I have nothing to hide!
- Yeah just one second let me delete a few things...
- Never in a million years.
- No, but I do count how many steps I take on each section and try to make them even.
- Yeah, it's bad luck!
- No, I haven't even thought of that.
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Being the Right Kind of Weird
Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: everyone’s a little weird in their own way. Whether you collect funny-looking rocks or read exclusively Victorian vampire novels or once lived at the base of a volcano, we’ve all got those quirks and life experiences that seem totally wild to certain people, even if we don’t see it ourselves.
Still, there’s a difference between interesting-weird and awkward-weird, and we’re here to show you how to be more of the first one and less of the second one.
Read the room.
Part of being awkward is saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time—cracking a crass joke at a funeral, being way too loud in the library. It’s the quickest way to feel like a fish out of water. The trick is to see what other people are doing before you make your own move. We’re not saying be like other people or follow the pack, just that, before you bring up the fact that you binged 13 hours of documentaries on near-death experiences, ask yourself if the ER waiting room is really the place for that.
Lean into it.
On the other end of the advice spectrum is this: own it. If you’re weird, be weird! Dress how you like, indulge in your wackiest interests, go overboard. The only thing weirder than a weirdo is a weirdo who desperately doesn’t want to be one. If you wear it like a badge, then other people will look at you and go, “Cool! That person knows what they’re all about, and they live the life they want to live.” But if you’re ashamed of it, then that tells other people that they should feel ashamed for you, too, and that’s not a good feeling for anyone.
Find your freaky friends. Weirdos travel in packs. It’s how we thrive and survive. And we guarantee there’s a group of weirdos out there waiting for you. Maybe it’s the group who meets every Tuesday for board games, or maybe it’s an online community who supports each other from different corners of the globe. What matters is you find someone who’s as passionate about your weirdness as you are, so that you have a healthy outlet for it, rather than having to try not to be weird around people who just don’t get it.
Want to learn more?
For more information about being your true, weird self, check out these resources: