Am I a Furry?

Take this quiz to find out!

The suits, the whiskers, the tails…oh my! The furry fandom is a fascinating community based on love and enthusiasm for anthropomorphic animal characters. Ever wondered if you’re a furry yourself? If you’re looking for a genuine furry evaluation, then this quiz is for you!

Answer these questions to find out if you’re a full-fledged furry, a dabbler, or just a fan!

A woman smiles as she imagines herself as a feline character.

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Questions Overview

1. How do you feel when you see an animal with human-like traits?
  1. Super excited.
  2. Intrigued.
  3. Mildly interested.
  4. Indifferent.
2. Do you ever feel like an animal trapped in a human body?
  1. Yes, for sure! It’s a frequent thing.
  2. Sometimes, but the feeling goes away eventually.
  3. Maybe once, but it was just a passing thought.
  4. Nope. I feel 100% like a human.
3. Would you be interested in going to furry conventions?
  1. Yes! I already go to several cons in full fursuit every year.
  2. Yes. I’ve never been to one, but I’m curious about them.
  3. Maybe, I guess. But I definitely wouldn’t dress up.
  4. No. I didn’t even know they existed.
4. Do you belong to any online furry communities?
  1. Absolutely. The furry fandom is a major part of my life.
  2. Yeah, I’m in the community, but I’m not a super active participant.
  3. No, but I’ve lurked in the forums once or twice.
  4. No, I don’t follow any of that stuff online or IRL.
5. Do you have a fursona?
  1. I definitely do, and it’s a huge part of who I am.
  2. Not yet, but I think I’d like to one day.
  3. No, it’s not for me, but the idea is neat.
  4. Um, what’s a fursona?
6. What do you think about fursuits?
  1. I love them–I wear my fursuit every chance I get.
  2. They’re pretty cool–I’m thinking about getting one.
  3. I respect the craft, but I probably wouldn’t wear one.
  4. I guess they’re fine…as Halloween costumes.
7. Do you watch cartoons, shows, or movies with animals in them?
  1. Of course! That’s pretty much all I watch these days.
  2. Yes, I watch a lot of them, but I like other stuff, too.
  3. Sometimes, but I usually don’t seek them out.
  4. Rarely. I don’t actively avoid them, but they’re not my jam.
8. Have you ever spent time looking at furry art?
  1. Yes, tons! I even have a few pieces on my wall.
  2. A little. I follow a few furry artists on social media.
  3. I’ve seen some furry art, but I wasn’t searching for it.
  4. Nope, never.
9. Have you ever role-played as a furry online or in person?
  1. Yes, regularly. It’s one of my favorite things to do.
  2. Yes, a few times, but it wasn’t a big deal.
  3. No, but I think the idea is pretty cool.
  4. No, role-playing just isn’t my thing.
10. Do you feel spiritually connected to a specific animal or creature?
  1. I feel a deep and spiritual kinship with a specific animal/character.
  2. I feel very drawn to a particular animal species that I like a lot.
  3. I feel a strong connection to all animals, but it’s not spiritual.
  4. I like animals well enough, but my feelings aren’t that deep.
11. Do you have any friends in the furry fandom?
  1. Yes, some of my besties are in the fandom!
  2. Yes, I know a few people.
  3. Maybe one or two casual acquaintances.
  4. No, I don’t have any.
12. How do you feel when someone says they’re a furry?
  1. I feel instantly connected to them.
  2. I’m intrigued. I usually ask questions about it.
  3. I’m interested, but I personally can’t relate.
  4. Nothing in particular–to each their own.

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Fun Facts (and Myths) About Furries

Furries are people who are deeply interested in animal characters–real or mythical–with human characteristics. The furridom (or furry fandom) is a diverse and inclusive community of fans, artists, gamers, and writers who bond over this shared interest. Furry communities can be found online and locally, and the fandom itself is global–there are hundreds of communities worldwide and dozens of conventions held every year all over the world.

Many furries create a “fursona,” or an anthropomorphized animal character version of themselves, and they use this as their avatar in online furry communities. Some furries even wear costumes or furry accessories (like animal ears or tails), but furries do not believe that they’re actual animals themselves.

Despite some negative portrayals in the media, the furry lifestyle is not a sexual fetish, and being a furry has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Generally speaking, the furry fandom is a wholesome community of fans who are dedicated to showing love and enthusiasm for cherished animal characters.

Furries usually identify with one specific anthropomorphic character and their fursonas are based on that character. That said, some furries are hybrids of several animal characters, and others may have multiple fursonas. There are at least 6,000+ types of fursonas, but the most common species include:

  • Feline: Domestic cats, lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, etc.
  • Canine: Wolves, foxes, domestic dogs, jackals, coyotes, etc.
  • Dragon: Any and all mythical dragon types/species.
  • Hybrid: Typically, a combination of the above (like a Dragon/Wolf hybrid).

Furries come in all shapes, sizes, and interest levels, including:

  • Fursuits: These furries make and wear elaborate animal costumes so they can attend conventions, role play online, and live out their fursonas. Some fursuits are casual fans, while others believe their fursonas to be more spiritual in nature.
  • Therians: These folks feel spiritually connected to a specific animal species. Some therians even believe that they were born in the wrong body or that they were an animal in their past life.
  • Otherkin: These are furries who base their fursonas on mythical creatures (rather than real animal species). Many otherkin feel deeply and spiritually connected to their characters.

Want to learn more?

For more information about the furry fandom, check out these resources: