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Plus, how to make your temporary tattoo last longer!
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Temporary tattoos are popular with people of all ages. They’re not painful to apply or permanent, making them a desirable alternative to real tattoos. The steps for applying a temporary tattoo are simple. With a little patience, you can rock a cute transfer or stenciled glitter tattoo with pride. Keep reading for a complete guide.

Applying Temporary Tattoos: Easy Steps

  1. Use soap and water to clean your skin. Dab the area dry with a towel.
  2. Peel off the clear plastic cover to reveal the tattoo design.
  3. Place the tattoo image-side down against your skin.
  4. Hold a damp cloth down over the tattoo paper for 60 seconds.
  5. Lift the tattoo paper from your arm by one corner.
  6. Let the tattoo dry for a few minutes. Moisturize it with water-based lotion.
Section 1 of 4:

Applying a Transfer Tattoo

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Temporary tattoos are made with water-based ink, which means that they’re repelled by skin’s natural oils. Carefully clean the area of skin you want to tattoo using soap and water. Pat the area dry with a paper towel so the tattoo will adhere to your skin.
    • If you’re very sweaty, rubbing alcohol can help cut the grease. Pour a little onto a cotton ball, and then wipe it on the area. Absorb excess with a paper towel. Don’t do this every day, though--you could dry out your skin. [1]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    At this point, your tattoo is protected by a thin layer of clear plastic. Carefully peel this off, starting from one corner. Once it’s peeled, you should be able to see the brightly-colored, mirror-image version of the tattoo you’re planning to apply to your skin. [2]
    • If you’re using a tattoo that’s on a sheet with other tattoos, use scissors to cut around the design you want. Then, pull the plastic cover from the individual tattoo.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Confirm that you want to apply the tattoo to the spot you just cleaned—once it’s placed, you won’t be able to change your mind. Place the tattoo’s design against your skin, so that the white paper backing faces you and the image is touching your skin. Don’t wiggle it around. Just hold it firmly in place while you move on to the next step. [3]
  4. Take a fabric cloth or sponge. Wet it so it’s damp, but not soaking wet, with lukewarm water. Press it firmly against the backing of your tattoo. Hold the sponge or cloth in place for at least 60 seconds. While you’re waiting, try to move as little as possible.
    • As tempting as it is to check on the design, be patient. Waiting will ensure your tattoo transfers fully from the paper to your skin.
    • Set a timer on your phone to help keep track of time.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Set the sponge or cloth aside. Start by lifting a single corner of the paper backing in order to peek at the tattoo. If the image looks blotchy or isn't fully transferred to your skin, put the cloth or sponge back on and wait another 30 seconds. If the tattoo looks good, continue to slowly peel off the paper.
    • Once the paper’s peeled, discard it.
  6. Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes. Resist the urge to poke or rub your temporary tattoo as it dries. Sit reasonably still and don’t move or flex too much to avoid wrinkling or smearing the tattoo. When time’s up, you’re done! Your tattoo should last for 3-5 days.
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Making a Temporary Tattoo Last Longer

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    To make your tattoo last even longer , hydrate your skin by gently patting a bit of thin cream or lotion on top with your fingers. Avoid thick, oil-based moisturizers, like petroleum jelly, which may smear the tattoo.
    • Dust baby powder over the top of the tattoo to make it look more matte (and thus more like a real tattoo.)
Section 3 of 4:

Removing a Temporary Tattoo

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Temporary tattoos tend to fade on their own after 3-5 days as you sweat, shower, and go in the sun. If you want to remove your tattoo before it’s faded on its own, gently rub it away with a washcloth soaked in baby oil or petroleum jelly. Wash any remaining oil residue away with soap and water. [4]
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Section 4 of 4:

Applying a Glitter Stencil Tattoo

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    The process for applying glitter tattoos is a bit different than transfer or paper-backed tattoos, but they still need clean skin to adhere to. Wash down the area you want to tattoo with lukewarm, soapy water, then pat it dry with a paper towel.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Not just any stencil will do! It’s best to get a stencil specially intended for glitter tattoos. These have an adhesive back that won’t hurt your skin too much as you peel them off. They can be found in glitter tattoo kits , or sold separately at party, big-box, or beauty supply stores. [5] Apply the stencil of your choice wherever you want the glitter tattoo to be.
    • Make sure not to stick the stencil to a hairy place on your body, or it’ll hurt to peel off.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    If you’ve purchased a glitter tattoo kit, it should come with a special body adhesive intended for skin; if not, you can purchase body-safe glue separately. Apply a thin layer of the adhesive with a foam paint brush until it covers the skin left bare by the stencil. Then, wait for the glue to dry until it’s almost clear. [6]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Now comes the fun part—getting the glitter on there! Dip a paintbrush in body-safe glitter (any cosmetic-grade glitter is fine). Dab the glitter onto the skin inside the stencil, making sure it covers any narrow corners or curves in the stencil. Have fun and experiment by blending and mixing glitters for a gradient effect. [7]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Once you’re comfortable with the amount of glitter you’ve used, take a corner of the stencil and peel it off the skin. Go slowly, so that you don’t disturb your fresh glitter tattoo too much. [8]
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Apply a Temporary Tattoo
    Once you’ve peeled off the stencil, you might notice a bit of fallout from the glitter. If that’s the case, use a large fluffy brush (a blush brush is perfect) to banish any wayward glitter flecks. It’s probably best to do this over a paper towel or trash can, so you don’t have to pick glitter specks out of the carpet.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How long does it stay on for?
    Community Answer
    It varies depending on where it is placed, how often you shower, and if it rubs against clothing. Under the best circumstances, a temporary tattoo can last around a week.
  • Question
    How can I make the tattoo last longer, even after washing?
    Community Answer
    Try applying a waterproof, liquid bandage over it. This will protect the tattoo from coming off while you bathe. Avoid scrubbing the area too hard however.
  • Question
    Can temporary tattoos damage my face?
    Community Answer
    No, generally temporary tattoos are safe to place anywhere on the body, assuming you do not have any allergies to the materials.
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      Reader Videos


      • Try not to pick at or rub the tattoo if you want it to last.
      • Smaller tattoos are usually easier to apply because there's less of a chance of it smearing when you remove the backing paper.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If you want your temporary tattoo to stay fresher longer, apply spray plaster (liquid bandage) on it. This will protect it and keep it looking brand-new for a while.
      • If you apply your temporary tattoo to your upper arm, be careful not to flex it until it's dry! This could disturb the tattoo and mess it up.
      • Don't slide the paper off. It may ruin the tattoo. Instead, peel it off as if you were peeling a sticker.
      Submit a Tip
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      Things You'll Need

      Applying a Transfer Temporary Tattoo

      • Soap and water
      • Paper towel
      • Temporary tattoo (individual tattoo or tattoo sheet)
      • Scissors (if using a tattoo sheet)
      • Damp sponge or cloth
      • Water-based lotion

      Applying a Glitter Stencil Tattoo

      • Stencil
      • Foam paintbrush
      • Small paintbrush
      • Body-safe glue
      • Cosmetic-grade glitter
      • Fluffy brush
      • Optional: Glitter tattoo kit

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Before applying a temporary tattoo, clean the area you want to decorate with soap and water, then pat it dry, so your skin's natural oils don't prevent the water-based ink from sticking. Next, peel off the clear backing and carefully place the image face side down on your skin where you want it. Using a damp cloth or sponge, press down the backing of your tattoo firmly and make sure it doesn't slip around. For the best results, hold the cloth on the tattoo for at least 60 seconds before you peel off the backing. After you've removed the paper, give your tattoo 10 minutes to dry. Finally, dab a little water-based lotion onto your temporary tattoo, so it lasts as long as possible. For more advice, including how to apply a glitter stencil tattoo, keep reading!

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      • Krizzy Macali

        Aug 15, 2022

        "The instructions are excellent! Do a skin patch test first, especially if you plan to apply one of the larger ..." more
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