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Gemini is a clever, charismatic air sign, and Sagittarius, an energetic, friendly fire sign. These two have great hearts and tons in common, but does that mean they're suited for long-term love? We've consulted expert astrologers and created a full compatibility breakdown. For everything you need to know about the Gemini woman + Taurus man love match, read on.
This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Section 1 of 8:

Gemini Woman and Sagittarius Man in Love

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  1. She’ll drag you to book clubs, refined soirees, and a lecture on 17th-century literature before she’ll sit you down for an emotional deep-dive. Still, you can trust her to celebrate your successes and show up when it counts. She’s whip-smart, a banter enthusiast, and totally unpredictable—and that’s why you’ll love her. [1]
    • What she wants in love: a great conversationalist who’ll help her feel grounded.
  2. He’ll invite you on a “casual” road trip only to pepper you with deep, philosophical questions the entire ride. He’s funny, unrelentingly positive, and genuinely in love with life—so in romance, he’s a total joy. He’ll change your perspective and make you feel completely adored. But he may not always stick around long afterward.
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Section 2 of 8:

Their Initial Attraction

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  1. She can read anyone in about .5 seconds, so when she meets you, she’ll be thrilled to find out you're exactly who you say you are. She’ll love watching you charm every party with your friendly demeanor because she knows your kindness is genuine. Sag, to attract Gemini, focus on being your positive, authentic self.
    • Show a sincere interest in other people’s lives in front of her. “Oh hey, remind me of your dog’s name again? How is she—feeling better?”
    • Be open about your honest opinions, even in groups: “I really meant that! I genuinely believe kids should learn as much art as they do core subjects.”
    • Show her you aren't embarrassed about being yourself. Dance like nobody is watching or show your silly British accent off for friends.
  2. [3] Sag will love that you're genuinely enthusiastic about knife-throwing, free climbing, or whatever activity he's obsessed with that week. He’ll see there’s nothing that doesn’t interest you—academics, art, anything. He'll find this extremely attractive. Gemini, to capture his heart, show off your enthusiastic nature.
    • Thoughtful, unique questions come naturally to you. Ask about his hobbies: "You scuba dive, right? Does breathing underwater feel totally bizarre?"
    • Show him how fascinated you are by random topics: “Interestingly enough, baby rabbits are actually called 'kits.' The more you know!”
    • When he mentions something you're knowledgeable about, jump in and impress him: “Oh, no. DC wasn’t always the US capital. Before that, it was in Philly!”
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Section 3 of 8:

Sexual Compatibility

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  1. This is an extremely compatible pair sexually. You two will be big on experimentation, and you'll love laughing together, too. To connect, focus on mixing it up between the sheets. Keep things super light and fun. With compatibility this strong, you two are bound to have a ball together. [4]
    • Brainstorm new activities to incorporate into your sex life. Think role play, heat play, or power play for an exciting twist.
    • Don’t be afraid to get playful. Try initiating sex by play wresting or lightly teasing your partner.
    • You two are both excited to try new things. Use this to your advantage! Talk through your desires, and you'll find your partner is eager to explore with you.
Section 4 of 8:

Emotional Compatibility

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  1. As two mutable signs, you may prefer jokes, quips, and laughter to serious conversation. To ensure that you don't miss out on deeper emotional intimacy, make an effort to get vulnerable with your partner. Offer them romantic gestures. Show your affection in ways they'll appreciate.
    • Gemini, get spontaneous when you show your love for Sag. Surprise him with his dream road trip, a sweet picnic, or tickets to his favorite concert. [5]
    • Sag, use the written word to show Gemini you care. Write her a love letter, leave a kind post-it on the fridge, or craft heartfelt texts.
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Section 5 of 8:

Communication Compatibility

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  1. Sag is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of exploration, and Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. So in each other, you'll find someone excited to discuss the fascinating, curiosity-inducing wonders of the world. Open up engaging conversation regularly. Seek out romantic backdrops for your amazing talks. [6]
    • Ask your partner an exciting, open-ended question: “If you had to spend the rest of your life living where you are now, how would you feel? Why?”
    • Support and build on your partner’s observations: “Yes! I agree. I feel like astrology is so complex. It would take so long to really become an expert…”
    • Travel to beautiful locations with no plans but to have great conversation. If possible, go for mountain views, open meadows, and starry skies.
Section 6 of 8:

Trust Compatibility

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  1. [7] In each other, you'll find the ultimate non-controlling, self-sufficient partner. But even once you fall for each other, you two may struggle to jump into real commitment. Talk through your goals and expectations for the relationship. Really reflect on what you want from each other and be clear about those desires.
    • Talk about your needs and hopes: "After taking some time to think it through, I've realized that I do want this to be a real, committed relationship."
    • Reflect on whether you’re ready to get serious: "It's scary, but I think I'm finally ready to be exclusive. I only want to be with you."
    • Only make plans and promises that you know you can stick to: "I've thought a lot about it, and I'm ready for this. If you are too, we should go for it!"
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Section 7 of 8:

Shared Values

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  1. She's the hilarious livewire with all the best stories. He's Mr. Congeniality, effortlessly recalling the names of people he's met just once. You two charm everyone—and you have fun doing it. To bond, keep a packed social schedule. Talk each other up in front of friends. Be the most fun couple in the room.
    • Constantly tag along with each other's friends. You'll fit in perfectly, and your partner will love watching you connect so easily with their favorite people.
    • Flatter your partner at social events: "Has Rosie mentioned that she's doing a marathon next month? Meanwhile, I can barely run to make the bus..."
    • Liven up the room together. Together, you two will enjoy starting group games, including quieter folks, and kicking things off on the dancefloor.
Section 8 of 8:

Final Thoughts

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  1. You two will thrill and fascinate each other, while also totally understanding one another's need for independence. Enjoy the wild, amazing ride ahead of you and remember that to work long-term, you'll have to talk through your issues with commitment. Put in a little work, and this can be an unbeatable match!
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      1. https://www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/gemini-sign
      2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      3. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      4. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a25608919/sagittarius-man-personality-traits/
      5. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      6. https://www.elle.com/horoscopes/love/a2254/gemini-compatibility/
      7. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.

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