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Learn all about the Aries Sun-Taurus Moon combination
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People born with the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Taurus really have a way with words and seem like they can convince anyone to follow their lead. Whether this is you or just someone you know, the Aries-Taurus combination creates a unique blend of confidence and patience. These folks can get anything done! Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about these dynamic and energetic people.

Things You Should Know

  • Aries Sun-Taurus Moon folks tend to be confident and self-assured, but they value security and comfort too much to go out on a limb.
  • An Aries-Taurus person has a reputation for being dedicated and ambitious, but they have patience when it comes to achieving their goals.
  • Creativity and a gift for persuasion mean Aries-Taurus folks tend to excel in business and often make great entrepreneurs.
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Aries Sun-Taurus Moon Overview

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  1. While an Aries-Taurus person can be impulsive, the Moon in Taurus means they tend to prefer security and comfort over taking risks. While they can be ambitious and inventive, they also have the patience to make long-term plans and stick to them. [1]
    • Elements: fire (Aries), earth (Taurus)
    • Planets: Mars (Aries), Venus (Taurus)
    • Modalities: cardinal (Aries), fixed (Taurus)
    • Aries Sun Traits: impulsive, energetic, confident
    • Taurus Moon Traits: determined, ambitious, patient
    • Famous Aries Sun-Taurus Moon People: Robert Downey Jr., Keira Knightley, Elton John, Quentin Tarantino, Saoirse Ronan, Norah Jones
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Aries Sun-Taurus Moon Personality Traits

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  1. Aries-Taurus people are self-assured and make natural-born leaders. Since they're also action-oriented, they make decisions pretty quickly and then immediately follow through. Their confidence and energy ensures that they're persuasive enough to get others to follow their lead.
    • Aries-Taurus folks can take command in any situation. They believe they know what's best and will work hard to achieve any task you put before them.
    • Taurus can have the tendency to be lazy, but the sign doesn't typically have this effect on folks who were born with the Sun in active Aries.
  2. The Moon in Taurus can give an Aries-Taurus person an unusual ability to make commitments and stick to them. Once they set a goal, you can rest assured they'll do whatever it takes to reach it. They can make long-term plans and follow through with incremental, methodical progress.
    • This dedication also means that Aries-Taurus people have immense focus and concentration. They know how to stay on task and get the job done.
    • People born with the Sun in Aries tend to be pretty impulsive, but the Moon in Taurus helps an Aries-Taurus person calm down.
  3. Being born with the Moon in Taurus typically means that an Aries-Taurus person seeks comfort and security (especially financially). This desire feeds their ambitions to be successful, but they're also willing to take a methodical and deliberate approach.
    • An Aries-Taurus person usually isn't going to take unnecessary risks that could result in them losing everything. They calculate risks and usually won't take things too far.
  4. An Aries-Taurus can be quite down-to-earth and caring. Taurus exerts a calming influence over self-focused Aries, which means these natives can be be empathetic and pay attention to the feelings of others.
    • The tactful Aries-Taurus knows how to persuade others without stepping on any toes (the Moon in Taurus gives them strong diplomatic skills).
    • Aries-Taurus folks also tend to be exceptionally polite and friendly—always going out of their way to make other people feel comfortable and at ease.
  5. Aries-Taurus folks have the reputation for being a bit set in their ways. The Moon in Taurus means they value comfort and security, which they tend to find in a well-established routine. It can be quite difficult to convince an Aries-Taurus to change their ways once they get in their groove.
    • An Aries-Taurus person can also be pretty stubborn. Once they've made their mind up about something, you'd be hard-pressed to convince them otherwise—even when they know deep down that they're wrong.
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Aries Sun-Taurus Moon Careers

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  1. This Sun-Moon combo gives these individuals self-confidence and energy that's tempered by caution and patience. They're ambitious, but not enough that they'll throw away security on a long shot. This means an Aries-Taurus person likely has what it takes for long-term success as an entrepreneur.
    • An Aries-Taurus person also tends to have a way with words that can make them a persuasive and effective salesperson.
    • Aries-Taurus folks can also be pretty creative. They might harbor a secret desire to do something artistic, but likely believe a career in the arts is too risky to make that leap.
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Aries Sun-Taurus Moon Compatibility

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  1. Earth signs—Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus—have the sort of grounded patience and caring attitude that tends to work well in a relationship with an Aries-Taurus person. They express their emotions in similar ways and feel comfortable with each other on a gut level. [2]
    • Aries-Taurus people can also feel comfortable around people who were born with the Moon in an intuitive and emotional water sign (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces). These folks are creative and nurturing enough to make an Aries-Taurus feel secure and comfortable.
    • Aries-Taurus folks tend to clash with people who were born with the Moon in Aquarius or Leo. These folks usually don't have the emotional stability that an Aries-Taurus needs to feel safe.
  2. The average Aries-Taurus person is always on the move—mentally and physically. Their desire for stability means they want a long-term relationship, but the person they're with needs to be someone who's capable of hanging at their level.
    • Vedic astrologer Tara Divina notes that people born with the Sun in Aries "usually want people that can keep up with them mentally... so that they get to feel like you're moving forward together."
  3. When it comes to making a commitment, an Aries-Taurus isn't one to to rush into anything. They tend to be loving and caring and are willing to take their time on a relationship that will go the distance.
    • Astrologer Angel Eyedealism emphasizes that your typical Taurus person is "also very sensual. Not so much sexual, very sensual... very touchy-feely types, for sure."
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Aries Sun-Taurus Moon Woman

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  1. She's determined and ambitious, but she's not likely to step on others to meet her goals. Instead, she wants to look after others as well and make sure everyone around her is well taken care of.
    • Strengths: gentleness, humility, poise
    • Weaknesses: can be stubborn, may be prone to fits of jealousy, sometimes acts impulsively
    • In Love: seeks emotional stability, can be caring and nurturing, looks after her partner's needs
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Aries Sun-Taurus Moon Man

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  1. An Aries-Taurus man tends to be active and energetic. He's a natural-born leader, but he prefers to "show" rather than "tell." He doesn't convince people to follow him—he makes them naturally want to follow him because they know he'll look after them and won't leave them behind.
    • Strengths: determined, sensible, motivated
    • Weaknesses: can be slow to trust others, may come across as rigid or inflexible, could seem arrogant
    • In Love: looks for long-term stability, sensual and loving, affectionate
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