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A tripod is a three-legged camera stand that stabilizes your shot. Using the tripod can help you take sharper photographs, even in poor lighting. There are many brands and models of tripod on the market, but most of them attach to the camera in the same way. Read on for a basic description of how to attach a camera to a tripod.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preparing the Tripod

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  1. Most modern cameras are tripod-capable, but some smaller cameras are not. The tripod mount is a small hole with screw threads located on the bottom of the camera; it is usually about 1/4 inch in diameter. If your camera isn't tripod-capable, you will be unable to mount it to a tripod.
    • Most small cameras of the "point and shoot" variety have 1/4-20 UNC threads. Some larger, professional cameras may have 3/8-16 UNC threads.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Attach a Camera to a Tripod
    The camera plate is the piece that fixes the camera to the tripod. Look for a quick-release clip or lever that will unlock the camera plate from the main body of the tripod. There are many ways to connect a camera to the main body of your tripod. However, almost all tripods use a detachable camera plate to make it easier to mount your device. [1]
    • You don't technically need to detach the mount from the tripod. However, this step will make it much easier to screw the camera onto the tripod.
    • Make sure that the plate on the tripod features the same size screw as your camera. Not every camera is compatible with every camera plate. You may be able to buy a new camera plate that fits both your camera and your tripod.
  3. Adjust the legs so that they stand stably on the ground. Release the tensioners on the legs, and raise them to the height that you need them. You can technically attach a camera to the tripod before you set up the tripod – but your camera will be safer if you set up the base first. If you extend the legs, check that they are securely locked in place before you mount the camera. [2]
    • Your tripod does not need to be absolutely level. It should, however, be balanced enough that the tilt isn't noticeable. Leveling is more important if you're taking panoramic shots and stitching multiple frames together into one image.
    • Some tripods feature a built-in bubble level that helps you stabilize the rig. Otherwise, you can always buy or borrow a small level.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Mounting the Camera

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Attach a Camera to a Tripod
    The camera might screw directly onto the tripod; you might need to clamp it into place; and you might need to tighten screws to hold the camera steady. Look for a threaded hole in the bottom of the camera. If your camera screws directly onto the tripod, then the camera plate (tripod mount) should have a matching screw. Twist the pieces together until they are snugly joined.
    • Some tripods will have a small screw-head on the underside of the plate. In this case, tighten the screw-head from the bottom of the plate instead of twisting the plate itself onto the camera.
    • The connection should be snug, but not over-tight. Too-tight screws can put stress on the mounting system, which could in turn damage your camera or tripod. [3]
  2. Some tripod heads use a clamping mechanism rather than a simple screw. Some use a clamp to supplement the screw. Place the camera gently between the clamps, then find the tightening mechanism. You will likely need to tighten screws or twist knobs to make the clamps fit the camera. Adjust until the device is held securely in place.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Attach a Camera to a Tripod
    If you removed the camera plate for an easier attaching job, make sure to re-attach it so that you can use the tripod. Pull back the quick-release lever, fit the mounted plate onto the tripod head, and release the lever. [4] When in doubt: simply reverse the steps you took when you detached the camera plate from the tripod.
    David E. Elkins, Cinematographer and Camera Assistant

    When mounting a camera to a tripod, first attach the quick release plate securely to the camera's tripod socket using the provided screws. Set the plate into the quick release clamp on the tripod head, with the knob positioned to the right. Tighten the clamp just enough to grip the plate firmly without overtightening.

  4. You should be able to swivel the camera on the tripod for pan shots, but you can always move the rig to a more convenient spot. Before you take any photos, look through the viewfinder to check that the lens is angled exactly how you want it. Make sure that the tripod is level and stable when you shoot. [5]
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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Attach a Camera to a Tripod
    Check that the camera plate you're trying to connect to your camera was designed to go with your tripod. If you’re having difficulty getting the plate to connect with the tripod, it may be because the plate and the tripod don’t go together. Most manufacturers have their own connection system. You won't be able to mount a camera plate to a tripod if they weren't designed to work together.
  2. If you're still having trouble getting a clear picture on unsteady ground, try hanging your camera bag—or any object of comparable mass—from the center column. This should make your tripod more stable, and it should help minimize the shakes.
  3. Most professional-grade tripods are sold with the legs and tripod head packaged separately. This allows photographers to mix and match exactly the gear they're looking for. [6]
    • If there is no way to move the camera around on the top of the tripod, then you'll need to work around it. Consider getting a tripod head.
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    How do I set up a tripod?
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    Extend all three legs and tighten the little knob things.
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      • If you don’t have a tripod, or you can’t use one for some reason, the way you hold your camera can improve the quality of your pictures. Use both hands: one around the body and one around the lens. Hold the camera close to your body for support. [7] You can also stabilize the camera against a wall; you can rest it in a stable spot on the ground, on your camera bag, or a small beanbag. [8]
      • If you have mounted your camera on your tripod properly and are still getting fuzzy images, consider getting some sort of remote shutter release. Try using a self-timer setting on your camera. You could also check whether your camera has an image stabilization setting. Consider using a higher ISO, a faster shutter speed, or a flash – all of which can help to stabilize images. [9]
      • Try making your own tripod. Even if you can't mount your camera to a tripod, you can try to stabilize your shots by propping the device against fixed objects. You can even build your own stabilization device. Try building a panoramic tripod head, making a beanbag tripod, or setting up a bottle cap tripod.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Camera
      • Tripod mount // camera plate
      • Tripod

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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To attach a camera to a tripod, start by screwing the camera directly onto the tripod plate, using the screw hole in the bottom. Alternatively, you may need to tighten the screw head underneath the plate to secure the camera in place. If the tripod includes a clamp, gently place it on either sides of the camera, and adjust the clamp until it fits. If you’re having difficulty mounting the camera, check to see if the plate you’re using matches with the tripod, since you may be using the wrong type. For tips on how to check if your camera has a tripod mount, read on!

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      Reader Success Stories

      • Sophia Bishop

        Sep 30, 2017

        "I was really stuck with my tripod, It was surprisingly easy to clamp on. Thank you for this article!"
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