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How do you attract a man born under two totally opposite signs like Cancer and Leo? These signs form the Cusp of Oscillation, and guys born here swing between Cancer’s introspective nature and Leo’s need to be in the spotlight. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to captivate both of these signs at the same time. Read on for a thorough guide to attracting your dream Cancer-Leo Cusp man!


Give him a lot of attention.

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  1. The Cancer in him can be a little possessive and needy sometimes, so spend quality time with him and make sure to answer his texts or DMs fairly quickly. The Leo in him will also expect to have all of his affection reciprocated or he’ll feel unappreciated (thankfully it’s not hard to pay attention to this charismatic cusp!). He’ll fall for you when he feels secure with you. [1]
    • Keep most of your focus on him at large gatherings to show you’re more into him than other people in the crowd.
    • Some public touching or kissing satisfies Leo’s love of PDA and Cancer’s need for physical touch.
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Be his biggest admirer.

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  1. Stroke your Cancer-Leo Cusp man’s ego and tell him how good he was in his pickup soccer game or that his homemade pancakes are better than the ones at your favorite diner. Any chance you get to pump him up is a chance to win a little more of his affection. You can tell him he’s the best at anything (even if it’s not true), like:
    • “You’re the fastest reader I know.”
    • “Nobody makes me laugh more than you!”
    • “You’re the best-dressed guy at this party.”
    • If your Cusp man is into you, he won’t shy away from complimenting you as well (and probably bragging about himself even more). [2]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 560 wikiHow readers what they would do if their crush opened up and got vulnerable with them. 88% agreed that the best way to win his heart is by showing empathy, understanding, and kindness (like with a thoughtful compliment, for example!) [Take Poll]

Do something creative together.

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  1. Even if he’s not an artist by trade, your man probably has a creative hobby and enjoys the arts and culture. Suggest something where your Cancer-Leo Cusp man can get in on the action, like karaoke or a painting class (you know he’s meant for the stage, not the audience!). He’ll be attracted to anyone who helps him work out his creative muscles. [3] Try things like:
    • A paint-and-sip date night.
    • Playing instruments or singing together.
    • Taking an improv or acting class together.
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Challenge him to a playful competition.

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  1. Grab his attention by teasing him to complete a flirty challenge. If the prize for winning is your attention, he’ll do anything to get it! If you happen to be competing against him, let him win to give him a little ego boost (at least, this time…). He’ll fall for you over cute challenges like:
    • “I bet you can’t text me 5 selfies by the time you’re done with work.”
    • “If you remember my Starbucks order then you get to pick the movie tonight.”
    • “Last one to the bedroom has to do the laundry tomorrow!”

Let him be the star of the show.

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  1. Look for ways to get other people to pay attention to him when you’re in big group settings or out in public. He loves the feeling of eyes on him and if you help him get in the limelight, he’ll start to love you too. [4] Try things like:
    • Queuing up a karaoke track you know he’ll kill at a packed bar.
    • Asking him to tell a large group a wild or funny story, like “Hey Zach, tell everyone about the time you survived an avalanche!”
    • Declaring him MVP after a recreational sports game (or even a board game).
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Show off your refined taste.

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  1. He puts a lot of value on aesthetics, so keep your wardrobe up to date with the newest trends and do your best to look cool and collected whenever he’s around to catch his eye. He loves great food and a well decorated, comfortable home too. Show him you’ve got attractive, great taste by:
    • Taking him out to the new high-end restaurant in your neighborhood.
    • Inviting him over so he can see your fabulous home art collection.
    • Getting him a trendy accessory as a little gift (if he’s into you, he’ll probably be buying you some gifts too!).

Highlight your love for your family.

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  1. Cancer values his family over almost anything, and Leo is fiercely protective of the ones he loves (picture a lion defending his cubs). Make a point to talk about your family and how important they are in your life. His heart will melt when he realizes you share one of his top values.
    • Make an effort to get to know his family, and introduce him to yours.
    • Share funny or sweet stories about your siblings, family vacations, or holiday traditions.
    • Say things like “One day when I have a family…” or “My future kids are gonna…” to hint that you want to settle down one day.
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Show him your loyalty.

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  1. Cancer-Leo Cusp men get into relationships for the long haul and want someone who will be reliable through and through. Reassure him frequently that you’ll be there for him when he needs you and that he can always count on you. More importantly, show him your loyalty by doing things like:
    • Taking his side when he gets in disagreements (to the extent that your beliefs let you).
    • Ignoring other guys when they try to get your attention around him or ask you out.
    • Supporting him in times of need, like when he’s sick or needs help moving.

Support his career choices.

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  1. He has a hard time committing to a job if his heart isn’t in it, and he might bounce around until he finds a profession he’s passionate about. He puts a lot of effort into his work and is usually very successful, so he’s attracted to someone that supports his endeavors and understands the big time commitment he has.
    • Ask him questions about work to show you’re interested in what he’s working on.
    • Encourage him when he hits a rough spot at work or is looking for a new job.
    • Be there to listen when he’s excited about a new opportunity, or help him unwind after a stressful or disappointing day.
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Humor his mistakes and bad ideas.

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  1. This Cusp sign gets really sensitive when he’s called out or criticized, and he’s most fragile about his creative ideas or suggestions getting shot down. If there are no dire consequences, go along with his ideas to show your support and loyalty. Your reward will be his full, fiery affection. [5]
    • This Cusp sign doesn’t forgive or forget quickly when someone criticizes him. If you need to disagree or give him feedback, be tactful and sensitive.
    • Voice support for him with phrases like “I don’t see why everyone else is rolling their eyes, I think driving through downtown during rush hour is just fine!”
    • Phrase your negative feedback constructively, like “I know you think a surprise party is perfect for your brother, but I think there’s a better way to celebrate his birthday.”

Take your relationship slow.

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  1. Cancer takes a long time to scope you out to see if you’re an emotional fit, and Leo will spend time bragging and glorifying himself to limit the risk of rejection. Rushing him or giving him an ultimatum will push him farther away. Be patient while he summons the courage to open up and confess his feelings and he’ll see you as an attractive potential partner.
    • The wait is worth it because once he’s committed, he’ll be the most loyal and devoted lover you’ve ever had.
    • Ultimately, this Cusp sign is looking for the right partner to build a life and family with. He’ll take his time to make sure you’re the perfect fit for his future.
    • A Cancer-Leo Cusp’s love is unconditional. If you can accept his flaws, he’ll have no problem accepting yours in return.
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Compliment him on his bedroom prowess.

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