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“Opposites attract” has never been more true than with a Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man. Both have strong, unique characteristics that make this unlikely coupling work so well. In this article, we’ll show you how to use your fiery Sagittarian charm to grab his attention and turn your electric attraction into a fulfilling relationship. Read on for a comprehensive list of ways to attract an earthy Capricorn man and keep him by your side.


Talk openly about your inner thoughts.

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  1. Feel free to share your opinions, dreams, and experiences with your Capricorn man. Just be your transparent, straight-shooting self around him he'll relate to what you’re saying. The conversation between you two will drive itself, so don’t try to force anything. [1] Here are a few more conversation tips:
    • State your opinions concretely. Try something like, “I don’t like reality TV” instead of “well, I don’t know, sometimes I don’t think reality TV is for me.”
    • Use his name and make eye contact while you talk so he knows you’re interested in what he has to say.
    • Clear, direct communication wins the day with this sign. If he responds to you in a similar way, it means he’s liking the conversation.
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Wow him with your travel stories.

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  1. He’s normally reserved and practical, but your Sagittarius wanderlust and curiosity will pique his interest in exploring the world himself. Tell him all about your cross-country road trip or your last European backpacking trip and watch his eyes fill with wonder as he considers traversing the globe by your side. Give him exciting details to paint a vivid picture, like:
    • “I had to run through the airport like a maniac with Chanel luggage so I could board on time” instead of “I almost missed my flight.”
    • “I could barely keep my eyes open because all the ice was reflecting the sunlight back up at me” in place of “It was really sunny.”
    • “This all-inclusive resort had me feeling like the tipsy Queen of California all week” instead of “the place I stayed was super nice.”

Be a social butterfly around him.

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  1. As a Sagittarius, you know how to work a room, so invite your Capricorn guy to spend an evening with you and your friends. Let him watch as you dazzle everyone with your charisma and great conversation, and he’ll be dying to get to know you better.
    • Caps are a bit shy and often socialize well only with their few close companions. [2] Take time to bring him into conversations so he can shine too. If your friends are squabbling over what the best wine is, you could say, “John’s dad used to work on a vineyard. Maybe he can settle this debate…”
    • Be careful that your socializing doesn’t look like flirting with other guys. Your Capricorn will retreat back into his shell if he thinks he can’t hold your attention.
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Bring on the jokes.

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  1. As an outwardly funny jokester, you can prod him into loosening up and revealing more of his personality. He has a unique perspective on the world that he’ll share once he feels comfortable around you. [3]
    • Try a joke about current events, like “Can I get a Blue Origin rocket on Amazon?”
    • Or a satirical comment on something in pop culture, like “When I get out of bed, I’m an absolute monster before I have my morning viral TikTok.”
    • Or just ask a whacky question, like “Do you think my new air filter will trap the ghost in my house?”

Filter your candid comments.

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  1. As a Sagittarius, you tend to be honest and a little blunt without thinking (it’s part of your charm!). He’s likely to misinterpret a comment as mean or a joke at his expense, so think before you say something about his appearance or behavior. Keep your thoughts inside if you think you’re at risk of offending him.
    • A Capricorn man is pretty private and doesn’t like to broadcast himself to others. Be careful what you share about him to friends and family, since he might view your harmless talking as gossip about him.

Enjoy cozy nights at home with him.

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Bring him on a trip with you.

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  1. Your Sag wanderlust can’t be squashed, so invite your Capricorn man to join you on your next expedition, whether it’s across the ocean or just a few towns over. It might take some convincing, but if you can open him up to these feelings and show him the world, he’ll be hooked on you.
    • Capricorn is more likely to let loose on a trip if he knows there’s a solid plan to follow. It might not be your style, but put together a travel itinerary to lure him out of the house and onto a flight.

Put equal effort into the relationship.

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  1. The ever-wandering Sagittarius, on the other hand, has a tendency to get distracted and shirk some responsibilities. Make sure he knows you’re putting equal effort into your relationship, even if it means traveling a little less and staying in more. [4]
    • Split everyday tasks evenly too. A Capricorn might grow resentful if he feels he is putting in most of the work towards cleaning, date planning, or unreciprocated favors for you.
    • Capricorn men are usually reserved with their money. If you can, save up a bit and offer to pay for a date or go Dutch to share financial responsibilities too.
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Tell him what you want in the bedroom.

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  1. As a fire sign, you tend to be more vibrant and flexible in bed than his earth sign, who sticks to a few moves that he does well. Simply tell him what you want him to do and he’ll usually be happy to oblige. Sexually, Capricorn and Sagittarius are a good match.
    • PSA about PDA: Capricorn men prefer to keep physical affection in private and get uncomfortable with public romancing or touching. Since you’re more open and affectionate, be conscious of keeping your hands to yourself (until you’re alone together).

Move at his pace.

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Maintain your independence.

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  1. He expects his partner to be too, and this is great news since you tend to thrive in your own life, with or without a partner. Continue being your successful, independent self at work and in your social life. The more you flourish personally, the more seriously he’ll consider you a potential partner.
    • This is good news for Sagittarius women who love to travel and go out. Just remember that you might need to stay in with your Capricorn (or take him along) from time to time so he doesn’t feel neglected.

Work towards a goal together.

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  1. This is a great fit for a Sagittarius woman, who’s full of creative ideas but sometimes lacks the direction to get things going. He’ll feel valuable to you when he helps put your ideas into practice, and there’s nothing you two can’t accomplish when you work together as a team. By the time you hit your goal, he’ll be head over heels for you. [7] Some example projects might be:
    • Training for a 10K race together if you’re both athletic or competitive.
    • A home improvement project, like painting the kitchen or rearranging the living room furniture.
    • Raising money for a charity or nonprofit you both care about.
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Learn How to Attract a Capricorn Man with this Expert Series

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    Are Capricorns hard to get?
    Stina Garbis
    Psychic Astrologer
    Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.
    Psychic Astrologer
    Expert Answer
    A little, yeah! You need to become part of the Capricorn's close circle if you want to have a chance with this sign. They do not socialize well outside of their few close companions and they love these people dearly and naturally miss them.
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