A.J. Jacobs
Crossword Puzzle Expert
- BA, Philosophy and English, Brown University
Professional Achievements
- Bestselling author of “The Year of Living Biblically,” "Drop Dead Healthy", “The Know-It-All”, “Thanks a Thousand", and "It’s All Relative: Adventures Up and Down the World’s Family Tree”
- His new book is “The Year of Living Constitutionally” in which he tries to understand the U.S.' primary document by adopting the mindset and lifestyle of the Founding Fathers
- Contributed several stories to the Moth
- Given several TED talks that have amassed over 10 million views
- Host of “The Puzzler With A.J. Jacobs,” a daily podcast produced by iHeart media, in which he gives short, audio-friendly puzzles to celebrity guests
- Featured in the New York Times crossword puzzle, his name was the answer to 1 Down on March 8, 2014
Favorite Piece of Advice
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Co-authored Articles (7)
How to Find the Answer to the Password Game Rule 14
Learn how to quickly identify the country in Rule 14's randomly generated image The Password Game is a puzzle browser game that prompts you to create a password that requires increasingly complicated rules. While the gam...
How to
Make a Genogram
A genogram is a family map or history that uses special symbols to describe relationships, major events, and the dynamics of a family over multiple generations. Think of it as an extremely detailed family tree. Mental he...
How to Solve 4 Common Metal Puzzles (with Step-by-Step Instructions)
The best strategies and solutions for tricky metal puzzles Metal puzzles are a fun and challenging way to test your brain. But after hours of working through the same puzzle with no results, you may feel a little stumped...
How to
Solve a Wooden Puzzle
Wooden puzzles come in many forms and configurations. The most common are a 3-D cross, a 6-piece star, and a snake cube puzzle. Though the pieces may seem like they’ll never fit together, solving the puzzles is surpris...
What IQ Do You Need to Be in Mensa?
If you want to prove your smarts and connect with other people like you, Mensa could be a great group to join. Since you need to take an intelligence test to become a member, you're probably wondering what it takes to pa...
How to
Become a Jeopardy Contestant
Originally premiering in 1964 with Art Fleming as host, "Jeopardy!" has become famous for its format of giving contestants answers to which they must come up with the correct questions. The modern version that is current...
"Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say": What It Means & How to Use It
A guide to communicating more clearly—while still being kind You’ve probably heard the phrase “Say what you mean and mean what you say” before, but what does it actually mean? Is it good advice? And, more importa...