Amy Wong
Leadership & Transformational Coach
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Co-authored Articles (11)
How to
Make Your Personality Stand Out
Many people want to be noticed and stand out. This can be beneficial at social circles or at work. If you want to stand out, work on becoming more interesting. Read more and explore new places. From there, strive to deve...
How to
Become a More Interesting Person
Do you ever get a sense that you could benefit from a little more passion in your day-to-day affairs? Maybe you'd like to feel more connected to the people around you. While you won't be the life of every party, you do h...
How to
Rebuild Trust
Maybe your spouse cheated on you, your best friend stabbed you in the back, or your co-worker took credit for your idea. On the other hand, maybe you lied to your sweetheart, stole the guy or girl your friend had an eye ...
How to
Get Your Friends to Trust You
Being trustworthy is one of the best ways to be a true friend and gain enduring friendships. Show your trustworthiness by telling the truth and being reliable in your friendships. Support your friends and be there for t...
How to
Have a Balanced Lifestyle
Living a balanced life can help you be more fulfilled and happy. Finding balance is an art, though, and there’s no one correct balance that will work for everyone. To find the balance that is right for you, focus on de...
How to
Earn His or Her Trust Back
Successful relationships aren't free of hardship. If you have betrayed your partner's trust, you may be able to salvage the relationship by earning trust back. Show your partner you are committed and want to mend the rel...
How to
Analyze Yourself
Self-awareness is about knowing who you are at your core, such as values and beliefs, and it is also about knowing your behaviors and tendencies. Being aware of yourself is an important first step in knowing you are as a...
How to
Exude Confidence
Exuding confidence can help you in your personal life, relationships, and the work place. To exude confidence, work on your body language, speaking style, and overall attitude. Make sure to stand tall, use an even voice,...
How to
Be Real
The word "authenticity" is the new buzzword. Everything from jeans to potato chips to historical tours is given the label "authentic," which really just means real. But there is something behind the concept of authentici...
How to
Enjoy Yourself
For many of us, enjoying life is a difficult task. A lot of people rely on external factors to make them happy, but ultimately the change has to come from within. By taking care of yourself and changing the way you think...
How to
Raise Your Self Awareness
Becoming more self aware helps you understand your personality, values, and deepest desires. Additionally, learning more about yourself helps you create your best life and make positive changes to improve your weaknesses...