Angelina Ly
Slime Expert
- BA, Business Administration, University of Washington Bothell School of Business
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Co-authored Articles (15)
How to
Soften Slime
Slime is stretchy and glossy in all the right ways. It's perfect for stress relief, but if you've pulled your slime out of its container only to find it's hard as a rock, don't worry. Fortunately, we have a few tricks up...
How to
Make Slime with Soap
Slime is fun to play with and even more fun to make. There are tons of slime recipes out there, like jiggly slime and magnetic slime, but many of them use ingredients that you may not already have at home. Fortunately, s...
How to
Make Cloud Slime
Cloud slime is a unique type of slime with a fluffy texture, similar to that of kinetic sand. The key ingredient is something called "Instant Snow," but if you can't get any of that, you can use the absorbent powder from...
How to
Color Slime
Making slime is a fun way to pass the time, but it’s even more interesting if you make colorful slime. Food coloring is the most common choice for adding color to slime, but there are other things that you can use too,...
How to Make Butter Slime Without Clay: 3 Best Ways
Learn how to make soft, firm, and jiggly butter slime without clayButter slime gets its name from its soft, buttery texture. You can spread it with a butter knife, and if you add yellow food coloring to it, it can look l...
How to
Make Cornflour Slime
Making slime with cornflour (also known as cornstarch) is a fun way to pass an afternoon or to help relieve stress after a long day. To transform the cornflour into slime, you only need a few household items. Mix cornflo...
How to
Make Iceberg Slime
Iceberg slime is a variation of fluffy slime that has a crunchy top layer, like a layer of ice! Make a batch of plain fluffy slime, then let it sit out for a few days to turn it into iceberg slime. It’s an easy putty-l...
How to
Make Jelly Cube Slime
Jelly cube slime is a kind of clear or colorful slime mixed with firm sponge cubes. This gives the slime a crunchy, squishy texture that is fun to play with. What's more, it's easy to make and uses ingredients that you m...
How to
Turn Putty Into Slime
Turning putty into slime is super fun and super easy. Start by heating up the putty in some hot water so it becomes softer and easier to stretch and pull. Then, mix in some hand lotion and hair conditioner to change the ...
How to Store & Preserve Slime
Learn how to save slime so it doesn’t get moldyMaking your own slime is the perfect do-it-yourself afternoon project. You can make it from simple ingredients, and then you can play with it for hours. Of course, after m...
How to
Make Butter Slime
Butter slime has a similar smooth and glistening texture similar to butter. Choose a recipe that you have all the ingredients for, measure them into a bowl, and then stir the mixture until it has slimy texture. Make trad...
How to
Make Thick Slime
Thick slime is rubbery, dense, and oh-so-satisfying to squish. With its popping, squeaky sounds and moldable texture, what’s not to love? In this article, we’ll show you the best ways to make thick slime. We’ve got...
How to
Make Jiggly Slime
There are tons of unique and fun ways to make slime, including some delicious edible recipes. But one of the most fun is jiggly slime, which is made from foamy hand soap or shaving cream and some extra hot water. If you ...
How to
Add Scent to Slime
You can add scent to just about any slime recipe. From extracts to baking spices, the possibilities are endless. The key difference is when you add the scent. If you are using a liquid scent, such as an extract or oil, y...
How to
Sell Slime
Slime is incredibly popular right now, and you may be wondering how to make money off of this trend. It’s a simple process, and you only need a few basic ingredients. You can choose to sell slime online or in person, l...