Emmi Kohout
Accent and Speech Coach
- MA, Spanish, University of California - Irvine
- BA, Spanish, University of California - Irvine
- Holds a California Teaching Credential
Certifications & Organizations
- Certified American Accent Coach (The Accent Channel teacher training)
- Winner, 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award (Irvine, California)
Favorite Piece of Advice
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Co-authored Articles (13)
Yep vs Yup: What’s the Difference? (Uses, Synonyms & More)
Discover when to say "yep" or "yup" in texts and conversations Have you seen people use the words “yep” and “yup,” and wondered if the spelling makes any difference? You’ve come to the right place. Overall, bot...
The Transatlantic Accent: Where It Comes From & How to Speak It
The fascinating history (and demise) of a one-of-a-kind accentIf you’ve ever wondered where on Earth that old-timey movie accent comes from, you’re actually asking a really good question. The Transatlantic accent doe...
How to
Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Simple steps to memorize and use the IPA IPA symbols can be immensely useful when learning a new language, as they reveal to us immediately what sounds we should be making.. 04 February 2025. Plus the majority of the s...
How to Talk in a Minnesota Accent
Learn Minnesota slang, sayings, and speech patterns Although most people in Midwestern states have an accent, films like ''Fargo'' have made the Minnesotan accent popular to imitate. Many Minnesotans emphasize long vowel...
17 Different Ways to Say “In Conclusion” for Essays & Speeches
Find the perfect phrase to wrap up your big paper or presentationYour conclusion is a chance to summarize your thoughts and leave a lasting impression, so it’s one of the most important parts of any essay or presentati...
125+ Funny English Words That Sound Totally Ridiculous
Plus, what they mean and how to say them Some words in the English language are just plain funny to say. So, if you want a list of hilarious words to give yourself a chuckle or you’re looking to add a dose of hilarity ...
How to
Become a Polyglot
Being a polyglot means learning at least 4 languages and being able to use them in conversation. The easiest way to pick up multiple languages is to master similar languages 1 at a time. Practice often to improve your sk...
How to
Stop Subvocalization
Subvocalization is a normal part of reading that helps you comprehend the text better. You may subvocalize by saying words aloud or in your head. Although it's a normal habit, you may want to stop subvocalization so you ...
How to
Understand Canadian Slang
Canadians are proud of their cultural heritage and linguistic diversity, and there are a number of uniquely Canadian slang words that express this heritage. However, Canada is a large country that houses a variety of cul...
How to
Fake a Chicago Accent
Whether you're an actor preparing for a role or a newcomer to the city looking to fit in, you might find it useful to learn how to replicate the Chicago accent. While the accent varies throughout the city, there are a fe...
What Does "Threw Me Off" Mean in Slang? (Plus, When & How to Use It)
Plus, learn where "threw me off" comes from & more related slangYou may have heard “threw me off” in songs or in everyday conversation, but what exactly does it mean? This slang phrase means you’re confused, distra...
What Does “Keep Me Updated” Mean and How Do You Use It?
Learn how to use the phrase formally, casually, and in an email “Keep me updated” is a phrase that is used to let someone know that you want regular updates on what is going on in a given situation. It’s a phrase t...
What "In a Timely Manner" Really Means (+ Alternative Phrases)
How much time you have when you hear "in a timely manner"If you've ever received an email from someone who asks you to do something "in a timely manner," you may be wondering what that means and just how quickly they wan...