Erika Noble
PCIA Certified Rock Climbing Instructor
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Co-authored Articles (4)
How to
Stretch Rock Climbing Shoes
Rock climbing shoes are often sized so they're a size or two too small, in order to best grip the rock. However, if your shoes are too tight, it may be difficult or even painful to climb in them. While you can't stretch ...
How to
Use a Harness for Rock Climbing
A harness is one of the most basic pieces of climbing gear, but that also makes it one of the most important. Your harness is an attachment for your climbing rope and belay device. Before you can begin climbing, you have...
How to
Belaying is a technique of managing slack in a climbing system to safeguard a climber and prevent the climber from taking a dangerous fall. In a standard top rope setting, the belayer stands below the climber as they asc...
How to
Rock Climb
Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up or across natural rock formations or man-made rock walls. It is physically and mentally demanding, and tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility, and balance. ...