Helen Rennie

Helen Rennie is a chef based in Natick, Massachusetts. She is both the owner of a cooking school and the creator of Helen’s Kitchen, a YouTube channel where she teaches cooking techniques and food science to over 560K subscribers. Helen’s classes and videos focus on many topics, including knife skills, fish, meat, poultry, sauces, vegetables, beans, grains, pies, tarts, pastry, pizza, pasta, grilling, and more. She started her cooking career with an internship in Casablanca Restaurant, and eventually earned a teaching position at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. In 2005, she founded Helen's Kitchen, her culinary education business where she teaches people to cook. Since its founding, Helen’s Kitchen has taught 1,000+ students. Helen's cooking philosophy centers on finding creative ways to prepare local ingredients. She teaches cooking classes in her house in Natick with a strong focus on culinary techniques and food science.


  • BS, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Professional Achievements

  • Helen's Kitchen has earned 5.0 star ratings on Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Google
  • Winner, NextUp YouTube Competition 2017
  • Helen's work has been mentioned in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and LifeHacker

Favorite Piece of Advice

Don't forget salt and acidity!

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Co-authored Articles (16)